《birthday present | bakudeku》Cowardice


'What the hell did he say just now? Is this fucker for real?' The pomeranian pupils slowly shifted to meet the other males eyes, his emerald orbs laced with all seriousness. The blonde got interrupted by the heart fluttering words that supposedly would give you butterflies but that's not the case with Katsuki. Instead of smiling and replying "I love you too", Katsuki clenched his fists and looked down his bangs made a shadow that covered his eyes. His features contorted into a mix of emotions, anger and disgust. Eyes laced with irritation, he looked back up again, shooting his other half a glare.

'Why would you fucking say that, Deku? He knew how i hated it are you trying to piss me off?'

Izuku flinched at his boyfriend's reaction. Just by looking in his ruby eyes the greenet immediately knew that he shouldn't have said that. The broccoli slightly backed away, glancing around the room refusing to make eye contact. He unconsciously played with his fingers in an attempt to calm his nerves. At this moment he knew he fucked up that he had done something bad. He has never anger his other half like this before.

The greenet gulped and opened his mouth to speak. "..." In so much anxiety and fear he couldn't say anything, the voice wouldn't come out from his mouth. Katsuki scowled at his other half, looking at his emerald orbs. Then he saw it, his reflection in the broccoli's eyes. The irritated blonde came to a realization, he erased the angry expression on his features and his face soften. He slapped his cheeks with both hands snapping himself out of his angry state, each hand leaving a slightly red hand mark on both cheeks.

'Katsuki, what the fuck are you doing to him? You're not supposed to make him scared!' He inwardly scolded himself for letting his anger get the best of him.

The pomeranian gently cupped both of the other male's cheeks, staring deeply into his other half's emerald orbs. "Izuku... Didn't we made a promise not to say that to each other?" Izuku nodded lifting his head up a little to match Katsuki's. Pair of emerald eyes stared back at his lover's amber ones. An apologetic expression painted on the blonde's features. Izuku smiled, the tears pooling in his eyes gave it away.

The blonde scratched the back of his head in irritation and made a long audible sigh. He took both of his other half's hands gently planting kisses on it, he then continued. "If we love each other? We show it to each other, okay?" Katsuki pulled Izuku into a tight yet warm embrace, giving him a peck on the forehead. The greenet leaned closer and returned the hug, gently rubbing his face against his other half's chest in response.


"I'm sorry, Kacchan."

'I'm really sorry too, Izuku. I just can't bring myself to say it. I'm such a coward, I'm really sorry.'

The two embraced each other for a while, not saying anything, just feeling each other's warmth. The pomeranian squeezed the greenet in his arms before letting go. "Now that we're finished we should go, Kacchan." The greenet turned his heel to where the gift is, grabbing the handle of the paper bag where the gift is contained in using his left hand, using his freehand he held out his hand to his other half. The blonde head took his hand, his lips curving upwards. They made their way out of the house.

Izuku watched Katsuki let go of his hand to lock the door. He internally frowned. To him it felt like Katsuki is letting him go, that he's walking out of his life. "I'll lock the door, you go ahead, Deku." With a nod the broccoli went to the car by himself. Shortly after, the blonde followed. He opened the car door, sat on the driver's seat, put his seat belt on, inserted the key into the ignition, and started the car.

During the trip to Kirishima's mansion the two males were dead silent. Katsuki is absorbed in driving, keeping eye on the road. While on the other hand, Izuku who is sitting beside the blonde is just admiring the view that the car passes by, thinking of what could've been if he hadn't said it.

The awkward silence went on until Izuku's phone started to ring. The call was from the birthday boy, the greenet pressed the button to answer and put it on loud speaker.



"We're almost th-"


"Kacchan is the one driving."

Katsuki, who is concentrating on driving overheard the conversation and with no second thoughts whatsoever, he butted in. "Hah? What does shitty hair want now?"

"He wants us to hurry."

"HAh? That stupid shitty hair, he thinks it's easy driving. I'll give him hurry!"


"Shut up. I'll show you."

"You'll drive faster? Great then!"

The greenet took a glance to his phone to see that the call has ended. 'Huh?'

The pomeranian and red head had been communicating and they came up with words that had a different meaning. And Katsuki immediately knew what it meant. He spent a 3.0 millisecond to think, in his mind he has a mental check list to help him make decisions. Every box in the checklist had a check. On the spur of the moment he stepped on the gas pedal, resulting the car to move rapidly.


"Ka-kacchan if you do that we're going to cr-"


With great force, Katsuki pressed on to the gas pedal until it reach to 150 KPH. Izuku felt his lifespan getting shorter as the car kicked off at lightning speed, he held his seat belt tightly for dear life. The car was already going at quick speed, Katsuki somehow miraculously manages to avoid the cars that was blocking his way. 'This is going smoothly, i'm so awesome.' He mentally praised himself. But then suddenly a group of people appeared crossing on the other street. 'Shit, i spoke too soon.'

The broccoli closed his eye shut as he screamed. 'Cause he knew they were about to crash. He felt his heart throbbing in his ears, with an incredible sound and speed. He could've swore his soul left his body.

The pomeranian clicked his tongue as he immediately turn the steering wheel to the side making it hit on a tree. Luckily, the airbags activated on time and it kept them safe.

The green head opened his eyes, assuming he is already in heaven, but it turned out to be wrong when he felt the airbag directly touching his features.

Both males got out of the car and looked at each other with both horror and relief, the two were breathing heavily for air, their hearts pumping really fast, as if they just rode a roller-coaster.

Hearty laughs escaped from both males, laughing to their hearts content as if nothing else mattered. This moment might not mean anything to the blonde but it meant everything to Izuku, he made sure to get a good look at his boyfriend's features and stored the memory in some special place in his heart. After a minute or two of laughter the two were reminded of the party.

"Oh shit." They cursed at the same time.

They examined their surroundings and heard loud music booming from a mansion not so far away from them, it was oddly familiar, they scanned the mansion and saw the red head on the entrance, who had been laughing at the two of them the whole time.

The red head approached them still laughing. "I saw what happened, that was real funny bro!" He said hitting the blonde's back, earning an angry pout from the latter. The birthday boy kept laughing, the pomeranian was used to it so he didn't seem to mind. The blonde was about to utter a word when he got cut off.

"How are we going to go home now?" The green head asked. His arms crossed as he tap his foot. He shot a glare at his boyfriend then pouted to suppress the irritation he's feeling.

"Hey! I got to the fucking party real fast like you dumbasses wanted!" The blonde head said in defense, pertaining to the other two.

"Calm down Midobro, I'll just buy you a new one." Eijiro gently placing his left hand on the greenet's left shoulder. Pulling out a thin rectangular piece of plastic that has his name written on it with a bunch of numbers, using his other hand. The two both knew it has his credit card. The red head gaze at him, his eyebrows going up in down with a wide smirk plastered on his face.

He then continued. "Plus, it's partly my fault you guys crashed, but I'm really glad you guys made it here in one piece!" He said tightly hugging the two, Izuku only chuckled while Katsuki just growled, in their response.

"Now the problem about the car is taken care of let's go inside!!!" Eijiro let go of the two and started patting their heads gently. The two males didn't seem to mind and just let him.

"Wait I'll just get the gift!"

"You better hurry, Deku."

'I hope the gift is okay.' Izuku inwardly pressed his hands together, fingers intertwined with one another and started praying. He prayed that the gift made it in one piece. The greenet got back to the wrecked car, opened the car door, and pulled the paperbag and opened it. The crippling anxiety dissipated when he saw the gift was okay. The broccoli let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Izuku mentally thanked the Gods that the gift wasn't damaged in any way and head back to the two.

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