《birthday present | bakudeku》Happy Birthday, Eijiro!


The birthday boy answered with a puzzled look. Izuku internally chuckled. The broccoli thought that red head may be confused since everyone knew that the gifts are supposed to be opened later at night before the birthday boy goes to bed. On the other hand, Eijiro was having second thoughts about opening the gift, though knew he had no choice in the matter so he took it from the blonde's hold and unwrapped the awaiting present. When it was opened, his features contorted into a confused expression, making him even more confuse than he already was. He scratched the back of his head then reached for the mic beside him.

"It's empty."

As soon as the word registered to mind. A wave of sadness came hitting him like a bullet train. Tears began pooling at the corner of his orbs, he closed his eyelids for a moment to prevent it from falling.

'Izuku Izuku Izuku calm down, don't let emotions get ahead of you. You can't lose composure now! You practiced this in front of the mirror multiple times, don't do it. Don't you fall now.'

His eyes fluttered open, he glanced to his bestfriend giving him the most happiest smile he could offer.

"Oh... Its empty?"

In their 8 years of relationship, neither boys shed a tear, they were happy with each other or at least that's what the broccoli thought. With that one word, the tears he fought to suppress for three years, finally trickled down his freckled cheeks. "Eijiro... It's empty because my gift for you is beside you. Katsuki is the present." His voice cracked. Even though tears are streaming down his face, he kept smiling.

'I'm throwing you away before you throw me away, Kacchan.'

The room fell silent, the loud music stopped. The stillness in the room was broken only by the faint noise of rain hitting the window and the pavement. Izuku glanced towards the huge window at the side, there it was, the rain.


'You're such a liar, Kacchan.'

Izuku glanced back at the audience. Izuku watch as everyone's eyes dilated, they stood frozen from their places, some mouths were trying to utter a sound but can't, some gasping, and some are completely wide open from shock. A shocked Katsuki and Eijiro gazed at the greenet's orbs. He smiled at them with his eyes closed, he couldn't look at them, it hurts him to look at them.

"Uraraka-san, do you know anything about this?" Shoto, who seemed to be the first one to recover from the shock asked the brunette.

"I don't. What about you guys?" Uraraka glance at the rest of the Deku squad, they all shook their heads.

There was no one that didn't knew that Izuku is close with his squad, there was nothing he didn't tell him. The squad knew Izuku like the back of their had or so they thought, because now, to them, the person standing in front of them wasn't the Deku they know. It was a fighter giving up the very thing he's fighting for, he's giving up his treasure.

A few seconds has passed and almost everyone had recover from the shock, they all fix their gaze at the person in front, eyes filled with confusion and some are pity. Quiet, that's what they are right now. They wait patiently for the next thing he was going to say.

Izuku took a deep breath, his smile still intact, the tears he didn't bother wiping, dripped down his features. He gripped the mic tightly then spoke, his voice cracking between words. "I know... I know what you guys have been doing behind my back. I knew, because... I've been always watching the both of you. The constant exchange of longing looks you gave each other. I saw the constant exchange of quote on quote I love you's when Kacchan forgot to delete his message. How Kacchan drunkenly called your name when i picked him up drunk from work. It's like watching a love story but the main character isn't me, it's you, Eijiro. I was quiet... I wasn't blind."


Like the rain outside, Izuku's eyes did the same, his tears continued to flow uncontrollably like a broken dam. It didn't help that the DJ decided to play "Can i be him" from James Arthur in the background. Hearing the song tore Izuku's already shattered heart into even smaller pieces. The overwhelming sadness was too much that it was getting difficult for him to breathe but he didn't let that stop him, he's not done, he has to say what he has to say, or else the unsaid will stay with him forever. Izuku glanced to look at Katsuki but the blur from the tears prevented him from doing so. He took a deep breath to collect himself, trying to calm his in chaos mind and heart. Then he spoke.

"I was quiet... For three years... Eijiro. For three years! At first i thought it was something temporary but i was wrong. It's obvious that both of you guys don't want to let go, so I'll be the one to. Eijiro... Katsuki... I'm letting go. Because my boyfriend is your boyfriend when I'm not in front of you. I feel like a hindrance between you guys. Sometimes i even wonder if who's the original? As much as it pains me... As much i want to stay beside Katsuki, i also want him to be happy, i also want you to be happy. If you guys being happy means leaving I'll walk out the door with a smile on my face... Because... After all, you guys are part of my treasure. I can see it clearly in his eyes... That he'll truly be happy beside you. Eijiro, I'm leaving it all to you. I know i don't have to tell you but please take good care of him, okay? I'll be here, supporting you guys, unconditionally. Happy birthday, Ejiro!"

A 5 minute speech that seemed to last like forever finally ended. Izuku turned his heel to go down the stage, wiping his tears. The heavy weight on his chest didn't go away. The thought of Katsuki no longer being there when his eyes open every morning made it even heavier. Why is he hurting? He thought he was ready to let go, he really thought he was. That's what only he wants himself to think, who is he fooling? Himself. But in the end, it was only a thought. Then he realize the fact that no matter what Katsuki did, no matter who is he with, he'd still love him. The realization made a pang in his heart. It really hurts, but there's nothing he could do. Letting go is a part of loving a person.

"Midoriya..." A soft deep voice called out to him. He glanced to see his bi colored haired friend and also the rest of the Deku squad behind him. They all wore the same face except for Shoto, pity.

"Deku-kun... Are you okay?" Uraraka-san asked. She placed a hand on her shoulder in attempt of comfort.

"Of course! Why wouldn't i be?" Izuku flashed a bright smile, with his eyes closed.

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