《Deep in the source Hawks x child reader Discontinued》By your side


"New neighbors today"hawks says looking out the window to a house across the street where a moving truck was as he held (y/n). She tilts her

Head towards hawks looking away from the truck.

" is that bad? "She asked.

"No, just curious, either there some crazy fangirls or just a rich family"he says boredly "either way it's going to bothersome"


"Once they 'find out ' we live here we won't have alot of privacy but don't worry I'm already looking at a new place, I've been wanting to move there for a while but I wanted you to get used to me before moving again"he says. (Y/n) hums as she lays her head on his shoulder.

" Okay, as long as you don't leave I'm happy "She yawns as she closed her eyes as she cuddled him. Hawks smiles at the small frail child he held and kisssed her forehead as he walks to her room. Hawks tucks her in as he fluffed her pillow. (Y/n) hums smiling in her sleep.

He left leaving a feather by (y/n)'s side.


"Hey Tanjiro"hawks says as he smiles as the teen that was at his doorstep.

"Good morning hawks! Is (y/n) awake?"

"I am! "She says as she runs and hugs him. Hawks hunched an eyebrow.

"Did I miss something? "He says.

"Oh (y/n) did you forget to tell him"tanjiro says holding the child who nods shyly.

" i promised her meat buns and giyu want to see her again"he says. Hawks hums he did have some paperwork to attend to as well as watch the execution of (d/n)

"Alright then be good and try not not to get into trouble" he says. She

"We won't" Tanjiro reassured, "I'll bring her back before 4 I promise! "

The group of friends sat at the park as inosuke and nezuku play with (y/n). Inosuke falls on the floor as nezuku and (y/n) laugh.


Giyu was leaning against at tree his eyes shifted then closed.

"Its him again" he says venom spilling in his voice. Zenitsu and Tanjiro turn. A boy with white hair sat on a bench as he wrote in a journal.

"It could be a coincidence -"

" The aquarium, the movies, the museum, the mall, and now here.... coincidence left a while ago "Tanjiro says he looks at the boy. Tanjiro sighs as he looks at the clock . "Oh crap it's 4:30 hawks is gonna kill me!"tanjiro said worried. Zenitsu laughs at tanjiro's misfortune.

" I'll drive "giyu sighs as he stands up straight. (Y/n) runs to giyu with a smile.

" Are you going to play nii-san? "She says asked. Giyu shakes his head.

"I'm afraid it's time to take you home"he says. (Y/n) frowns.

"Already"inosuke growls. "No fair!"he said banging his head on a tree an acorn hitting him afterwards. Giyu sighs as he wonders how inosuke passed his classes. When inosuke was around,giyu suddenly felt his IQ drop by the hundreds.

" But I didn't get to spend that much time with you "she says sadly.

" maybe next time"he responds as he glances at the boy who stood up and walks away.

When they arrived hawks hasn't arrived but (y/n) knew where the key was.

"Don't open the door for anyone"Tanjiro says seriously.

" what if it's daddy "

"If he can't open the door it's not him, if he left his key ask him something you and him only know"he explained. (Y/n) nods.

" can you stay I don't like be alone "she says nervously. Tanjiro have her a guilty look.

" i kinda promised my mom I would do something... "He says. (Y/n) looks at the floor. "B-but I'll ask giyu to come over"he says. "I'll see you at school"

" Bye... "she says hesitantly. She didn't like goodbyes she was always scared she would never see them again.


After being alone there was a knock on the door. (Y/n) ran to it.

"Who is it?"

" Uh, hi I'm New I just moved from..across the street "says a voice, it sounded to be a male about ten.

" Oh, sorry we don't allow visitors here."(y/n) says.

"But I want to give you a cookie in hopes to become friends.."he says almost in a sad tone.

" Maybe later"she says.

"Oh, okay then, I'm Norman" the voice says happily.

"Hi I'm (y/n)"she replied.

" That's very pretty "

"Thank you "she smiles. They talked for abit never once opening the door.

"So, what school do you go to?"he asked

"Tamiski private school"she says now sitting against the door.

"Oh really that's the school I'm going to go to"he chuckled happily. She hums nodding.


"Do you think you can show me around"he said eagerly.

"Maybe..."she says shyly she didn't know the school all that well.

"Okay I won't force you too"he responds. (y/n) smiles softly but she just wanted some real company.

Giyu drove over to see the boy his eyes widen as he ran over.

" what's the big idea! "He says coldly as he grabs the kid by the collar of his shirt lifting him from the ground.

" I-i.... "

"Giyu!" (Y/n) says opening the door. Giyu turns his face softens as he lets the white haired boy drop to the ground.

"Would you be so kind to get off this property and back to your own"he snaps. Norman listened running away. (Y/n) hugs giyu as she smiles. Giyu pats her head as he then walks inside.

Hawks yawns coming back. The paper work was boring and the death penalty took longer than needed. Plus eight villains and three fires.

'this world needs some more independence 'he thinks with a sigh. Once he come back he smelled something really good as giyu was in the kitchen cooking. (Y/n) was helping as she mended the spices.

" woah smells good! " hawks chuckled. Milio turns happily as she giggles.

"Thank you"he says.

"Since you made it stay for dinner"hawks says as he flew upstairs. (Y/n) follows she unzipped his jacket as she walks away letting him take his shower.

When he came back giyu and (y/n) where in the backyard. Giyu had agreed to teach her to defend herself while also protecting. She held an egg giyu said she make sure the egg doesn't crack at the end of five minutes. (y/n) nods as she attacks giyu who blocks and carefully Attacks back so he didn't do any real damage. Most (y/n) had gotten hit others she dodged she didn't break the egg till the every end.

Giyu gets napkin and cleans her hands.

"You did well I'm proud"he says with a soft smile. Hawks smiles foundly at giyu.

Have two sets of god parents isn't that bad.

Hawks had a call to take so giyu ended up tucking her in and read a story.

(y/n) liked the way he read. Hawks put character and adventure into his story to make her smile or laugh. Giyu simply read out loud his deep yet gentle voice helping her slowly fall asleep. Giyu turns to see (y/n) asleep. He takes her glasses off and moves some hair from her face. Not even thinking he kissed her forehead.

Before giyu could leave Hawks stops him.

"I have a mission coming up, do you mind watching (y/n) for a couple of weeks?"


Tanjiro and zenitsu's eyes widen as nezeku and inosuke gave confused glances as giyu glares.

(y/n) stood next to the boy with white hair and blue eyes

"Hi! I'm Norman!"

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