《How to Love Fame》Chapter 15


~ Miss Porter ~

In the last two weeks all I've done was shoot my new movie, I didn't go to any public places because Nicole got a lot of hate from my fans. They really liked when I was single. So even if Nicole is a soldier and everything, I didn't want to put her at any risk. I love her. I don't want anything to happen to my girlfriend. Now that the whole world knows, we don't care about getting caught, even tho it was kind of sexy hiding it for a while. And I don't even care that she's my bodyguard, there are no rules that say I can't date her. So I do. And I very much enjoy it.

Now we are in the kitchen, she stood by my side while I was eating and we were discussing the upcoming event. It was a Meet&Greet event with the fans, and I just couldn't avoid going like everything before.

"I still don't think we should go."

"Why?" Seriously, she's asking me this?

"Because sweetheart, I love you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't Diane. Stop worrying please. And even you know you can't keep hiding me from the public." She laughed and I laughed with her.

I got up and put both my hands on her cheeks while looking into her eyes. I loved the shade of grey they had, it was something you couldn't resist. "I can't lose you." I said to her.

"For the millionth time, you won't. You know you can't get rid of me. I'll always be back to annoy you."

We laughed again. "I know, I love you."

"I love you too."

We arrived at our destination and on our way there, Nicole and I, of course, had a make out session in the back of the limo. I fixed my hair and dress before going up the stage and sitting at the desk there. Nicole stood close by me and the fans would come up to the stage in front of the desk I was sitting in, and I would sign it. I forgot to mention there were also other actors from my new movie and their bodyguards, so it was extra safe.


"Can you help me with this?" A slightly, I would say high fan said as she took her basket full of some T shirts, books and pictures of me on the table. Nicole jumped right over to help her.

"Thank you." It was all I heard and the unthinkable happened. In a matter of seconds, the girl took out a knife and shoved it into Nicole's stomach. Nicole yelped in pain, and all the other guards jumped at the situation, one shooting the girl in her leg. Nicole fell down, and I started screaming before running towards her limp body.

"Nicole! Nicole! Please, baby, please."

There were tears in her eyes and she slowly started closing them. I held her in my hands, sitting on the floor, her blood all over me.

"No, no, NO!" I continued yelling before I heard an ambulance approach.

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