《The Blood Queen》He Knows


I felt a tear slip out of my eyes as the ceremony continued and everyone stood to applaud. I didn't even see their kiss. He knew. Dominic knew. I could see it in his eyes.

As everyone disappeared to the new castle the four brothers had built for the newlyweds, I stayed in the back. I didn't know what to do or say. I was sure he knew. It all made so much sense now. His cold shoulder, his questions. But how?

Helena fell into step beside me and wiped the tear that had slipped from my eye.

"These aren't tears of joy for the newlyweds" she says.

"Helena, I didn't see you at the reception" I say wiping my eyes.

"That's because you couldn't take your eyes off the King." Helena says smiling softly at me.

"I think he knows Helena" I say and she looks shocked.

"Oh love" she says wrapping an arm around me and I hold back any more tears from falling. When we got inside Helena left me to take her position with the newly weds. Henley's face was lit up as she took in the castle around her. At one point she found me and squeezed my hand.

"I can't believe they all did this for us" she says getting all giddy and she laughed and looked around. "I can't get enough of it" she says and I laugh and smile with her. I was truly happy for her. "You could spend your last night here if you want!" She exclaims and I laugh and shake my head.

"This is your castle to break in. I want no part" I say winking at her and she blushes and winks at Charlie's whose gaze hadn't left her.

"It's sad to think the old castle will be destroyed" she sighs and I freeze in the spot.


"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Dominic is leaving once he gives us the Kingdom. I don't know where he's going but Charlie said the castle held the last of his pain and he was letting it go" she says shrugging and I buried my pain as I tried to stay happy for her.

"Of course it'll still be here until tomorrow so you still have a place to stay" she teases and I give a forced laugh along with her.

"May I steal this beautiful woman for a dance" Charlie says stealing his bride and I kiss her cheek and let her go.

After Helena blessed the marriage we all left the newlyweds to enjoy their castle for tonight before the Ceremony tomorrow to crown them. I hadn't seen much of Dominic the rest of the night and for that I was grateful.

When I was back in the castle I took a shower to wash off all proof of tonight. Instead of crawling into bed I sat by the window. Dominic wasn't on the porch tonight and I was grateful as I watched the stars in the sky. Her chants were quiet tonight and I knew tomorrow the skies would be peaceful forever. Opening my nightstand I grabbed the blue velvet pouch and opened it up. I froze when instead of the capsule a familiar simple gold bracelet fell into my hand.

Dominic had found my capsule. It was the bracelet he'd given me on our wedding night. The bracelet I vowed to never take off. The bracelet I left on our bed the night I jumped the cliff.

"I was wondering when you'd find that" Dominic said and I spun around to face him.

"You knew" I said biting my lip and stepping back.

"It takes more than that pendant not to recognize my wife. Your mannerisms, your laugh, your scar" he says walking towards me. "That pendant might hide the magnetic pull but it doesn't hide much else Vienna" he says with every step he takes closer to me until my back is against the wall and his chest is against mine. "I have loved you for five hundred years. I could recognize you if all that was left was the tip of your pinky. I know every inch of you. I've kissed every inch of your skin and loved every part of you" he whispers and my body shakes as I feel too weak to stand. "And you have broke every part of me" he drills the words into my heart.


"You don't understand" I say but before I could explain he cut me off.

"Goodnight Vienna" he says and in a flash he disappeared leaving me in ruins.

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