BARE WHITE trees, only two lightsabers, red and blue illuminate the flurries of snow as Rey and Kylo Ren battle hard. She seemed to be, impossibly, stronger than he is for half a dozen blows, until he finds his strength and fights back. He moves forward and pushing Rey back into the forest. Suddenly a colossal chuck of the forest right behind Rey drops away. Rey is suddenly fighting on the edge of a massive cliff.
"You need a teacher! I can show you the ways of the Force!" Kylo Ren yells.
"The Force," Rey says.
She closes her eyes for a long beat. When Rey opens them, she is centered, fortified, and she pounds back. Single handed swipes, hitting Kylo Ren's splitting saber with incredible force. It's so fast now, so furious, that Kylo Ren falls back, and she attacks harder. Kylo Ren gets up again, but she hits his saber's hilt, his blade goes flying off, tumbling into the snow and she slashes again and again. She hits Kylo Red square in the head and chest. He goes down.
Suddenly a fearful man has a large burn scar slashed across his face. He still reaches for his saber. Rey could kill him, right now. End it with one vicious strike. But instead, she stops. She realizes she stands on a greater edge than even the cliff, the edge of the dark side. The earth shakes, and begins to split.
SHE RAN a hundred feet through the forest to Finn. Who lies near death, not far from where the ground fell. Rey falls to her knees near him. She turns him over and sees his cauterized but possibly fatal wound.
"Finn!" Rey yells, "Finn,"
Tears comes to her eyes as she lifts him. She held his lifeless body in her arms. Snow flurries around them as she cries, holding the body who she just met, who she already cares about. They is no one here to save them, they are going to die here. More trees drop as the planet continues to collapse. As all seems lost, her eyes look up to see lights rise from the newly formed canyon.
It's a ship. The Millennium Falcon. Rey practically drags Finn as she watched the ship land. The ramp came down and within a few seconds, out came Chewie. He grabs Finn and carries him up the ramp with Rey right Rey gets inside the ship, she sees Finn being placed in a cot. Her eyes sees Chewie heading to the cockpit to fly them off the planet. Her eyes also find Amara.
Amara was also unconscious, laying on another cot. As Rey stared at the young woman, she sensed something from her. Rey sensed the pain and heartbreak from witnessing Han's death, but something more. Rey ran into the cockpit to aid Chewie in piloting. The Falcon flies and leaves the planet, as its collapsing. Resistance X-Wings, led by Poe, follow the Falcon.
HYPERSPACE AGAIN, it feels like it's a new norm for Amara. She got up from where Chewie had laid her, her eyes drifting to the wounded Finn. Rey was knelt down next to him. She was going through whatever medical aid they had on the Falcon to help for a little bit. Amara ran her hands through her hair. Her head hurt. Chewie walked over to her, he growled at her and Amara looked up at the big guy. She gives him a sad smile and shakes her head.
"I'm okay," She says, "Just a headache."
Rey turns to her, "Do you need something for it?"
The two girls finally seem to look at each other for the first time since Amara regain consciousness.
Amara shakes her head, "I can make it to D'Qar," She says.
And then when she got up, everything hit her. She stumbled back and her eyes filled with tears. Her eyes dart to Chewie.
"He's not coming back, is he?" Amara asks.
Chewie growls a response.
Amara begins to sob. She sobbed uncontrollably.
Chewie grabs the woman and pulls her into a hug. Amara held onto Chewie and cried. She couldn't control it or stop it.
Rey sat there, unsure if she should leave or not. She doesn't even know Amara, but from their brief introduction, she knew Amara was Han Solo's daughter.
"He was suppose to come home," Amara sobs.
Amara had expected her dad to never die. She never thought of him dying at all, he was the legendary Han Solo. Former outlaw turned Rebel hero.
Rey stood up, "I'll head back to the cockpit," She says quietly and excuses herself.
As Rey walked out of the room, she glanced back briefly to look at the two. Chewie held onto Amara in comfort, Rey could tell Chewie also hurts from the loss of Han but had to be strong for Amara.
THE FALCON has landed among the remaining Resistance ships. People crowding around, celebrating their victory. Poe climbs out of his X-Wing and was being clasped on the shoulders and saying "way to go!" and cheering, Poe knew he needed to be somewhere else. Poe began to run in the direction of the Falcon now landing. BB-8 followed behind his person. When Poe reached the Falcon, he saw Vira there. The two looked at each other and then the Falcon.
The ramp opens. When Amara gets out of the Falcon, she sees them and runs over. The woman hugs the pilot and mechanic.
"I'm so glad you're alright," Vira says.
As Vira and Poe held Amara, they felt her shaking a little. It was as if she was trying to keep her composure. Poe's gaze moves to see Chewie scuttle down the ramp carrying an unconscious Finn.
"Finn?" Poe asks.
Poe breaks away from the hug, Amara doesn't blame him. She turns to Vira. Vira brushes some of Amara's hair behind her ear and gives her a smile.
"Welcome home, Mar." Vira says
Amara nods with tears forming in her eyes.
Medical Personnel and officers meet with Chewie and the unconscious Finn. They usher to get them inside. They claim there is a heartbeat, so that makes not only Poe better, but Amara too. Amara couldn't handle someone else dying today. Amara still with Vira, glanced over to see Rey walk down the ramp. Rey sees Leia for the first time with C-3PO and BB-8 behind her. The crowd cheering, they don't know what everyone on the Falcon and Leia knew.
The two women move to each other, and Leia takes Rey's face in her hands. Despite her heartbreak, Leia is grateful. Leia embraces Rey, to Rey it felt like what a mother would do. Leia pulls back with tears in her eyes, Rey's eyes weren't dry either. Leia turns to her own daughter. Amara nods at her mom with tears sliding down her face. Leia walks down the ramp and meets her daughter by Vira.
Leia leans and kisses Amara on the top of her head, "He was always so proud of you."
After Leia said those words, it was as if a switch was flipped and Amara just started sobbing again in her mother gentle embrace. Rey's eyes glanced at that sight, the sight of a mother and daughter mourning the loss of a father/husband. Rey's gaze slowly moved to Chewbacca, he was sitting on a crate alone. Mourning the loss. Rey moved over and sat down next to him. She held onto the Wookiee's hand and glanced up at him.
A MIRACLE was an understatement. BB-8 approaches R2-D2, who had been long dormant, seems to stirs. And quickly it becomes a sort of reunion for C-3PO to be reunited with his long time friend. As the droids spoke among themselves for a moment, Leia stood alone. She was mourning her husband's death alone. She shakes her head, she knew it in her heart when Han was gone. She just felt it. The thought of Amara witnessing it, it destroyed her. Amara watching her brother kill her father. Leia glanced to where her daughter stood. Amara stood by Rey, though Leia could see Amara's eyes searching for someone else. A faint smile escaping the General's lips. Amara was looking for Poe.
"General?" C-3PO comes over to Leia, "Excuse me, General?"
Leia turns to the droid and she sees not only C-3PO, BB-8, but R2-D2. Leia seemed a bit stunned to see R2 moving after being dormant for so long.
"R2-D2 may contain some much needed good news," 3PO says.
Leia looks at the droid, "Tell me."
Just then everyone was called over to them, all those who were in the command room; Leia, Poe, C-3PO, BB-8, Rey, Amara and a handful of Resistance officers. Suddenly R2-D2 projects a hologram, it was a large navigational map with a specific missing chunk in it. BB-8 beeps at Poe and Poe turns to him.
"Yeah, alright, buddy, hold on-," Poe says.
Poe runs over and removes the ancient data device that Lor San Tekka had given to him before he was captured. He inserts it back inside BB-8, who then projects his map. This map from BB-8 shrinks down to size and the two droids move slightly together. The two holograms unite, fitting perfectly. Everyone reacts amazed. There were cheers and embraces in the room; however, Amara glanced at her mom. Leia put her hand on her heart.
"Luke," Leia says softly.
A NEW DAY for the Resistance. Rey sat in the medic station and looked at her friend. Finn was resting in an I.C.U. pod. His fate uncertain, Rey didn't know the science in fixing him. Rey leans close to him and kisses him on the forehead. She held her head on his for a moment before pulling back.
"We'll see each other again," Rey says, "I believe that. Thank you, my friend."
A cough gained her attention, Rey turns and sees Amara standing there. Amara gives her an awkward smile
"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt." Amara says, "I heard you were leaving today."
Rey nods, "Yes," She says, "You could always come with. He is your uncle after all."
Amara shakes her head, "Luke and I were never really close." She lowers her head for a moment before lifting it, "I was only close to one of my family members and- and he's gone."
Rey stood, uncertain if Amara meant Han or Ben, but then took a few steps over to Amara. Rey placed a hand on Amara's shoulder.
"Well, since you'll be staying here, can you keep an eye on him?" Rey asks, "I don't know really anyone else here."
Amara nods, "Of course." She says.
Rey and Amara share in a small smile for a brief moment, then the young woman from Jakku headed out of the room and Amara follows behind.
"When you do see my uncle," Amara say grinning, "Tell him my mom was right."
Rey blinked in utter confusion, "About what?"
Amara shakes her head with a grin, "He should know what I'm referring to." She says.
After walking for a bit, the two reach the outside of the base. Amara parts ways with Rey, giving her a goodbye hug, and heading off to say goodbye to Chewie. Chewie was doing last minute checks of the Falcon. Leia stands near the Falcon. Rey saw Leia say something to Amara who went over to give Chewie a big hug. Rey walks over and looks at the Falcon, now Leia and Rey stood side by side. Without giving it another thought, Rey walks up to the ramp of the Falcon.
"Rey," Leia says.
Rey turns around.
Leia gives Rey a smile, "May the Force be with you." She says.
Amara looks at Rey as she walks away from Chewie, she sees something in Rey's eyes. Something after her mother said that. That statement filled her up. Making her feel good. Rey only smiles before heading up inside the Falcon. Once Rey was inside the Falcon, with Chewie, it didn't take long for the legendary ship to take flight as the young woman and Wookiee headed off to find Luke. The Resistance all waved her and Chewie off from the ground below, until they could no longer see the ship.
SHE PROMISED to look after him and that's what she did. Amara had found herself in the I.C.U. with Finn for most of her day, with the few times of leaving to get something to eat or use the restroom. Amara looks at Finn's unconscious body from the I.C.U. pod. She frowns as she thinks about everything in the last twenty-four hours. Amara ran her hands through her hair and her elbows rested on her knees. She kept her hands in her hair and exhaled deeply. She closed her eyes for a brief second.
"How is he?" A voice startled from her thoughts.
Amara lifted her head to see Poe by the door, "Uh- the doctors say he has a good chance at pulling through."
Poe nods. Amara watched him move into the room with BB-8 behind him. Her eyes on him as he takes the only other seat available in the I.C.U. room.
"How are you doing?" Poe asks her.
Amara frowns and doesn't answer at first.
Poe shakes his head, "That's stupid," He mutters to himself, "I- I know this must be hard."
Amara looks at Poe. If anyone could understand her right now, it's Poe. He loss his mother when he was younger and like Han's death, Poe's mother died in war.
Amara looks at him, "I don't know how I am," She kept the frown, "I just know I feel numb."
Poe frowns at her response.
Amara kept her eyes on him, "Does it ever get better?" She asks.
Poe subconsciously played with the chain around his neck that held his mother's wedding ring. He had worn it ever since her passing.
Poe shrugs his shoulders looking down, "Eventually, but you never quite feel the same like you use to." He says.
Amara nods, "I kind of assumed," She glanced at Finn.
Poe looked at her as he put the ring back underneath his shirt. He gets up and drags his chair over to sit closer to her.
Poe reached out and placed his hand on her top, that was resting on her knee, and looked at her. Amara looked at him from the simple touch he gave her. Amara felt him interlock his fingers with hers to hold their hand.
"Whatever you need, Amara," Poe says, "I'm here."
Amara gives him a small smile. Amara leans her head against Poe's shoulders as a way to relax against the pilot.
"I know," Amara says.
As Amara leaned her head on Poe's shoulder one thing kept creeping into her head. Her last full conversation with her dad. A conversation that related to Poe. She knew she needed to figure out what she felt about Poe, if there was anything beyond just friendly feelings. She has a strong feeling of wanting to be close to him and hold him. Anything causing him pain or putting him in danger gives her anxiety.
Poe brushed some hair that fell in her face behind her ear. He wrapped his arm around her, a sort of comfort hold. Some time had past. Neither one of them realized it. Hours or so had pasted. But the two had fallen asleep in that position. Poe's arm wrapped around Amara, Amara resting her head on him, and his head leaning on her. Standing by the door of the room was Leia Organa. She stared at the exhausted pair seriously. A frown escaped her lips thinking of what had happened in the last twenty-four hours. So much had happened. The men and women who scarified themselves trying to stop Starkiller Base. The loss of her husband. The loss of her son, again.
But out of the loss came something else, hope. Hope that Rey would find Luke and bring him home. Hope that Amara could rise through his hardship. Hope that the recent victory is what will help the Resistance's stamina continue on a little longer. Leia's eyes had drifted from Amara and Poe to Finn. Seeing the boy resting up was saddening yes, but she had a feeling he'll be fine. Worried about Rey, but alright. Leia's eyes move back to her daughter and her best pilot. A small smile appeared on her lips. Something about seeing them just sleep close together like that reminded her so much of herself and Han. Leia touched her hand over her heart.
This wasn't over, not by a long shot.
- In Serial47 Chapters
Bloodshard: Stolen Magic (COMPLETE)
Magic cannot be given away or rejected; it is as permanent as life itself. Not that I'd know anything about that. Magic is both impossible to obtain and illegal for commoners like me. So when I unexpectedly witnessed a brutal, deadly confrontation between two nobles, I assumed that was the closest to magic I'd ever get. Until I woke up the next morning with the unmistakable glow of power in my blood. My only hope is to hide who I am and somehow discover the truth of what happened that bloody night. And, more importantly, why. ---- 2020 nanowrimo project and [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Completed March 2021
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Limitless Adaptation
Jamie, 19, was walking into the kitchen for dinner when he suddenly found himself walking down a street in another world, a world with a game system. There, he meets a half-dragon, half-human named Adam, who faces adversity in most places, because of his parentage, and not long after they meet, the two of them are forced to leave town, due to Adam's beast nature. In the world of Tielmar, there are species of all varieties, a Class exists for nearly everything, and Skills come in quite a few forms. Jamie starts off with a Skill called "Limitless Adaptation", which supposedly allows him to adapt to any need, but is it really as powerful as it sounds? And more importantly - can it help him survive in a world where his first friend is a reject in all communities? Will Jamie, Adam, and the other friends and teammates they make in their journey find peace, allies, and love? Or will they fall to the powerful Adventurers that soon begin to hunt their team, to claim the bounties on several of its members, a bounty Jamie himself quickly finds on his own head? All of Book 1 is now posted, and Limitless Adaptation is officially done with the decision to rewrite. Credits for the cover go to me. That duck decided it wanted to nest in the flowerpot in front of my bank, so I took a picture of it.
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The Demon's Little Wolf
~NOT EDITED~A princess. The first thing that come to your mind when you think of a princess is someone with the perfect life and a loving family. But, there are always exceptions. An example being Analise Royal, the youngest daughter of the king and queen of werewolves. From being blamed for something that she was not responsible for at the mere age of 5 to being sent away, she had nobody else but herself to depend on. What will happen when she is called back by her family. Did they finally realise their mistake? Or is it for something else? Read to find out how Analise life takes a whole turn.
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The Ritual of the Summoned Ones
When humanity was on the brink and their Gods dying, a desperate attempt was made to save the survivors. A Ritual was created a Ritual so strong that it's survived the end of Humanity, that it survived the end of God's that created it.The Ritual of the Summoned Ones. This a story of one of them. Originally Posted on Webnovel.
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Hadar #Watty2014
Fina is a Enforcers Daughter, she's been harshly trained by her father all her life. On the night of the change, to which you could find your soul mate- Fina finds hers. He's of course the soon to be Alpha, however he doesn't want her. Its not sweat off Fina's back, she's more worried about her Family finding out then being rejected. Her feet carry her to a deeper part of the forest, one she shouldn't of gone into. When things twist and stories become a reality Fina will have to pick what side she wants to be part of.
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Eddie Kaspbrak - Don't let go (sequel to YSM)
sequel to You saved me, which just finished. this is the sequel based on IT chapter 2! tried doing it as accurate as possible but ive only seen the movie once... so I tried! hope you enjoy :)
8 129