
Alexander runs off to where him and Clay first met.

It was in a forest, by a river.

They met. They roleplayed.

Alexander was a cat, while Clay was Godzilla.

They'd go to the same spot everyday after school until their parents met.

They've been best friends since the age of 7.

Alexander starts crying even more due to the nostalgia and the feedback he recently got from Clay.

Alexander: "Why, why did this have to happen to me.. Why, why WHY!?"

Alexander just sits by the river, watching the little pebbles drift away from the water's current.

He realizes that Clay is all he's ever loved, and now, Clay despises him. Yet he's still fond of him.

Clay meant a lot to Alexander, so the argument had a big impact on Alexander.

But, Alexander realizes, that maybe Clay belongs with Emanuel.

He thinks back..

"Remember when Emanuel spanked my bunda? Kinda felt good.."

He remembers Clay's words.

He realizes that Clay never liked him

Bill: "That's saaad u dog wata"

But then, Clay taps Alexander's shoulder...

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