《Henry the hover x guy i saw on the street》Chapter 2


I was walking up to the till with all my essentials but then i see him..

He had luscious reddish, brownish, golden locks, beautiful sea blue eyes, he looks like everyone's dream man all combined in one sexy body. He looks so buff and hot in that Aldi uniform.

So i went to the till next to him. I was with the bald sunglasses man.

"Heyyy" i said making my juicy ass look extremely sexy and massaging it to look even more sexy.

I put the rest of my essentials on the counter as he scanned them.

"What else those else do them hands do. Ahaha **lipbite emoji**" I thought.

I was just doing my job when this Hoover came up to me. "How tf does a hoover carry all that? Kinda hot ngl"

I was scanning his items when i looked down and saw the hoover rubbing it's ass. Since when did hoovers has asses?

All of a sudden i wanted to take that hoover into that back room and do things **wink wink** to it. I'll do that at the end of my shift.

"Right sir. That will be £737. But we can do something else for it **wink wink**

Luckily as i said that my shift ended and i walked back with the hoover.

We walked into the car park. I held the hoovers tube thingy.

Soon we made it into the staff car park and reached my car.

I put the hoovers shopping in the boot and put the hoover in the passenger seat.

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