AMARA KNEW better than to expect him to stay around after this. He wasn't around before, just barely, and after her brother he just faded into a memory. Arriving back to D'Qar, Amara noticed Finn fidgeting nervously. She also noticed BB-8 being a bit anxious, well as anxious as a droid could be.
Amara looks at Finn, "You okay?"
Finn looks at her, "Y- Yeah," He says.
Then the ramp lowered in their transport, first one out was BB-8 and after that was Finn. Amara quickly ran out after them and that didn't surprise her mother. BB-8 speeds through a crew of people, almost knocking some over. Finn runs after but slows down to watch BB-8, at this moment Amara was behind Finn. BB-8 rolls over to a pilot getting out of the black marked X-Wing. The pilot takes off his helmet, revealing it was Poe.
Finn gasped in shock.
Poe sees BB-8 and a big smile appears on the man's face. He drops to his knees and basically hugs his droid. Such a warm reunion. It appears BB-8 was telling Poe things, because the pilot lifted his head and was looking in the direction of Finn and Amara. But Poe's eyes only made contact with Finn.
"Poe," Finn started to move, "Poe Dameron-!"
Poe gets on his feet and begins to run over. The two men moved to each other and embraced in a tight hug. Amara stepped over, not wanting to over step anything.
"You're alive!" Finn shouts.
Poe pulls him back, "So are you!"
Finn looks at Poe in utter confusion, "What happened to you?"
Poe looks at Finn, "What happened? I got thrown from the crash, woke up at night. No you, no ship, nothing."
BB-8 rolls over, nudging against Amara's leg, and begins to beep at them. Poe's gaze moves from Finn to Amara to his droid, and lastly back to Finn.
"BB-8 says that you saved him," Poe says.
Finn shakes his head, "No, no, no. It wasn't just me." He claims.
Poe grins at Finn, "You completed my mission, Finn." He slugs Poe on the shoulder and then noticed something, "That's my jacket?"
Finn goes to take it off and return it to Poe, but Poe stops him. He shakes his head at Finn while giving him a smile.
"Keep it. It suits you." Poe says, "You're a good man, Finn."
Finn nods and then has a serious expression on his face, "Poe, I need your help."
Poe's eyes narrowed, "What is it?"
Finn sighs and looks defeated, "My friend- she also saved BB-8, was taken by the First Order. Taken by Kylo Ren."
Poe tensed at the mere mention of his name. BB-8 makes a sad sound as the droid rolled over to Poe's side. Amara stepped next to Poe and was looking at Finn.
"Why would he want a girl?" Amara asks.
Finn looks at Amara and reveals a lightsaber, "That's why." He says.
Amara looks at the saber, "Whe- Where did you get this?" She asks.
Finn allowed Amara to take it from him, both Poe and Finn were confused on why Amara was so shocked to see this saber.
"On Takodana," He says, "Maz had it and Rey found it."
Poe looks at Amara, "What's so special about that lightsaber, Amara?" He asks her.
Amara looks at them, "This is- is my uncle's lightsaber." She says.
Poe looked at Amara shocked, "What?"
Finn looks at Amara then then to Poe, "Wait- so she's not only a Solo but she's related to Luke Skywalker?" He is trying to understand it all.
Amara nods, "Alright," She begins to move and turns to see the men not moving, "Come on, we gotta speak to my mother."
Finn gives Po a confused look, "Her mother?"
Poe nods, "The General."
MOVING FAST through the Resistance base was Finn, Poe, and Amara. Amara leads them to their makeshift command center or war room, it was buried deep among vines and roots. When they arrive there, they see Leia. Leia stands with a group of Resistance officers, including Admirals Ackbar and Statura.
"General Organa," Poe says, "Sorry to interrupt, this is Finn, he need to talk to you."
Leia turns to the boy. This Finn fellow. She had heard about him briefly from Poe's debriefing, his assumptions that Finn may had died in their crash. She also heard of him from her estranged husband. Former trooper, eh?
Leia takes Finn's hand, "And I need to talk to him. That was incredibly brave, what you did. Renouncing the First Order, saving this man's life-,"
Finn seemed a bit shocked, "Thank you, ma'am." He shakes his head, "But- But a friend of mine was taken prisoner-."
Leia nods, "Han told me about the girl, I'm sorry."
Finn seemed shocked that Han had told Leia. Amara was not, her eyes dart from the conversation happening in front of her to notice her father. He was elusive, keeping himself at arms length.
"Finn's familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system. He worked on the base." Poe interjects.
Leia turns from Poe to Finn, "We're desperate for anything you can tell us." She tells the former trooper.
Finn looks at Leia, "That's where my friend was taken-," He says, "I've got to go there, fast."
Leia nods at him, "And I will do everything I can to help, but first you must tell us all you know." Leia told him.
HAN SOLO glanced at the girl, no woman, walking over to him. Amara stood in front of him. Han grunted and then pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against.
"So when did you discovered you could use the Force?" Han asks.
Amara shrugs, "A few days ago," She says, "It just happened one night through a vision."
Han nods.
"I saw him in the vision, dad." Amara confessed to her father.
Han looks at him, his eyes narrows at her response.
"He saw me in that vision," Amara says, "And he knew it was me."
Han frowns and steps over to his daughter. He pulls her in for a hug. Holding her tightly and then he kissed the top of her head. Han isn't much of a touchy feely kind of man. He did show his children some form of affection, but it was hard for him. His own experiences in life, the loss he's had, it made it hard to give his children what they needed. Amara held onto him.
"It worries me more knowing what you can do," Han says, "I liked it better when you weren't a Jedi."
Amara pulled away, "I'm not a Jedi," She says, "I can use the Force, not well but manageable."
Han doesn't say anything. He just lowers his head in a slump. Amara lifts his head with her hand on his chin, once his eyes are on her, Han sees her smile.
"I may not be strong like him in the ways of the Force, but I'm not him." Amara says, "This is my home. My family. And I won't turn my back on it."
Han placed his hand on her shoulder and rests his head on her forehead. Han pulls back and sees C-3PO by Leia showing the map to Luke. Han moves pass his daughter and heads over there. Amara turns her gaze and noticed it as well. Amara stepped over and stood next to her father.
"General, I regret to inform you, but this map recovered from BB-8 is only partially complete. And even worse, it matches not charted system on record. We simply do not have enough information to locate Master Luke." 3PO says.
Leia sighs, "I can't believe I was so foolish to think that I could just find Luke and bring him home."
Amara frowns at her mom's tone. She wanted so badly to have her mom reunited with her brother. She wants to see her uncle, wants to ask him questions that she could not understand.
Han spoke up, "Leia,"
Leia turns to her husband, "Don't do that."
"Do what?" Han asks tilting his head.
Leia begins to head off, "Anything." She replies.
Han looks from C-3PO and then follows after her. Amara, for whatever reason, wanted to be there, she wanted to see what was going to come of this.
"I'm trying to be helpful!" Han shouts at her.
Leia stops and turns to him, "When did that ever help?" She begins to walk again, "And don't say the Death Star."
Han stood there and sighed. Amara stepped over next her father. She looks from where her mom walked off to to her father. She crossed her arms on her chest and tilt her head at her father, slowly he made her gaze.
"You know she missed you," Amara says, "A lot."
Han nods, "I know."
"I missed you a lot too." Amara says.
And then Amara turned away and walked off.
AMARA STOOD by her mother in the Resistance base. She watched her mother move from person to person, talking about a plan. Some sort of plan. She was waiting for Finn's information, he was getting it into the system.
"Mom," Amara says.
Leia looks at her. Leia was about to say something and the same went for Amara, but they heard someone coming over, it was Han. Han only looked at Leia. He stepped rather close to her and didn't seem to want to talk too loud for others to over hear them.
"Listen to me, will you?" Han's voice sounded gentle, "I know every time you- every time you look at me, you're reminded of him."
Leia looks at her husband, "You think I want to forget him?" She asks, "I want him back! I want Amara to have him back!"
Amara frowns.
Han looks at her with sympathy, "There was nothing we could've done," He sighs, "There was too much of Vader in him."
"That's why I wanted him to train with him," Leia's eyes cast to Amara briefly, "It's why I wanted both of them to train with him. I just never should have sent him away. That's when I lost him. That's when I lost you both."
Han gazed to his daughter before his wife, "We both had to deal with it in our own way. I went back to the only thing I was ever good at."
Leia forced a smile, "We both did."
Han glanced to Amara, "I'm sorry I left you like that, Amara." He says, "You needed me and I wasn't there."
Amara stepped over and held her dad's hand, "It's okay."
Han shakes his head, "No it wasn't. It wasn't also fair for us to keep what happened to your brother a lie."
Amara glanced to her mom, "I know, but I understand now. You were both afraid of what could happen to me." She says.
Han sighs and looks at Leia, "We lost our son, forever." He says.
Han looked upset, no beyond upset. He looked lost. Amara reached over to her father and held his arm as a way of support.
"No," Leia says, "It was Snoke. He seduced our son to the dark side, but we can still save him. Me. You." She turns to Amara, "Amara."
Amara was a bit shocked to hear that. Amara hadn't expected her mom to believe there was a possibility of Ben still being in there. Sure, Amara wanted her brother home but at the same time she didn't know if she could look at him after what happened to Poe.
Han glanced from his daughter to wife, "If Luke couldn't reach him, how could I?" He asks.
"Luke is a Jedi, you're his father. There's still light in him. I know it." Leia said.
FUNNY THING is no matter how much Amara tried to understand this new connection to the Force, she was thrown a curve ball. She stood in the Resistance command center, staring at her mother and father from across the room. Amara turned her head behind her, hearing or rather sensing something. Amara closes her eyes and exhales.
Suddenly when Amara opened her eyes she was standing next to Kylo Ren. He seemed to be in some quarters of some sort. Amara turns to see him turn his head to look at him.
"You figured it out," His voice sounded different in the mask, "You know who I am."
"Yes, I know exactly who you are, Ben." Amara says.
Kylo Ren turns to her and held his hand out to choke her or something, but does nothing. Amara merely did what he wanted, she flinched back. Her eyes widen and stared at his hands.
"I am Kylo Ren!" He yells, "Ben Solo is dead."
Amara shakes her head, "My brother is still in there." She says softly, "I know he is."
Amara took a single step forward and went to reach her hand to touch his hand, but slowly lowered it.
"I know you," She says and then touched his arm, "You know me."
Kylo's helmet looks from Amara's hand and then to her. His face being covered made it hard to tell if her words meant anything to him. She wasn't nearly as gifted as her brother.
"You fear me," Kylo Ren says, "You are terrified."
Amara shakes her head, "Fearing you? No. Am I terrified, yes."
Kylo Ren tilt his head, "What are you so afraid of?" He asks.
Amara looks at him, "I'm afraid of loosing the people I care about. I'm afraid of letting down a lot of people."
Amara let go of him and took a step back.
"This is war, Amara. You need to let go of the childish notion that everything will be okay, because it won't be." Kylo Ren says.
"I don't want to fight you," Amara says.
Kylo Ren tilts his head and then begins to circle around Amara. He watched her as he walked around her, eyeing her.
"I sense potential in you," He says, "You could become far more than another Resistance solider. You can become more power than our pathetic parents."
Amara says nothing and watches him.
"We can join forces," Kylo Ren says and stops in front of her, "Rule side by side."
Amara sees him offer her hand. He looks at her, through the helmet. Amara could not see his eyes. His eyes being what Amara could probably read the most of him.
"I said I don't want to fight you," Amara says, "But that doesn't mean I'll betray everyone I care about and join you."
Kylo Ren lowers his hand, "You made a foolish choice,"
Amara then watched Kylo Ren lift his hand again and Force shove Amara. Amara was thrown back into the wall of the quarters she was in.
Amara opened her eyes, back at the Resistance base. Her back against the wall and her eyes scanning around, she saw her father coming over. Han jogged over and knelt down in front of her, placing his hand on the side of her head and looked at her for an injury of something.
"What happened, kid?" Han asks.
Amara's eyes went from her hands to her father, "I had a chat with him," She says, "He's a bit more brooding than before."
Amara tried to lighten the mood but knew Han was still worried. He stroke her hair and pulled her into a hug for concern.
Amara looks at her dad, "I'm okay," She tries to assure him.
- In Serial1672 Chapters
Sylver Seeker
After fulfilling the duty all arch necromancers are tasked with, Sylver Sezari was not expecting to ever wake up again. But he did. And after crawling his way back into the land of the living, he’s alive once again. In a strange land, a strange time, and with a strange floating screen in front of his new face. Either through plan or chance, he’s alive again, and planning to enjoy himself to his heart's content. -The story isn’t grimdark, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. There will be lighthearted and positive moments, as well as some sad ones. That being said, it’s a whole lot more light than dark. -This is a LITRPG story. Chapters are published every 2 days at 21:00 GMT. Author’s note:-It can get very GORY. I’m somewhat desensitized to gore and violence. So while the story isn’t full of gore for the sake of gore, it can get a little too descriptive.-The MC is a necromancer, so corpses and decay, and all the things that come with it, will be mentioned from time to time.-I’m a huge fan of Egyptian, Slavic, and Greek mythology, so expect quite a bit of that. That said, so much is altered, you’ll be hard-pressed to guess how exactly it is being used.-Despite being ‘immortal’ the MC can die. In the event he does, the story doesn’t end, simply time skips forward. Which in some cases is going to be worse than just dying.-I love plot twists, as much as I love red herrings and Chekhov guns. Deus Ex Machina’s not so much. Cover: https://angshumandhar.artstation.com/projects
8 219 - In Serial238 Chapters
Marked for Death
A deathworld version of the Naruto setting, a team of missing-nin fleeing from Mist into Fire, and one disaster after another. What could possibly go right? MfD is a quest that has been running on SufficientVelocity since 2015. Velorien and I co-author it and he has agreed to let me re-post his chapters here. "Quest" in this context means that after every update the readers vote for what they want the protagonist to do next. SV updates on Thursdays and Sundays.
8 163 - In Serial18 Chapters
A Girl and her Goat
Chloe Yinara, she’s a countess, she expects to be a marquis in due time, she’s a mage, and she’s staring at a black goat that appeared in the summoning circle when she called for a familiar and took more power to summon then she could have possibly provided on her own. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ There has been a major edit of the first 11 chapters, so anyone who enjoyed the story but couldn't take the spellchecker and other grammar mistakes should give this another shot. I can’t promise that there will be no grammar mistakes, but they will be less common and far less egregious. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes. First for those of you looking at the fact that this story has both the Harem and Female Lead tags I am pleased to relieve your concerns, or disappointed to inform you depending on your tastes, this will not be a reverse harem, Chloe has no romantic interest in boys. Second, I was hesitant to add the Anti-Hero tag, but Chloe certainly dances on that line. Just to prevent any misunderstandings, even when blood and treachery abound and Chloe is at her most amoral this will primarily be a light hearted story.
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Living With Jared Padalecki
When 16 year old Charlie Hannigan loses her mom in a car accident, she must go live with her aunt. Fortunately for her, that aunt is married to Jared Padalecki, the star of Charlie's favorite TV show. - WARNING: lots of swearing
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Life Poems
"The poems I write needs to be read one day."Copyrights themangostyles 2016
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Ciel x Reader- Dreams of Who We Used To Be
During the day, you're a 13 year old street preformer, trying to earn enough money to keep your six year old brother alive. But when the sunsets, you become a skilled assassin that has never been doubted as the best. And you've got your next target.Ciel Phantomhive.
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