《Falling for You ✓ (girlxgirl)》e i g h t


"Did you really make me ride the train into the city this late just to come to stand in a line in the cold?" I asked teasingly and Haydn smiled as she shook her head.

We were standing outside what seemed to be a well-known club, Haydn wouldn't tell me what we were doing there but I didn't care, anything was better than that stupid party.

"Has anyone told you that you can be impatient?" She asked playfully and I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, it will be worth it." She winked as we stepped towards the bouncer, and I tried not to let my excitement take over.

"Hey, Carlo." Haydn greeted him as she handed over twenty dollars and he handed her two wrist bands.

"Haydn, haven't seen you around here in a while. Sara will be bummed she missed you." He smiled as he waved us in.

I reached into my pocket to pay her back as she was distracted, putting the wrist band on my wrist, but she quickly saw what I was up to and wrapped her hand gently around my wrist.

"Don't even think about it, Cristina." She smiled as she pulled my hand out of my pocket but instead of letting go, she let her fingers slide down to my hand before she led me down the stairs. I was grateful it was too dark for Haydn to see my face because between her smile and her warm hand holding mine, I was pretty sure I was blushing like an idiot.

I let Haydn lead me down the stairs and into the overcrowded, underground bar and I made sure I stuck close to her as we waded through bodies to get drinks. I sat down on the first available bar stool and tugged off my jacket, we'd only been in there a few seconds, but it was already becoming unbearably hot.

"Let me take this." She said as she took my jacket from me and handed it to yet another friend of hers to keep, only this time his name was Jacob, and he was one of the bartenders. I was smart in taking my money out before she took my jacket because as soon as she ordered the two double vodkas redbulls, and the two shots of tequila I quickly handed my money over to Jacob before she could protest.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, holding the money she was too distracted finding while I took my change from Jacob. "I was supposed to pay for that you know." She pouted slightly and I grinned slyly.

"Don't even think about it, Haydn," I repeated to her, and I watched a small smile take over her face as she shook her head and pocketed the money, not missing the twinkle in her eyes as she did.

"Here you go, ladies," Jacob said placing our drinks in front of us. "Now if you excuse me, there's a man at the end of the bar that I've been dying to take home." He winked before sauntering away.

"He's cool." I grinned before turning to Haydn. "This whole place is cool actually, how did you even find it?" I asked, taking in the walls covered in faded and new stickers and posters.

"Should I be offended at how shocked you are that I know cool places?" She joked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You know what I mean." I smiled and she shrugged as she seemed to think about the answer for a second.


"Well," she started, "when I first moved here, I couldn't really sleep at night, so I started to sneak out and go and explore the city. I think I had just turned sixteen when I found this place, Carlo bounced me five times before he let me in, and I guess it made an impression because I've been coming back ever since." She ended and I smiled as I picked up my shot and lifted it in the air.

"Too good first impressions." I winked and she grinned as she took her shot and mimicked me.

"Neither of us would be here without them." She added playfully and we clicked glasses before shooting the burning liquor down our throats. I grimaced slightly before reaching for my drink and taking a sip, I knew washing down a shot with a drink probably wasn't the smartest idea, but my throat and taste buds felt better.

"So, are you ever going to tell me why you brought me here specifically?" I asked, feeling a little more confident with the additional liquor in my system.

"And why would I ruin the surprise?" She smirked and I shrugged with a sly smile.

"I was hoping you'd enlighten me," I explained before taking a sip of my drink.

I was hoping I'd get to speak to Haydn more but there was no time because as soon as the words left my mouth, the stage grew dark as shadows moved about and within seconds a band had taken their place. They had a weird name, I was pretty sure it had something to do with a fruit and a weird adjective, but I couldn't focus properly because Haydn had pulled me away from the comfort of Jacob and the bar and dragged me into the crowd. The bass from the speakers vibrated in my chest as the crowd cheered and danced along to the sultry and husky voice of the lead singer, but that wasn't nearly as electrifying as Haydn's arm wrapped around my shoulders- both protecting me from the unwanted attention and making sure I don't get lost, or so she told me.

"So is this the type of music you listen to," I asked in laughter as the one band changed to another and I watched as Haydn turned to face me and with the white light from the stage falling across her face, I was convinced for a second that she was an angel- like an actual angel.

"Not really." She smiled. "I actually listen to a lot of different artists; I think only listening to one genre makes people narrow-minded." She explained. "What about you? Did I bring you a little out of your comfort zone?" She asked teasingly as she bummed my shoulder with hers and I blushed as I smiled.

"Nooo," I mumbled shyly before deciding just to be honest instead of trying to impress her. "Yeah, okay maybe a little. I'm not saying that I only listen to one genre, but indie is definitely not something I listen to often."

"Well, it seems like I'm going to have introduce you to a lot of things then." She winked before music blasted from the speakers and once again, we turned to face the band on the stage.

We didn't know any of the lyrics to the song's but that didn't stop us from dancing or singing along and I found myself having a better time than I ever thought. I may not have known Haydn long, but it was hard to describe how she made me feel, it's like my heart doesn't stop beating stupid fast whenever I see her, and I kept feeling those stupid damn butterflies in my veins and whenever she touched me it felt like I was on fire- but in a good way.


"So how did you like it?" She asked as we finally exited the club at around 03:30 am, it only took Haydn seeing a single yawn before we were saying our goodbyes and heading out. I actually thought it was weird at how fast she caught on to me being tired, Wesley didn't even notice when I was passed out or tired and I'd known him a lot longer.

"It was actually really cool, I'm glad we ditched that awful party." I smiled as we continued to walk down the street.

"Me too, I'm surprised you came with me." She laughed and I shrugged casually before I attempted to flirt.

"I guess you've got a lot to learn about me." I smiled and I was happy I did because I got the see the most beautiful smile light up her face as my heart fluttered.

"I'm glad." She replied before something caught her eye in the distance. "So, Cristina, are you rushing home or are you hungry?" She asked and I frowned as I turned around.

"A taco truck?" I grinned and she nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, they make the best tacos in the city." She said smugly as I turned back to face the truck.

"Best in the city, huh? That's a serious statement you're making." I pointed out as I shot up an eyebrow in curiosity. "Now I have to try it." I shrugged.

"Prepare to get your tastebuds blown away." She said animatedly and I giggled as we walked down the street.

It could have been the liquor or the buzzing excitement of being with her for so long, but I loved seeing her outside of school, she seemed so uncaring and unguarded. She smiled a lot more too but, as I said, that could've just been the alcohol coursing through her veins.

Oh, Fuck. Maybe she took me here out of pity and the only way she could cope with dealing with me was by drinking. I mean we could have gone to watch a movie or go get something to eat but we didn't actually have to go out.

I felt myself start to spiral as a sudden wave of anxiety started placing doubt into my mind and as I tried to give myself a pep talk Haydn turned around from walking to face me, almost running into her in the process.

"What's got you thinking so hard?" She asked curiously and I shrugged.

"Nothing important," I muttered, and I tried to remember how to breathe properly as she took a step towards me.

"Liar." She smirked. "It has to be important if it's making you frown like that." She said with a small smile as she leaned down. Her fingers were warm and soft as she held my face gently and lightly smoothed out my forehead. It was such a wholesome gesture I couldn't help but smile, the spreading warmth of her touch made me blush- I was always blushing like an idiot around her.

"Better." She grinned as soon as she saw my smile and took a step back, taking all my warmth with her. "Now, what tacos did you want to eat?" She asked gesturing to the taco truck that we were standing right next to, but I guess I was too focused on her to pay attention to anything else.

"I trust you enough to order for me." I smiled and she grinned before turning to talk to the man inside.

I didn't want to admit it, but she was right, they really were the best tacos in the city- she felt pretty proud about it when I told her. We talked a lot as we walked back to the train station, I even walked a little slower just so we could talk longer and speaking to her was so easy, the conversation just flowed between us.

She told me how she couldn't stomach SpaghettiOs because her mom couldn't cook when she was younger, so she had to eat that for like two weeks straight and how if money wasn't an issue, she'd be a tattoo artist or mechanic. She was also the first person I told about my secret dream of becoming an aerial dancer even though I'd probably just take over my dad's auto company or go into something I could earn a living.

We talked throughout the train ride home and even opted out of the uber to our houses and chose to walk, just so we could spend more time together, disguising it as an opportunity to enjoy what was left of the beautiful night. Her shoulder brushed gently against mine as we walked in sync, the peaceful scene of soft orange and pink clouds reminding us that the sun was starting to rise.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked softly, our back-and-forth conversation led us to know a lot about each other in a short space of time, but I still wanted to know more, I wanted to know every little thing about her.

"That's a tough one but I'd to go with this." She said gesturing up at the sky and we slowed down to admire the view. "The light orange and soft pink, mostly because they're the colors of the sky in the early morning. They sort of represent hope to me you know, like another day another chance. What about you?"

"Green, but not just any green- it's the color of my grandparents' farm in Spain, so it's more of a feeling I guess but the farm is so beautiful it's actually breathtaking." I smiled as said as we turned onto my street and I felt my heart drop a little, I didn't want to say goodbye just yet. Unfortunately, I didn't get to decide so we walked in a comfortable silence until slowing to a stop outside my gate.

"Well, this is me." I sighed and she turned to face me before glancing up at my house and then back to me. We just looked at each other silently for a few moments before Haydn finally snapped out of it.

"Thanks for the amazing night, Cristina, it was definitely better than that party." She smiled and I decided that it was one of the most beautiful sights. "We should really do it again sometime."

"That would be really cool." I smiled back with a nod.

"So, I guess I'll see you at school then?" She asked hopefully and I nodded. "Cool," She grinned. "I'm going to wait here until you're inside your house safely." She said gesturing for me to walk up to my house and I was shocked, no one ever waited for me to get inside.

"You don't have to-" I started but she cut me off as she shook her head.

"Nonnegotiable." She said sternly with a look that I knew better than to question.

I used my remote to open the gate and walked through and as I walked up to my house I glanced back a few times, only to see her still waiting for me. I waved goodbye as I opened my front door and only when I saw her salute me and walk off did, I walk through the door and close it behind.

I couldn't stop smiling as I walked up to my room.

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