《Falling for You ✓ (girlxgirl)》s e v e n t e e n


The rest of the week went by in a blur and although I didn't get to see Haydn much with tests, assignments, and cheer practice we did manage to text every day- about small things though, nothing too serious.

For example, she loved the color blue because it reminded her of the ocean, even though she'd never actually seen it and she stopped eating meat when she was seven because her best friend was her neighbor's chicken. I told her about starting cheer because Logan was being bullied on the team before she became the best, and how when I was 5, I broke my arm and landed up with a cut so bad I still had a scar because after I watched Mary Poppins, I thought I could fly with an umbrella and then jumped out the window of my grandparents' house.

My friends were really excited for me though, our lunch periods were even filled with debates on what I should wear and after going back and forth about it for the week we finally decided on something. After I took a shower, I got dressed in my black skirt and black spiderweb bra before I put on my green angel mesh top. Lastly, I put on my white Air Forces and loosened my curls and although my anxious thoughts were eating away at my self-esteem, I knew I looked good.

The outfit wasn't too over the top, but I'd still look nice no matter what we did. I paired the outfit with four gold chains and hoop earrings, and I felt confident as I did my makeup, singing along Fever by Meg The Stallion on shuffle- I was trying to get hyped up and knew of no better artist to get the job done.

"I'm getting money it is what it is, they wanna know how I did what I did," I mumbled into the mirror as I made sure my eye shadow was blended and added fake lashes.

I wanted this night to go perfectly because, if it didn't then I really wouldn't see her again- there would be no reason to.

But I couldn't focus on that, so instead, I continued to sing along to Meg The Stallion- that was until I heard the doorbell ring and suddenly everything hit me like a ton of bricks. I was about to go out with Haydn, outside of school, without biology to serve as a distraction and if it didn't go well, I was screwed- and I desperately wanted it to go well.

"I'LL GET IT!" I yelled to my parents downstairs as I switched off my music.

I made sure to grab my bank card and cellphone before I threw on a cropped black denim jacket and ran downstairs. I slowed down before I got to the bottom because I didn't want to look too desperate.

"Bye Mama, bye Papa." I called out as I ran past the living room, and I vaguely heard my parents tell me to look after myself and be safe, but I could barely hear anything past the blood rushing in my eardrums.

I wiped my hands on my skirt and took a deep breath before I opened the door, and when I did, I couldn't help but smile. I didn't realize how excited I was until I saw her in front of my house.

Haydn stood biting her thumb as she looked at her shoes, her hair tied in her signature ponytail, but when she saw me she dropped her hands and smiled back. She was dressed in black cargo pants, a black Frank Ocean cropped shirt and a gold chain and earrings with white Air Forces.


"Hi." She smirked and my eyes went back to her gold ones, there was a sparkle there that I couldn't quite place but it did things to my heart.

"Hi," I replied with a smile. "Nice shoes," I commented, and she grinned when she looked down.

"We seem to be on similar brain waves tonight." She smiled and I shrugged.

"It must be all that biology." I joked lately and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Congratulations on that B by the way." She said as I closed the door behind me, and we started walking down to the gate.

"Please, that was all you- it should be me thanking you," I said, and she shook her head with a smile.

"Let's just agree to disagree." She compromised as I opened the gate and as we stepped onto the street a Honda Accord with a Lyft sign in the window pulled up next to us.

"Haydn Moreno?" The middle-aged man asked us, and Haydn nodded as she checked her phone.

"Yeah, that's me. You're James?" She asked and when he nodded his head, she opened the back door and gestured for me to get in.

I climbed in the car and slid across to the other side as Haydn followed in behind me. She and the driver discussed the address- some venue in the city that I'd never heard of- before we drove off and I turned to her.

"So, you're not going to tell me where you're taking me?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Nope, not yet." She smiled and I sighed.

"You're killing me here Haydn." I groaned and she laughed.

"Don't worry, it's worth it." She winked at me, and I rolled my eyes playfully.

We continued to drive for a while, Haydn and I going back and forth playing our favorite songs on the aux and arguing over which ones were better- although our taste was pretty similar. It was almost as bad as when we argued over who was the better 8ball player in those iMessage games- she was of course but I would never admit it.

"Is it okay if I drop you here?" The driver asked, pulling us out of our little bubble where we were debating which Kanye West album was the best one- Haydn stuck with My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy while I defended Graduation, it was ahead of its time.

We looked away from each other and as I looked through the window, I was shocked to see the traffic and the number of people outside, I was even more surprised when Haydn said he could leave us there and we hopped out of the car- just like that.

"So, I didn't want to tell you where we were going before we actually got here because I was worried, you'd say no." She explained, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly before she put her hand into a pouch of her black backpack and pulled out two tickets, handing me one. "I know you love Kali Uchis, you listen to her every time we study, and my friend's dad is actually the stage manager and he got us tickets." She explained but I was still in shock as I read and reread KALI UCHIS on the ticket.

"Oh my God, oh my God, OH MY GOD!" I screamed as I launched forward and hugged her, wrapping my arms around her neck as she caught me, a slight tingling sensation enveloping my stomach as she pulled me closer. "THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY- FUCK I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS," I grinned before pulling away slightly, my hands still on her shoulders, her hands on my waist. "How did you even do this?" I smiled and she shrugged.


"He kinda owed me a favor, I covered his shift at a restaurant a few weeks back. Although it wasn't so bad, met a pretty cool girl." She winked and I blushed as I shook my head.

Who would've thought lol.

"You are amazing," I emphasized before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the venue.

I was so fucking excited to see Kali Uchis Live, she was one of my favorite artists in the whole fucking world and I was going to see her with Haydn- I hopped Blanca didn't skin me alive when she found out.

Haydn and I made our way through the sea of people, into the venue and once I saw the stage with the red-orange light and purple clam shells I couldn't help the smile on my face. The fact that Haydn remembered such a tiny detail meant a lot to me and the fact that she was putting in so much effort even though we were just friends made my heart flutter.

My attention quickly turned from Haydn to the stage as the lights shot up and the music started playing and my eyes stayed glued to the beautiful and amazingly talented woman on stage. I spent the rest of the concert singing along, taking pictures and reminding Haydn of how thankful I was and what I great time I was having. Kali Uchis was a spectacular performer, and I was in awe of her skill and talent.

However, the concert seemed to go by in a flash and before I knew it, we were walking back on the pavement with a smile on my face that I couldn't wipe off and a camera roll full of pictures and videos.

"Thanks again Haydn, I had an amazing time." I smiled as we walked out and she smiled back at me as I felt her hand grab mine, lacing our fingers together. We stopped outside the venue so we wouldn't be in the rain that had started to fall and as a cool breeze blew Haydn pulled me closer.

"Stop thanking me." She said rolling her eyes. "I wanted to do this." She murmured genuinely as her gold eyes looked into my brown ones and even though we were surrounded by hundreds of people and sounds, I felt like we were the only two people on the planet or in our own world.

It was at that moment that I decided I was going to tell her that I liked her, that I more than liked her and that I wanted to be with her and date her- but it seemed like the universe was working against me.

"Oh my gosh, Haydn? I thought that was you." A beautiful Asian girl spoke, practically appearing out of nowhere as I watched Haydn's eyes grow wider in surprise. She was dressed in an all-pink outfit with matching makeup.

"Oh, hi Mae." Haydn nodded with a flat smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"It's been forever, where did you disappear to?" Mae asked as she bit her lip and twirled a piece of black hair around her finger before a light bulb when off in her head, you could see it in her eyes. "Sara is going to freak out, we were just talking about you."

"Sara's here?" Haydn frowned, ignoring her question and Mae nodded with a grin.

"Yeah, of course." She in a "duh" tone. "The whole gang came to see Kali, me, Sara, Adeya, Jaden- we're all here." She smirked before her eyes glanced over at me and turned a little hard. "Who's this?" She asked as she cocked a perfectly arched eyebrow at me, and I didn't miss the protective step Haydn took in front of me.

"I'm Cris, Haydn's friend," I offered, stepping a little around her and Mae smirked as she looked me up and down.

"She's my date actually." Haydn corrected me and Mae's face fell before she smiled just a little while I felt like I was floating.

"Well Haydn and Haydn's date we're going to a party now, you guys should totally come." She said, leaving very little room for argument.

"I don't-" Haydn started but was soon cut off by a whole group of people walking our way, led by a tall girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She had high cheekbones, clear skin and couldn't have been bigger than a size 2- it goes without saying that I immediately wanted to go home, especially when she saw Haydn and her eyes lit up in a way I really didn't like.

"Oh my god Haydn? It's so good to see you." The blonde grinned as she immediately wrapped her arms around Haydn, sizing me up over her shoulder, I didn't miss the way Haydn's hands stayed on her waist as if she was stopping her from coming closer. "Who's this?" She asked in the same way Mae did and glanced at me before she turned back to Haydn as she let go of her.

"This is Cristina, Cris," Haydn said speaking for me, and it was only then did I notice that Haydn had never called me Cris, she'd only ever called me Cristina and for some reason that made my insides warm, made me feel special but that feeling was short-lived when Sara eyed me up and down before she smirked.

"Well, you guys can't go to the party dressed like that." She said looking distastefully at what I was wearing, and I immediately wrapped my arms around my waist. "But don't worry, we can make it work."

"Oh no, we're not going to that party." Haydn insisted and I watched as Sara's face fell but Mae came to the rescue.

"Come on H, we haven't seen you in so long, you have to, it's practically a sign from the universe- you have to come." She said as she pouted but Haydn shook her head decisively.

"No." Was all Haydn offered but that didn't stop them, instead they turned to me.

"Is it cause Cristina doesn't want to come or something?" Sara asked accusingly as she narrowed her eyes at me and I glared back at her, I knew exactly what she was trying to do, and I wasn't about to let her.

"You should go to the party Haydn," I said, and she turned to face me, with an expression that told me she was about to disagree, but I beat her to it. "You haven't seen your friends in a while, they seem to miss you. I'll just take a Lyft back for something." I shrugged and Sara replied.

"Perfec-" She started but Haydn cut her off as she shook her head.

"If you think I'm leaving you Cristina guess again. I'm not going anywhere without you." She said seriously as she grabbed my hand, but I didn't think she was aware she did before turned to her friends. "I'll only go if Cristina does." She shrugged and Mae's face lit up.

"OH MY GOD! HELL YES!" She beamed as she hugged Haydn, the sudden movement causing us to drop our hands and Sara sighed.

I was too nervous to tell them I didn't say yes.

"Well, now that that's settled- let's get you guys ready." Sara muttered before turning around and walking off, the rest of us walking behind her.

I really didn't like her.

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