INNER CIRCLE of the Resistance were huddled around the map table in the command room. The map table displayed a wireframe hologram of a rolling view of the surface of Starkiller base. With the urgent of this meeting Finn was met with more Resistance members such as Statura, Ackbar, Brance, Snap, Major Ematt, Nian Nunb, and others. Finn, being new, only knew Poe but also faintly knew Han, Amara, Leia, and seemed to be familiar with 3PO.
Poe crosses his arms on his chest, "The scan data from Snap's reconnaissance flight confirms Finn's report." He says.
Snap nods, "They've somehow created a hyper lightspeed weapon built within the planet itself."
Brance turns to Snap, "A laser cannon?"
Snap shrugs his shoulders, "We're not sure how to describe a weapon of this scale."
Major Ematt frowns thinking of the worst, "It's another Death Star."
Amara steps in, "I don't think that's the case, Major." She then hits the a control.
When Amara pressed a button, a wireframe of the Death Star appears. Leia and Han stare at the weapon of their past. The weapon that had destroyed Leia's home and family.
"This was the Death Star," Amara says.
Amara hits another control and the Death Star shrinks. It shrinks and shrinks, as the surface of the Starkiller Base is drawn into a larger image.
"The Death Star looks like minuscule in comparison." Poe says.
Amara points at Starkiller base, "This is Starkiller Base." Shee sighs.
Many people in the room had not seen this image before. It was shocking, stunning even. Han shakes his head, Amara caught glimpse of her father.
"So it's big." Han says.
Admiral Ackbar turns to look at them all, "How is it possible to power a weapon of this size?" He asks.
Finn jumps in, "It uses the power of the sun. As the weapon is charged, the sun is drained until it disappears."
After Finn says that an officer runs up. This officer hands General Organa a datacard. Leia reads over the message with all eyes on her, she frowns.
"The First Order, they're charging the weapon again now." She says, "Our system is the next target."
C-3PO panics, "Oh my." He spoke, "Without the Republic fleet, we're doomed."
Han looks at the hologram of Starkiller Base, "Okay, how do we blow it up?" He asks.
All eyes turn to Han. Surprised to hear him speak up or assuming there was even a shot of surviving this attack.
"There's always a way to do that." Han says.
No one has anything. Leia glanced over at her husband, she grew frustrated through the silence.
"He's right," Leia says.
Han looks to Leia in utter surprise.
"In order for that amount of power to be contained, that base would need some kind of thermal oscillator." Admiral Statura says hesitantly.
Finn nods at the Admiral, "There is one."
Everyone eyes the former trooper. He moves around the hologram to a location of the Starkiller Base. He stood next to Amara, and where he touched the hologram, it zoomed in.
Finn points and says, "Precint 47." He says, "Right there."
Admiral Staura ponders, "If we can destroy that oscillator, it might de-stabilize the core and cripple the weapon." He says.
Major Ematt then says, "Maybe the planet."
Amara glanced at Poe, she saw something in his eyes. His eyes glimmered in spirit. In hope. Poe placed his hands on the map table and looked at the officials with them in this meeting.
"We'll go in there and we'll hit that oscillator with everything we got." Poe says.
Admiral Ackbar seemed to not fully agree, "They have defensive shields that our ships cannot penetrate." He says.
Amara then realized something, "We'd have to disable the shields." She says.
Eyes on her.
Leia looked at her daughter, sort of seeing part of her father in her. Han oddly enough, had thought that and was about to say it.
Amara looks at Finn, "You worked there," She says, "Have anything?"
Finn glanced at her, "I can do it."
Han points at Finn, "I like this guy."
Finn looks at the leaders, "I can disable the shields, but I have to be there, on the planet."
Han looks at the boy, "We'll get you there."
Leia turns to her estranged husband, "Han, how?" She asks.
Han looks at Leia, "If I told you, you wouldn't like it." He says.
Poe looks at everyone, "So we disable the shields, take out the oscillator and we blow up their big gun." He says, "Alright. Let's go!"
EVERYONE MOVED to get ready to set out on this important mission. Pilots were inspecting their crafts, making sure everything was up to par for this battle. Mechanics, like Vira, were making adjustments as crews fuel the jets. Ground controllers move ships into takeoff formation. Pilots prep their ships, including BB-8, who is being pulled into Poe's X-Wing. Finn approaches Poe. Poe slaps Finn's shoulder as they head off in different directions, Poe goes off and Finn lingers for a moment watching his friend walk off.
Amara steps over to Finn, "Finn," She says, "You coming?"
Finn turns to her, "Uh yeah."
Finn goes in the direction of the Falcon. Amara watched the former trooper head off toward her father's ship, but Amara turns her eyes to Poe.
"Poe," Amara says.
Poe was walking back to his X-Wing and looked at Amara. He and her looked at each other. Amara took a step forward and then stopped.
"I'm expecting you to come back," Amara says, "Come back alive."
Poe looks at the worry in her eyes, "I will," He says, "Are you going with Han Solo?"
Amara watched his gaze, Poe was looking at the Falcon. Amara glanced over noticing Han barking orders at Finn and Chewie. She turns back to Poe.
"Yeah," Amara says, "I feel I need to be there."
Poe nods, "Alright," He says and reached for her hands, "You be careful."
Amara nods at him, "I will."
Amara leans her head on Poe. Oddly enough he does the same. The two adults leaned to the point their foreheads were touching. Poe still held Amara's hands.
From afar, Han looked over. He sees Amara with Poe. The two stood close. Really close. Han knew Poe. Han knew his parents. They were proud Rebels back in the day, and it was no surprise that Poe would follow in their foot steps. Han watched Amara with Poe and realizing that she has grown up. She is no longer a child and is now a woman. Han snaps his attention away from his daughter to his small crew. He had been ordering Finn and Chewie in prepping the Falcon for this adventure.
"Chewie," Han says, "Check out that donal capitator."
Chewie growls at Han causing Han to groan at his friend. As Han turns away from his daughter's direction, he noticed Finn messing with something he shouldn't be.
"Finn, be careful with those," Han says, "They're explosive."
Finn looks up from the crate, "Now you tell me?" He says getting up and walking over to help out Chewie.
Leia comes over. Looking at her husband, looking at the ship. So many memories. So much time had past.
"No matter how much we fought, I've always hated watching you leave." Leia says.
Han looks over and sees Leia, "That's why I did it. So you'd miss me." Han says.
Leia laughed at his comment. He hasn't changed, not one bit. Leia moved up closer to him. He doesn't stop her.
"I did miss you," Leia says.
He looks at her, "It wasn't all bad, was it?" He asks, "Huh? Some of it was- good."
Leia turns her gaze to their daughter and then to him, "Pretty good." She says, "You still drive me crazy."
Han placed his hands on her shoulders. A feeling that made them think of thirty years ago, a different time. A more simpler time than this one. Both of them knowing there was a possibility that he won't make it back. Han pulled her into a hug. He held her for dear life.
"If you see our son again, bring him home." Leia says.
Han says nothing. As he held his wife, his eyes move up. Now he sees his daughter staring at them, she was close to them. Han pulls her back and gives Leia a smile. Leia looks from Han and then to Amara. Leia gestures for Amara to come over. Amara did and was embraced by her parents. Amara was in the middle of the hug, feeling smashed in the middle but she didn't care.
"Be careful," Leia says.
Han nods, "I'll look after her."
They part from the hug. Han noticed Chewie and Finn grabbing things for the Falcon, and then he glanced back to his wife and daughter. Leia had her hand on Amara's cheek and giving her a big smile.
"I'm proud of you," Leia kisses the top of her head, "May the Force be with you, Amara."
Amara nods and gives her mom a smile, "May the Force be with you, mother."
THE MILLENNIUM FALCON had a cozy cockpit. Han and Chewie piloted them through lightspeed, and Finn and Amara sat in the seats behind the two pilots.
"How are we getting in?" Finn asks Han.
Han briefly glances at him, "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through."
Finn looks at Han, "We're gonna make out landing approach at lightspeed?" He turns to Amara, "Is he being serious?"
Amara looks from Finn to her dad, "I think he is."
Chewie growls at his seat, his growl was his confirmation that this was in fact the plan. A plan that seems reckless on all counts, everything that screamed Han Solo.
"Alright, Chewie, get ready." Han says.
Chewie growls as his responds to Han. Han studies the panel indicator, and then glanced at his furry friend.
"And now!" Han yells.
Chewie and Han his switches. The Falcon's environment shifts instantly from lightspeed to planet atmosphere. Suddenly flying a hundred feet above the snowy, rocky ground and heading for a thick forest. Inside the cockpit was chaos. Chewie growling at Han, a mixture of Finn and Amara shouting at Han, and Han yelling at the kids.
"Dad-!" Amara yells.
"I'm pulling up!" Han screams at them.
Amara closed her eyes and felt her hands squeezing onto the seat tightly. She wasn't even sure this was going to work out, sure she trusted her dad's piloting skills but this was insane. The Falcon has no time and it plows through the tree and then rises. Inside the cockpit, there are alarms blaring as the ship slams through branches and shots toward the sky. Han tries his best to steer and Chewie growls at him.
"I get any higher, they'll see us!" Han yells at his friend.
And the ship dives again back into the trees. The Millennium Falcon hurtles out of the forest. From an eruption of branches and pine, the ship dives and slams into the snow. It digs through a thousand yards of white until it finally comes to a canted stop, half buried in the snow.
Han turns to the younger adults in the cockpit, "See, we made it." He says.
Amara glanced from the front windshield to her dad in the pilot's chair, "Barely,"
WALKING THROUGH the snowy terrain was Han, Chewie, Finn, and Amara. They were lucky the Falcon landed close enough to the base, but still covered to not be noticed. Finn led with Han behind him then Chewie, who carried a black duffel, and lastly Amara. Amara could tell it was freezing, even with here warmer jacket and clothes to keep her warm. She was not use to this temperature and probably would've preferred Jakku's weather or D'Qar than this.
"The flooding tunnels are over that ridge," Finn points out as they all duck for cover behind an abandoned watchtower, "We'll get in that way."
"Alright," Han say and pants from their endurance through the weather, "What was your job when you were based here?"
Finn kept his eyes on the horizon without looking at any of them. He frowns at the realization of having to admit it.
"Sanitation," Finn says.
Amara looks at him, "Did you say sanitation?" She asks.
Before Finn could reply, Han grabs Finn by the back of his collar. He throws the poor former trooper up against the old watchtower.
"Sanitation?" Han asks, "Then how do you know anything about disabling the shields?"
Finn looks guilty, "I don't," He admits, "I'm just here to get Rey."
Han's expression contorts even further, "People are counting on us!" He yells, "The galaxy is counting on us-!"
Amara tries to interject, "Dad, let go of him." She says.
Finn pushes Han off of him, "Solo, we'll figure it out! We'll use the Force!" Finn yells.
Han looks like he might blow up from frustration. He wanted to smack Finn and a few other things because right now he was on this base with no real plan.
"That's not how the Force works-!" Han yells.
Chewie growls and Han turns to his friend.
"Really?" Han asks, "You're cold?"
Amara groans and shakes her head, "Guys, we don't have time for this." She says.
Amara looks from them to the sun above them, the sun which is getting dimmer and dimmer as time passes. The longer they stand here and argue the more powerful the First Order's weapon will be.
Finn nods, "She's right," He says, "Come one,"
Finn leads the group in the direction of the tunnels, Amara was right behind Finn and the two older smuggles were behind the younger adults.
It takes several minutes to get to the tunnels, and when they got to them Finn warned them it'll be dark in there so for them to stay close. Finn stays in the lead, as he guides them through the tunnels. With being in the darkness, it felt like it was taking longer. Amara could only hear Finn's breathing and foot steps, she could hear her father grumbling behind with a small growl from Chewie.
"Alright," Finn finally speaks, "I am going to try and use the code for this door, but if it doesn't work out we might have some company."
"Just do it," Han says annoyed, "We haven't got all day,"
Finn nods, despite them not being able to see him. He uses the code on the door in front of them. And suddenly the door opens. They were given access to the main tunnel. Finn poked his head out, checking if the coast was clear. He turns and now that there was light seeping into their tunnel, he grins at them.
"We're good," He says.
They walk out into the hallway and head in the direction of the elevator. They all get inside the elevator, and then the door shut behind them.
"I didn't expect that to work," Finn says.
Amara glanced at him, "Hey, I'm just glad it did."
The elevator stops on the main floor of the building, and without warning the transport comes at a stop and the doors opens revealing a masked trooper.
"Hey-!" The trooper exclaims.
Chewie fires his crossbow, gunning down the man immediately. Amara watched as her father was holding his blaster and it seems Finn was also armed. Amara reached over and grabbed her blaster out of its holster. They all enter the corridor just outside of the elevator. Amara glanced over and saw Chewie dragging off the body out of sight, Amara sees Han and Finn looking around. Han glancing at Finn.
"The longer we're here, the less luck we're gonna have." Han says, "The shields?"
Finn glanced at Han and says, "I have an idea about that." Finn says and turns to Chewie, "I'll need you two to take cover while Chewie grabs someone for us."
"Kid?" Han asks.
Amara looks at her dad and then to Finn, "Alright."
Han and Amara moved to hide around the edge of the corridor. They were staying out of sight, while Amara leaned forward she saw Chewie and Finn near their entrance. Amara briefly saw silver and pulled her head back. Coming down the hall was Captain Phasma. Amara had heard of this captain before, heard only rumors. And none of them were pleasant. Suddenly Phasma was t-boned hard and fast shoved into the abandoned hallway corridor. Amara and Han poke out, seeing Chewie holding the very tall trooper at gunpoint. Han kept his blaster out as he walked over to his pal and Finn, Amara was closely behind.
"Remember me?" Finn asks.
The woman's helmet turns to look at Finn, getting a good look regardless if they could see her eyes or not.
"FN-2187," Captain Phasma says.
"Not anymore," Finn says aggressively, "The name is Finn and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now, Phasma. I'm in charge."
Amara looks at Finn. The troubled look in his eyes. The woman trooper must've put him through some kind of hell, something Amara wouldn't be able to understand. Han stepped over and reached for Finn's blaster, he was trying to calm down the former trooper. Han didn't need Finn go off the wall and get someone hurt or worst blow the mission.
"Bring it down," Han says, "Bring it down."
Finn looks at Han and nods. Agreeing to the smuggler, Finn lowers his blaster and then turns to his former captain.
"Follow me," Finn says.
CONTROL WERE in front of Captain Phasma. Phasma was in front of the workstation with blasters still to her head, well helmet. All three; Chewie, Han, and Finn had their blasters aimed and ready. Amara was keeping watch by the door, glancing over every few moments.
"You want me to blast that bucket off your head?" Finn asks, "Lower the shields."
"You're making a big mistake," Captain Phasma says.
"Do it," Finn says.
Chewie growls at the woman. Phasma hit a few more buttons, the controls beep. The words saying SHIELDS DISABLE INITIATE were on a screen.
Finn glanced at Han, "Solo,"
Amara almost looked over, she only referred to Solo as Captain Solo. But she knew that Finn meant her father. It seems to be the only thing the former trooper wants to call him.
"If this works, we're not going to have a lot of time to find Rey." Finn says.
Han looks at him, "Don't worry kid, we won't leave here without her." He says.
The controls beep. The words SHIELDS DISABLED are on a screen. Both men look at each other and then to the woman they are holding at gunpoint.
"You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy," Captain Phasma says, "My troops will storm this block and kill you all."
"I disagree," Finn says and turns to Han, "What do we do with her?"
Amara saw Finn look at her. Amara shrugs her shoulders. How was she suppose to know, she was just look out.
Han pondered and then asks, "Is there a garbage chute?" He asks, "Trash compactor?"
Finn smirks, "Yeah, there is."
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