《I'm in Lesbians with You (momoJiro)》Fake It Till You Make It


Jiro pov)

"Ear jacks! Wait up!" Bakugos voice rings out, making me spin around. I'm so confused right now, why is Bakugo asking me for something.

"Yes Bakugo?" He sighs, mentally preparing for what he's about to say.

"I need help, with something." I roll my eyes.

"If you aren't just gonna come out and say it I have better things to do." I turn back around. I start to walk when a hand grabs mine. I turn my head back to him. He has a light blush on my face.

"Okay, can we go to your dorm first? Please." My eyes widen, nodding. "Thanks." I smile lightly.

"I think I like shy Bakugo." He flushes darker, looking away.

"Shut it ear lobes." I shake my head.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about it ya know. Its pretty fucking honorable to show emotions as a hero. That's why I think Deku will be number one. He shows emotion and he can work with others. Something you should learn." He grumbles, getting ready to explode.

"You fucking ear lobes. The only reason I'm not kicking your ass is because I need your help." He snaps, gripping the straps of his backpack.

"Oh Bakugo, it's okay to admit I'm stronger than you. Honestly I don't mind." He snaps his head over to me.

"You're really fucking pushing me ear lobes." I click my tongue.

"I think you're forgetting something. My dorm is above yours." He tilts his head.

"The fuck does that have to do with anything?" We step into the elevator, hitting my floor.

"You weren't very quite last night. It almost kept me awake but you finished up with Kirishima pretty quick." He freezes, a new blush blooming onto his face.

"S-shut up." He stutters, turning his head away.

"Nah it's fun when you're all flustered." We step off, walking the short way to my dorm. He walks in looking around.

"Damn, you emo or some shit?" I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Just cause I like dark colors doesn't mean I'm emo. Anyway, what do you need help with?" I throw my bag down by the door, shaking my uniform jacket and shoes off. I go to take off my tie and unbutton the the first button when Bakugo grabs my wrists.

"What the hell do you think you're doing dumbass?!" I realize what he thought I was doing. I quickly backtrack throwing my hands up.

"It's not like that! The tie is uncomfortable and it's hot so I was letting some steam off!" He nods, slowly taking his hands off me.

"Anyway, I need your help with Eijiro." I smile softly, going over to my closet.

"And what about Kirishima do you need help with?" He looks away again, sighing.

"If you laugh I'm gonna kick your ass, how do I ask someone on a date?" My head snaps over to him, eyes widening.

"I only have one question. Why did you ask me and not Mina or Toru? They would know more about this." He shakes his head.

"Because you aren't like them, they would absolutely flip their shit and wouldn't keep their mouths shut. I know you can keep secrets and a level head." I nod, thats fair.

"Well can I know where this date is gonna be taking place?" I start unbuttoning more of my shirt.

"Uhh, fuck I was thinking just the park. He took me their when we were friends and his face lit up when he say the hiking trail. So there." I take off my school shirt, turning on my fan.


"Well, you could always just say. I'm taking you on a date, wear something that is more durable for walking. That way it's a surprise and it isn't to sappy and long." He nods for a moment smiling slightly.

"Thanks Jiro, and by the way. How can I help you with your crush?" My eyes widen and my face heats up. "So I was right. It's Momo isn't it?" I stare in shock, am I really that obvious?

"Uhh yeah, it is. Why do you wanna help me?" He smirks.

"Well didn't you say I should start working with others if I wanna become number one? I'm starting now so, what do you want me to do?" I huff a laugh out of nerves.

"Well for one shes straighter than a line, so theirs not much you can do." He shakes his head.

"So are spaghetti noodles, until the get wet." I blush more, looking away from him. I'm sure he had a giant shit eating grin on his face. "I'm joking ear lobes, but if you don't want help. I'll be going, see ya later."

"Bye Bakago." He leaves my dorm. God, can't tell if I hate what he just said or thought it was funny as hell. There's more knocks at my door. "Come in." The door opens and Sero walks in.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'll let you get dressed!" He turns away the second he sees me in a bra.

"Its fine, theres nothing there anyway, what do you need?" He nods, turning around.

"I need help. Mina came over and talked to me today and I think she was flirting but I'm not sure. Having a crush is so difficult!" I shake my head, getting up and going over to my dresser. I pull an extra stool out from under my bed, gesturing for Sero to sit.

"I'm gonna tell you something only cause I think it will boost your confidence. Mina likes you back, if you doubt me she's told me herself." His eyes widen I'm shock but I can't tell when the words processed because his eyes were wide open the entire time. Suddenly a stupid big smile breaks out on his face.

"Really!?" I wince a bit, backing away a little.

"Yes really Sero, she told me yesterday and now I'm trying to get you two together. I told her to wait it out, it's up to you to ask her out. So, I'm assuming you need help with that to?" He nods, smile never leaving his face.

Momo pov)

I wake up feeling much better than earlier today. I rub my eyes, sitting up in my bed. I have very few notifications, mostly from social media. One from my parents really sticks out.

"We want you home this weekend from Saturday to Sunday evening. I'm sure you'll like this boy." I sigh, again? I thought they finally stopped trying this.

"Okay mother, but can I go to a friends on Friday? It will only be for the day and I will not be late on Saturday." The reply is quick.

"Yes you may. Saturday at 2 pm, you need to be here by then. I'll see you soon." I sigh again, I need to talk with Jiro. She always calms me down after these. I get up, grabbing a jacket and walking quickly to her room. I knock, waiting for a response.

"Come in." I open the door and see Jiro in shorts and a bra talking with Sero who's fully clothed and blushing.


"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't interrupt anything did I?" They both shake their heads.

"No, sorry. I think I'm good now. Thanks Jiro." Sero sends a smile at Jiro, she returns it.

"You don't have to tell me how it goes, I'm sure I'll hear from Mina." He nods, saying a quick good bye and leaves. "What do you need Momo?" I hold my phone out, letting her read the texts. She frowns, standing up and hugging me.

"I don't want to be set up, I want to find my own love." She nods, rubbing small circles into my back.

"I would be mad if my parents tried to set me up with someone to. Especially a man." I let a small giggle out. "Here, let's sit down." I let go, sitting down on her bed, along with her.

"Do you know who it could be?" I shake my head, letting it fall into my hands.

"I honestly might but say I want to find my own boyfriend. Not one they pick for me. I'll promise them he'll be rich and well mannered." I nod, wiping my eyes before and tears can come out.

"Finally, show those parents who's boss. You're still coming over on Friday right?"

"Yeah, I just have to leave before Saturday." She smiles up at me.

"Great! Is there anything else you need?" I shake my head.

"Thank you Jiro, I know I can always count on you." She shakes her head.

"No need to thank me. That's what friends are for!" I say another goodbye and leave. Why did her saying friends hurt so much? I knew I had a crush on her but it's not that bad is it? No! Maybe I should just take up Iidas offer, distract myself. I'll do it on Monday, after the dinner with the new boy. Or should I tell my mom now? I just need a distraction, something to keep my mind off of her. I pull out my phone, clicking on my mothers contact information.

"Mother, I would like to decline the boy you want to set me up with."

"What! Why?"

"I found one myself, he's strong and has a very rich popular family. Iida, from my class."

"Oh! You scared me for a second. That would be great! I would like the meet him some day."

"I know mother. I should be going now. I'll see you Saturday still?"

"That would be nice." Great, time to take back what I said and go to Iidas dorm. I go to the elevator, clicking the boys floor. Iidas dorm is the second on the left if I remember. I knock on the door and step back. Iida opens fairly quickly, looking almost shocked to see me.

"Hello Momo. What can I help you with?" I clear my throat.

"I would like to talk about what you said earlier." He nods, stepping out of the way. I walk in and he closes the door behind me.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. That was not my in-" I rest my hand against his shoulder and shake my head.

"You didn't make me feel uncomfortable, that actually why I'm saying this. I'm sorry I rejected you. I was just so nervous because I've had a crush on you for a little while and was doubting it was a dare. I'm sorry, it's just. I've never done the whole relationship thing before so I don't quite know what to do." A light blush shows on his face, creeping it's way to his ears.

"You really don't have to do this. Only if you want to." He lays his hand on my wrist.

"Iida, I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend. I want you to be my boyfriend." A smile appears on his face, blush showing stronger. A smile makes its way onto my face as well.

"Can I hug you?" I nod, opening my arms. He takes the opportunity and wraps his arms around my torso. I rest my head on his shoulder since we're around the same height.

"I'm sorry for not being truthful earlier." He shakes his head.

"That's alright Momo, I can understand if you were nervous." I pull away, smiling softly. "Umm, can I call you Yaoyorozu? It's completely okay if it's a no." I look down for a second.

"Yes, I would like that. Can I call you Tenya?" He nods. I peck him on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow then!" A new darker blush appears on his face.

"Tomorrow, right. Goodnight Yaoyorozu!"

"Good Night Tenya, meet me in the common room around 7:15, okay?"

"That sounds great."

"Actually bye this time." He lets me leave. I step out and immediately lose the smile on my face, I hate faking but it's needed. The door next to opens, making me force a smile again. Bakugo walks out, glancing over at me.

"What the hell were you doing in Four eyes dorm?" I glance into the room behind his, showing a shirtless Kirishima.

"What were you doing in Kirishima's?" He blushes looking away.

"Nothing, never mind then." He immediately turns back, going into Kirishima's dorm. I sigh, walking to the elevator. All I have to do is pretend. Fake it till I actually like him, that shouldn't take to long.... right? I just need sleep. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a quiet voice.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I'm lost." I look down and see a head of white hair and a small horn. Eri. I squat down to her level.

"Hi Eri, I'm Momo. Can I pick you up?" She nods still not looking at me. I grab right under her arms, hoisting her up and resting her on my hip. "Who do we need to get you to?"

"Shinso or Aisawa. Im sorry to bother you. Me and big brother where hanging out in his friends room when we had to leave. I fell down for a second and now I'm lost." I can't help but feel bad.

"Okay, let's find Shinso. I'm sure he's worried sick." I don't comment on Shinso being her big brother. "Was he handing out with a blonde with a black lighting bolt in his hair?" She nods, looking down. I can tell now she's crying. "Would you like a small stuffed animal to hug?" She lifts her head slightly.

"Yes please." I smile lightly at her, holding my hand out and making a small bunny holding my hand out to her. She barely smiles, grabbing it and squeezing it.

"Now lets go find your big brother." I hit the boys level again, rocking her side to side. We get out and I look down both halls and Shinso is looking around frantically. "Shinso!" He turns around, spotting Eri in my arms. He rushes over.

"Oh I'm so sorry, we were walking and then she disappeared! Are you hurt Eri?" He leans down, looking up at her. She shakes her head.

"Momo made me a bunny to hold while you were gone! She's nice." She leans towards Shinso, I let her foreword into Shinsos arms. He takes her, rubbing her back. "Thank you for helping me find him Momo." I smile at her.

"It's no problem, I wanna be a hero this is part of it." She smiles at me.

"How can I repay you?" Shinso cuts through. I shake my head.

"I'm just happy I was able to help. But do me a favor, if she ever needs a baby sitter call me first." He nods, sighing in relief. "Goodnight you two." I walk back to my dorm for some extra needed sleep.

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