《birthday present | bakudeku》Red Bowtie


His emerald orbs dilated, followed by an inaudible gasp escaping from his soft lips. He then realized... 'I'm thinking of it again.' Before his mind could think of more sad thoughts, he aggressively shook his head for it to go away.

'Now is not the time to be thinking for such things! You have a birthday to attend to!!!'

He eyed the clock attached to the wall. "We should get going now, Kacchan. It's already 2:47 PM." The broccoli dragged his feet to the door, sat to the side and started putting his shoes on.

"Don't tell me what to do and yeah Kirishima wants us there early." Despite many years of dating, the pomeranian could just never get used to somebody ordering him around, even if it's his boyfriend. The broccoli thought of it as a Kacchan thing, without his ego he just wouldn't be Kacchan. The blonde carefully placed the gift inside a paper bag to make it less hassle to carry.

"Do you have the gift?" The greenet turned to ask, tying the lace on his right foot. Izuku predict that his former classmates will make fun of him for wearing his old looking red shoes. But in all honesty, he couldn't care less. Just like Katsuki and his ego, wearing his red shoes is an Izuku thing. Izuku wouldn't be Izuku if he doesn't wear his shoes whatever the occasion. Izuku thinks of his shoes as a lucky charm, it even has the same color as his partner's eyes. Red.

"Of course i do. After all, I'm the number one best boyfriend in the entire world!" He declared. Lifting the paper bag with his left hand in front of his other half's features. A huge smirk plastered on his face, proudly pointing his thumb towards himself with his free hand.

"Yeah. I couldn't ask for more!" Izuku chuckled at his other half's antics. 'That part of him just never goes away, I'm really glad.' The broccoli's words rang in Katsuki's ears, making his whole face set on fire. It was a first that the blonde turned into a blushing mess. Izuku could've sworn his gay soul melted into a rainbow puddle at the sight. Katsuki turned away in an attempt to hide his flushed face.


"You didn't see anything." The pomeranian growled then pouted though the greenet couldn't see it because he was facing his back.

"I didn't see anything." The broccoli nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head in response.

All of the suddenly the greenet felt a sharp pang on his chest, disappearing quickly as it came. Then it hit him. The negative thoughts that he shook real hard to go away earlier came right back.

'Forget it. Stop. Let's just enjoy this moment we have right now.'

Standing up, Izuku twist the door knob opening it. The sunlight sprinkled at his face, illuminating his features. The brightness made him squint his emerald orbs. He turned his heels to face his boyfriend who is at the door putting on his shoes.

"Is it just me or the sun is brighter than usual?"

"The news said it's gonna be sunny today."

"Oh is that so?"


Izuku just silently stood still in front of the door. His emerald eyes watched the love of his life, his other half, his boyfriend, his Kacchan, put on his shoes. To anyone, it's a shallow thing to get your heart going badum badum but to Izuku every second counts, that's how whipped he is. 'Katsuki, I really love you. I hope you know that.' He mentally said to his boyfriend, his lips curving into a smile.

In a daze, the broccoli remained to stare at his other half. "Oi Deku, what are you staring at? Go in the car, I'll lock the door." The blonde waved his hand in front of a daze greenet. No response, he called his name few more times, still no response. His patience wearing thin, he lightly shook him snapping Izuku back to reality.

"Deku! What the hell? I've been calling you you weren't answering. If you're sick we can just tell Kirishima that we're not going."

"Ah! I'm sorry i spaced out. Don't worry, I'm fine!"

"Are you really?"

"Of course!"

"I swear to All Might if you pass out or something I'll knock you out. Okay now get in the car." The pomeranian ordered, pushing the broccoli to the car.

"No! Wa-wa-wa-wait"

"What is it?"


"You have to wear a red bow tie!"

"Ha? Why would i?"

"Because it's cute!"

"Just because it's--" Katsuki got cut off by his lover who is now pushing him back inside the house. "Shush no more talking. I'll do it for you." Izuku searched for a red bowtie from one of the drawers, once the bowtie is found he removed the neck tie and began tying the bowtie.

First, Izuku made sure that one end of the bow tie was an inch longer, he crossed the long end over the other one, tied the long end around the short, pulled the long end up toward his boyfriend's collar, took the long end again and pull it over the short end, with the bow formed and held in place, he folded the long end to form another bow, took the loop formed by the long end and pushed it behind the short end forming a centered knot, He then adjust the bow by pulling the looped ends of the bow.

"Done!" Izuku said quite proudly, he wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead like he just did something really difficult. He backed away a few inches to get a better view of the bowtie on his partner.

"See? Red looks really good on you!"

'Even though you look good in anything you wear, but it has to be a red bowtie today, it's your special day after all.'

"Whatever nerd." The blonde responded looking away embarrassed.

The broccoli head's pair of emerald eyes widened, his cheeks catching fire. Seeing him blush, and hearing him say the word "Nerd" that he is, reminded him of the time when he was struggling to say his name because the pomeranian was too shy.

A hearty gentle laugh escape the greenet's sweet and soft lips. "It's been a long time since you last called me that." The crippling sad thoughts dissipated from hearing that one word. He had spent a three years feeling down, thinking about his worries and finding a way to solve it, stressing himself at the process. But at the moment he forgot about all of it, he felt at peace.

"Should we go?"

"No, no, not yet. I'm gonna fix your hair, okay? You can't be seen wearing this adorable hair clips i should be the only one to witness this cute side of Kacchan!"

"Whatever you say, Deku."

The broccoli pushed the pomeranian making him sit on a chair, the end of his lips tugging into a small smile. He began to fix his boyfriend's spiky, fluffy, blonde, hair. The greenet giggles as he took away one by one the childish clips on his hair as the other male growls in embarrassment. He unconsciously began to hum a tune as he fix his hair.

The room was dead silent, only the green head's humming echoed in the room. Following after, the green head suddenly became aware of his own heart racing, ringing in his ears, fluttering sensations began to transpire in his stomach, the sensation felt familiar. It was the same feeling at the time when he heard the blonde's confession 8 years ago.

He proceed to fix the blonde's hair while still humming as he reminisce the memories he had store in his brain from 8 years ago, starting back when they first became a couple to this present day. He made a silly smile at the thought.

"Are you done yet?"

"Not yet."

"Are you done now?"

"Haha no, Kacchan."

"What about now?"

After five minutes of trying to style his boyfriend's spiky blonde hair, the green head finally did it. Katsuki's spiky, messy, and fluffy, but attractively looking blonde hair with its natural blonde color from its roots to its ends compliments the black suit and red bowtie he's wearing, he looked like a model that came straight out from one of those top-selling magazine. He was downright gorgeous.

"Done!" The broccoli said quite proudly. He stood proud, his both hands on each side of his waist, proudly raising his chin up. "I did a good job, right?" He asked, grabbing a small mirror, showing Katsuki what he has done.

The pomeranian chuckled. He stood up then patted the other male's cute bushy head lightly. He took a glanced at his watch on his left wrist to look at the time, it was now 2:56 PM. "Took you long enough. We should get going now you said you don't want us to be late. At this rate we'll--"

"I love you."

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