《The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5》23 - Flipped
Jones simply glares at the father, not happy to see him in the slightest.
"Listen, Jones. If you let me explain maybe we can-"
"No! You're the main reason I ended up getting captured! You sent me out of the place I called home! You took Midas away from me." Jones yells.
Tears begin to flow down his face with the heartache lingering in his gut.
"You made both me, Midas and even Jules miserable. So how come you came here to find me?"
Ares stays silent for a moment before answering Jones.
"...Yes. I made all of you miserable. But I'm trying to make amends with the time I have left." He sighs. "I volunteered to help Foundation here rescue you. It's... what Midas would want me to do..."
Jones calms down a little.
"I understand if you don't want to forgive me. But I can assure you Midas has been okay since you left. We're trying to make things easier between us..."
Ares holds out a hand.
"And one of those things is getting the two of you back together." He smiles a little. "Because I see now how perfect you two are for each other."
The blond hesitantly takes it.
"Okay. I'll trust you for now. But if you're lying-"
"He's not lying Jones." The Foundation buts in, having destroyed the door console and sealed Slone in the other room.
Jones and Ares turn to the leader of The Seven, a thankful and relieved smile on the blond's face.
"Foundation! You came back for me?"
"You promised me Genō. Can't exactly leave you here to die if you hold valuable information to The Seven." He tells him, raising an eyebrow. "Now c'mon. We've wasted enough time talking here."
"Huh, well...love you too buddy..." Jones quietly mutters.
The Foundation and Ares run ahead while Jones sighs and quickly follows after, glad to finally be free from Slone's torture chamber.
"Don't worry golden boy. I'm coming."
The boys round a corner. Jones peeks around it and sees two guards in front of an entrance to The Bridge.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" He asks.
The Foundation puts his visor back on his face and rushes toward the guards. Ares slides beside Jones.
"Charging the guards I guess." He assumes.
"Hah! Great plan!" Jones laughs.
Ares and Jones run after The Foundation as the guards turn around and notice them coming just a little too late. Both get beaten to a pulp and fall unconscious on the ground as the doors open up.
"Here Jones." Foundation says, tossing him a strange looking pistol. "Shoot anyone who tries to stop me."
"Huh? Tries to stop you from what?"
The Foundation grabs ahold of one of the purple cube-like panels used for sending I.O workers on to the island via the Zero Point.
"Taking us to the other side."
Ares and Jones give each other highly confused glances.
What did he mean by 'other side'?
Before either can question the Foundation, I.O guards storm into the room firing their tactical assault rifles. Jones quickly retaliates, shooting the weapon given to him. It fires out some sort of rift and makes contact with a guard and he disappears.
"Oh baby! I am keeping this bad boy!" Jones laughs, taking cover behind the knocked over panel with Ares.
"Yeah, not gonna happen Jones." The Foundation responds.
As Jones continues to shoot the guards, and Foundation fiddles around with the machinery in the panel, Ares stays behind it, pondering his thoughts.
He was worried about his kids and what was going on up above on the surface. Had the evacuation plans been a success?
Was everyone okay?
Were Midas and Jules okay?
His thoughts are interrupted as a painful ache is stabbed through his chest. He clutches his chest and covers his mouth, coughing and hacking up more blood than last time.
"S-Shit... this isn't good..."
Ares' coughs are heard by Jones who turns to him and looks a little concerned.
"Uh, you okay there?"
He notices the blood staining Ares' hand and mouth, but he simply turns around and says...
"I'm okay. Keep focusing on shooting the guards."
Jones hums a little, nodding slightly.
He turns to the Foundation as more guards enter the Bridge.
"Could you maybe speed it up?!"
"You want faster? Help." Foundation says, ripping out two long tubes from the panel.
Jones rifts away two more guards as he responds to the leader of The Seven.
"How is THIS not helping?!"
Ares helps him connect the two tubes together, sparks of electricity coming off it as it powers up.
"Main console. Gyro system. Disable it."
"On it."
Jones quickly backs up to the console, putting the rift weapon in his prison suit pocket and swiveling it around. Only to quickly ask...
"How do I disable it?"
The Foundation groans, pulling out a much bigger gun from his back and shooting it at 5 guards who promptly disappear into a rift.
"We don't have time for 50 questions Jones. Figure it out!"
Ares quickly notices a guard charging towards him and Jones with a bat. However he dodges him and somehow tosses the guard into the Zero Point behind them.
"Ha, figure it out he says." Jones mutters, looking at the buttons on the console. Ares joins him, noticing the strange letters on the keys.
"What kind of language is this?" He asks.
"I honestly don't know anymore."
"Didn't you used to work here?"
"Yeah but it doesn't mean I know everything. I was apparently the dumb one in this order according to everyone but Ramirez and Janice."
Ares sighs.
"Well, that's true..."
Jones rolls his eyes.
"But... you are smart on occasion. That's what Midas tells me. Isn't that why he fell in love with you?"
The blond's frown turns to a smile of gratitude, a slight redness in his cheeks. He turns back to the console and sees a big obvious red button.
"Oh, there we go."
As soon as he presses the ground begins to shake, sending him and Ares back behind the knocked over panel with Foundation.
"It's done." He says, talking through some kind of communicator in his wrist. "Initiate Phase 2."
Back up on the island, chaos was unfolding as the Caretakers get closer to Midas and his friends.
He was absolutely exhausted trying to keep the shield bubble from breaking. But he simply couldn't keep it up and had fallen into Jules' arms as the shield cracks get bigger.
"Midas you need to step down for a moment. You're covered in sweat and look like your gonna pass out." Jules tells him, trying to stop him from getting up.
"No! I...have to protect...the two of you!" He persists, grabbing his staff and pulling himself on to his feet.
Unfortunately he loses his balance and slips back into Jules' arms, the bubble breaking and disappearing. The staff falls on the ground and disappears as well, leaving them defenseless once again.
That is, until Dark Jonesy notices something approaching in the sky.
Right on cue, The Scientist and Visitor had arrived.
"Loopers spotted."
They land in front of them and see the strange looking locked vent behind them.
"That's our way in. Hold off those big guys." The Scientist says, turning to The Visitor.
He nods without a word and begins firing at the Caretakers with laser beams firing from his wrist gauntlets, distracting them and giving the others time to escape.
"Ngh... about time..." Midas grunts, carefully standing up with Jules' help.
"Hey. Be thankful we showed up at all, otherwise you'd probably be toast by now." The Scientist tells Midas while fishing out 4 ball shaped devices and tossing them over to the locked vent.
They fire red lasers, making a square outline and an entry down it.
"Alright people, move it. Get into the vent. I'll follow after."
Jules and Dark Jonesy, still clutching the piece of the blue cube, jump in. Midas pauses with his foot on the edge of it, turning around to have one last long look at the island he called home.
It hurt him knowing that once he jumps through the vent, he'll never see this place again.
The place where Oro raised him.
Where he founded The Agency and became the feared yet respected leader of Ghost.
Where he met the kid that helped him turn into a better version of the good man he already was.
Helping him realize he didn't have to hide things from his family and that he was worthy of love. With a long sigh he leaps into the vent hole, a sad smile on his face. The Scientist turns back to The Visitor with a thumbs up.
"Area secured. See you on the other side."
The Visitor nods, starting the rocket pack on his back and flying back into the sky while The Scientist tosses a bomb behind him and jumps after Midas and the others.
Midas lands on the ground with Jules and Dark Jonesy there waiting for him and The Scientist to show up.
"You took your time." Jules remarks. "What were you up to?"
Midas folds his arms with a sigh.
"Just thinking about the place I was raised by a golden talking skeleton for 16 years."
Jules could tell from his expression that he was genuinely upset about the island he called home being destroyed by something he couldn't prevent. To comfort him, she gives him a warm hug.
"I understand how you feel. It was your home." She mutters softly. "But it's okay. We can help you find a new home, and I'm sure Jones can't be far now we're down here."
At that moment The Scientist lands beside them.
"She's right. Follow me to The Bridge. We'll be safe there."
All three of them follow The Scientist through the rubble and debris, approaching a door that he humbly unlocks himself all while an announcement continues to call out:
Midas can't help but wonder what that meant, but he gets an answer as the floors of the Imagined Order tilt and crumble to the left.
"Woah. This is nuts." The Scientist chuckles slightly. "But it sure is fun to run for your life. Makes great cardio."
"For a member of The Seven, he sure is a joker." Midas thinks to himself.
The four of them reach an entrance to the Bridge. Although it looked pretty destroyed and on the brink of collapse.
"I know another way. Follow me." The Scientist says, sensing the danger of going that way.
Midas looks through the corridor and his eyes widen with tears. Near the doorway was Ares and Jones, looking uneasy. The blond turns his head and notice his boyfriend on the other side.
Ares hears Midas' voice and runs over to the doorway despite the debris in the way.
"Midas! You're here! Quick. Help me move this junk and I'll get you to Jones."
The mastermind could sense the danger of moving the rubble and tries to stop him.
"Ares wait! The ceiling might collapse, it's not worth it! I'll take the other way."
"No. I need to get the two of you to safety. I gotta get the two of you together again!" He persists, grabbing Midas' hands and pulling him through.
The ceiling begins giving out above Ares as the rotation worsens. He quickly notices and shoves Midas into the Bridge, just as the ceiling collapses on top of him.
His breathing hitches as he gets choked up. A soft hand lands on his shoulder though, making him turn around as more tears slide down his face.
The blond opens up his arms, offering him a much needed cuddle. He accepts and Jones tightens his grip on Midas as he softly cries into his chest.
"I've gotcha dude. I got ya." He coos softly. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone like that-"
Jones is quickly silenced as Midas immediately pulls him into a passionate kiss. The blond hums, closing his eyes and putting his hands on his shoulders. They eventually part, catching their breath.
"S-Sorry. I...kinda needed that." He apologizes.
The blond chuckles with a blush, brushing his hand over his cheek.
"It's okay. We're together again. And I promise this time we'll never get separated again."
The two men hold each other close, Jones rubbing Midas' back and him nuzzling his head under the blond's chin, just as The Scientist, Jules and Dark Jonesy enter the Bridge.
"Brother! There you are!" Jules says rushing over and hugging the boys tight. "Jones you're okay!"
The trio huddle together with big smiles. Dark Jonesy shuffles over and joins them, relieved that his creator was alright.
"Ah, you're here. And you brought the loopers." The Foundation breathes in relief.
"Just like you said." The Scientist nods. "The surface is lost but we should all be safe here."
Everyone stumbles with their footing, Jones holding on to Midas tightly. Jules manages to keep her balance while gripping on to Dark Jonesy's shoulder.
"You call this safe?" He asks.
Jules quickly let's go of her brother as she realizes someone's missing.
"Uh, Midas? Where's Ares..?"
Midas shivers slightly, looking over at the pile of rubble. He lets go of Jonesy and dives down to find his father.
"Ares?! Ares can you hear me?!"
To his surprise Midas notices a hand sticking out of the destruction. He moves away the pieces of rock to unearth the top half of Ares. He was still breathing, but he looked very weak and didn't seem like he could move.
"Dad! Hang on. I'll get you outta this mess."
Ares looks down, shaking his head. Jules and Jones, plus the two Seven members, look up at the glass dome above and see cracks forming as a Caretaker that had found its way underwater bangs on it repeatedly.
"Uh, guys?!"
"Midas, just leave me here. It's not worth it to save me now."
"W-What?! No! I'm not gonna leave you here!"
"I don't want you to help me! I want you safe!" Ares yells, flinching in pain. "You're my son. And god forbid you get yourself killed just to save me. I'm already dying anyway!"
The glass gives out and water begins pouring into the Bridge. Jones keeps a tight grip on Jules and Midas' hands as he desperately reaches out for his father, tears streaming down his face.
The water fills the room entirely, forcing everyone to drift up to the surface and leaving Ares buried under the rocks to drown. He closes his eyes with a sad smile...
"Goodbye my son. Please look after yourself... and I hope Jones and Jules help look after you too..."
And with that thought in mind he lets go of the breath he was holding and falls limp, the bubbles leaving his mouth popping.
Meanwhile, far away from the island and out on a boat filled with everyone evacuated, Ramirez and Astra continue to watch for their missing friends.
"C'mon guys..." Ramirez mutters, biting her nail anxiously.
"I'm sure they're okay." Astra insists. "I'm an optimist but also a realist. Midas is strong. He's Oro's chosen. They'll all make it back alive."
As if on cue, four heads appear on the surface of the sea. The girls gasp upon seeing Midas, Jules, Jones and Dark Jonesy alive and okay.
The girls quickly pull them on to the boat, helping them catch their breath. Jones shivers, looking over at Midas who was still holding his hand.
"Thank God. We were beginning to fear the worst had happened." Ramirez sighs in relief.
Midas stumbles on to his feet, taking off his black vest.
"Midas what are you doing?" Jules yells while she catches his vest and Ramirez wraps a towel around her.
"I'm going back down there for my father!" He shouts, diving headfirst back into the ocean.
"Oh no you're not Goldie!" Jones says, jumping in after him.
The blond swims down after him, trying to get a grip on one of his golden hands. He could make out the desperation in his face as he frantically tries swimming back to the Bridge.
Jones finally manages to grab Midas' wrist and spins him around. The mastermind's eyes widen in surprise, not expecting Jones to follow him, and accidentally lets out the breath he was holding. He covers his mouth, as the bubbles pop.
"Shit! Gotta get him on the surface!"
Jones wraps an arm around Midas and quickly makes a dash for the surface.
As their heads break through the water Midas gasps for air, coughing up the water that went in his mouth. Jones pats his back, helping him breathe again.
"Take deep breaths."
"A-Ah. Why did you follow me? I-I-"
"Midas you could have fucking drowned. You were never gonna make it back to the Bridge." Jones tells him. "We just got each other back, and I'm not about to lose you again."
The girls help the two men back on the edge of the boat, Midas continuing to cough and breath heavily.
"But...my father..."
Another familiar voice cuts in.
Midas and Jones turn around to find Marigold and Orelia. The goddess gives him a sorry expression. He buries his head in Jones' chest, hugging him tight. The blond sighs sadly as he and everyone else look over at the island in the distance.
The Cube Queen could be heard yelling in defeat as the crack in the sky closes and the island flips over, trapping her underneath. To everyone's surprise, underneath Apollo was another island.
A new island.
A new home where they could begin anew.
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