《The Tension》EMANUEL eated my PIZZAAA


Alexander and Clay arrive at Clay's house.

To their surprise, Clay's #3 bestie, Emanuel, is in the kitchen and his apron says "Kiss the Cook" But Cook is crossed out and replaced with Bunda while he is in a sus and erotic pose over the sink with his Bunda bulging out.

Alexander is filled with rage which gives Emanuel delight.

Clay is super embarrassed and starts roaring at Emanuel.


Emanuel: "I thought you'd like this."

Emanuel says softly

Alexander just glares at Emanuel. He knows what Emanuel is trying to do, and he does NOT like it, neither does Bill.

Alexander: "What the fuck Emanuel. I know what you're trying to do you dick. You're just jealous. God damn you're such a pain in the ass, or should I say, the bunda. You need to get out of here right now. You do realize you're trespassing right? So get the FUCK out of here. I'm sick of your stupid shit."

Emanuel: "I actually live here now. Clay let me stay here since we're close! So I'm not trespassing. Maybe, YOU'RE the one who's jealous. I didn't say a word and yet you're here cussing me out for doing what? Simply just existing??? Why are you so mad, why are you so defensive over Clay huh? I thought you guys were nothing more than friends. I'm his friend too, so I don't understand what you're so riled up about."

Alexander slams his fist on the table trying to look for words..

He picked up this habit from Clay..

Alexander: "I- you- I-"

Alexander: "Don't act dumb. I know what game you're trying to play. You're so fucking stupid I hate you. God you're so irritating. Don't act so oblivious. I know what you're trying to do, and I'm NOT gonna let you do it you fucking weirdo."


Clay: "Can you guys just stop already? I'm so tired of you arguing. I'm tired of Emanuel trying to seduce me, and I'm tired of Alexander being so defensive. Emanuel, you're just being a perv. Alexander, you're just-"

Bill: "You dog wata."

Clay: " You're just so over-protective when it comes to me yet we're only friends."

Alexander tears up. 

"We're only friends" repeating in Alexander's head. Alexander storms off angry, envious, jealous, hurt, and a fool.

"How could I ever think Clay and I could end up together. I'm so fucking dumb. I'm done with this. I'm done with everyone." 

Alexander says in his head..

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