《Bi-Curious (BoyxBoy)》♠︎ Chapter 53 • Now I'm Here ♠︎
Foot tapping to a Queen song, I look at my bank account. I've been working for over two months now, saving up as much money as I can and only spending it on gas and our groceries. I know I probably won't be able to afford both an engagement and a wedding ring, so I have to prioritize one.
I feel a little bad because I worry that Charlie is going to buy me both, he can afford it. I know I could use his money, but that just feels wrong. I want to have worked for this, to show him that after working hard for months I only want to spend the money I made on him. I got the job mostly for this very reason anyway.
Ante's been good to me. He pays me more than I'd get at any other repair shop. He's very kind as well and we don't talk about what happened with his son. Sometimes I want to ask him how Tony's doing, if he's okay, how he's coping, if he's changed at all or gotten worse but the one time I'd worked up the courage I'd walked in on the man crying in this office with the prison address and phone number written on a post-it in his hand. I decided it was too sensitive a topic after that. After all, I'd been the one who put Tony where he is.
"Fuck yes." I smile, seeing I have enough money for a decent budget and I purse my lips. Charlie will be out with his father all day, presuming he doesn't need emergency midday dick. Which he won't, surprisingly, he's actually got a lot more control than I do. The only thing that kept me from jerking off this morning after he left was that he asked me not to, to save it for him, and goddammit I am a good Ethan.
I should go shopping today while he's gone. That way, I won't have to lie to him and leave him home alone or delay coming home from work for hours.
I pull out the sketchbook Charlie gifted me ages ago and start redrawing that ring I drew with Xander when we were on our 'date'.
Xander... I don't want to do this alone and Xander knows his brother best. I wonder if he'd come... it'd be really nice if he did, for his input and also so we can hang out more without our boyfriends distracting us. Decision made, I send him a text.
hey xandick wanna go wedding ring shopping with me?
Sorry, dude. You aren't my type.
I chuckle.
i can make it so worth it tho, babe
I'm sorry, but your moans make me soft and something about the way you act... I know you just want my body and I'm looking for a more fulfilling relationship.
I laugh wholeheartedly now. Dude really came for my performance.
you're right. i don't do the whole master thing.
And I keep fantasizing about your brother. It's the only thing that can get me to finish. I hope you understand.
I cringe. Why must he do that to me?
of course, i couldn't live without yours, which brings me back to my question, so how bout it?
Pick me up in those jeans that make your ass look good and it's a date.
I scoff.
dont think so, the last thing i need is to give you another reason to spank it
mhm keep playin, see where it leads carrot top
My tongue piercing makes everyone lose control. But as I said, wear them jeans that got that ass poppin or else the deal is off 🍑
maybe i finally understand why ry likes you so much, this flirtatious quick wit is 🥵
And my tongue. But I don't kiss and tell, Ethan. Now, hurry along and get that ass over here before I go see Ry instead.
youre such a bullyyy
I put the phone down and get dressed, staring at my pants drawer. I think I know which pair he's talking about, Charlie loves them, but if I wear them will he think I'm actually being weird? Or will it be funny? Or should I not wear them to assert my dominance...
I put on the jeans.
Once I'm dressed in a nice shirt with studs in my ears and cologne, I grab my keys and check my phone again while heading down to my car.
I send a message to Charlie letting him know I'm coming over to pick up Xander to hang out. I promise him not to get drunk this time. He and James might have already left, who knows.
I drive over after stroking my bike like it's a long lost lover and actually park in the driveway this time. I pop some gum in my mouth and head to the door and knock.
Xander opens the door and smirks at me, practically towering over me. He's dressed simply in a black button up shirt, gray, ripped skinny jeans, and black Timberlands. The auburn-haired male is wearing his glasses today and he looks me over with his calculating, green eyes, the longer parts of his undercut tucked behind his ear while the rest hides his face a bit.
"Baby Ethan wore the jeans."
"Had to," I smirk right back. "You ordered an ass delivery and I know you're severely lacking."
He snaps a picture, the flash and shutter on proudly. "Charlie should like this." He hums and closes the door behind him, walking past me.
"Motherfucker." I grumble, following.
"You better get my big bro the best ring you can or else I'll beat your ass."
I laugh. "You can try." I toss him my phone, showing the budget. "Either way I'm not planning to skimp out."
"Ah, you better not let Charlie know how much you spent or else he'll beat your ass."
"I won't. He's not allowed to feel guilty during such a happy moment. I'm only getting him a wedding ring, the engagement one will be cheap so hopefully they'll quell his ass beating urges. I wish I could get him both but I don't think either of us want to wait."
Xander hums. "I'm glad I'm coming so I can make sure to make Ry's ring a thousand times bigger."
I shove him. "Fuck off, he's not even a size guy." I lie.
He quirks an eyebrow and motions to himself. "Yeah, so his over six foot boyfriend who clearly works out and has a great dick has nothing to do with how he feels about size. Okaaaaaay."
"How are you literally perfect. It ain't fuckin' fair." I steal my phone back and pop a bubble in his face.
"Don't get all sensitive because you're short."
"I'm not sensitive." I purse my lips. "Just glad I don't have to worry about you interesting Charlie. My car or yours?"
Xander hums. "Charlie values technique over size. Too big freaks him out because I doubt that boy wants much prep. But your car so you can take me out like I deserve. I am a King after all and you should be spoiling me since I'm your soon-to-be little bro."
"I suppose you do deserve a little spoiling," I smirk and get in the car. "You are acting like quite the brat, after all."
His sparkling, green eyes meet mine. "But you still love me."
"Of course." I reply instantly, honestly. "You're family."
"And I'm not just a little shit," he whispers.
"Not always, but often. Don't worry though, I like it." I smirk and rev the engine, driving us off to the store I've been looking into.
His freckled face breaks out into a grin and he watches me before looking out the window, relaxing in my company.
He really feels like my brother at this point. It's nice.
Once we get there and exit the car I pull up the picture on my phone. "I kinda want to engrave it, but I'm worried that's too cheesy." I mull out loud, tugging on my hair.
"Depends what you're engraving."
"Yeah but everything I think of is cheesy. And we're going to change and grow over the years so what if something relevant and cute now becomes cringe later in life?" I ask.
Xander contemplates. "Tell me what you're thinking."
I blush. "No way, dude."
He shoves me. "Then what the fuck was the reason for bringing me?"
I roll my eyes. "Fine. I was thinking our nicknames for each other, or something piratey, or even just something simple like 'For My Charlie, love your Ethan. I don't know."
"Get it engraved later." Xander pats my shoulder.
I nod. "Okay."
We enter the store and I immediately feel out of my element. I grab Xan's forearm. "Help me obi-rich boy-kenobi."
Xander rolls his eyes and looks over everything. "When you hear 'Charlie,' what do you think of?"
I melt on the spot. "Beauty. Love. Safety. Happiness. Purple. Brownies. I'm not allowed to ride my bike. Pirates. Writing."
"What about his hands? The left one? What do you imagine fitting his ring finger?"
I close my eyes and think. "I think gold might clash with his skin tone, especially when he tans. So silver, I guess. I definitely want a purple stone but I don't know if it should protrude a simple band or be implanted in a fatter more typically masculine one. I like the smaller, simpler."
"The basic diamond ring where the ring is thin and the jewel is big isn't Charlie's vibe. Charlie likes to be pretty, but he also likes to dress 'masculine' and would want something that wouldn't clash too much with that. But he likes things being pretty too."
I nod. "That's what I was thinking too." I start to look over the options, pulling Xander along with me.
He hums, studying the rings. "You better know his size."
I blink. "Um...oh! Yes, I do. I measured it for art." He blushes about said art then digs around in his notes folder.
"Lemme see, babyyy." He makes grabby hands.
I laugh. "You do not want to see. Remember when you accused me of drawing porn? Well, you gave us ideas."
Xander looks like he's about to turn the same hue as his eyes.
I chuckle even more at his expression. "Still wanna see?" I shove my phone in his face.
He closes his eyes tightly. "I thought maybe you woulda drawn your dream ring."
"Oh, I did. You were there for the first draft." I leave the notes app which only showed Charlie's ring size, not porn, I'd never actually show him that, and pull up the new drawing and hand it to him. It's a lot like he described.
"I wouldn't mind putting money in to get this exact ring made, Ethan."
I stop moving, processing. "What? No."
He sighs. "If you don't want to."
I bite my lip. "I want to...but I want to pay for the whole thing. It doesn't mean as much if I don't...and that's not like a toxic man thing, it's a me thing, I want to work for it." I think for a minute then look up at him. "Can I work for it? The money?"
The high school senior shifts, his face nearing his hair color. "I... I know the person who made my parents' rings and they do customs for a fair price. They aren't cheap... but they're worth it. Plus, you two met in the same place our parents met, so it might be cute..."
I start smiling wider the more I think about it. Charlie's ring made by the same people who made his parents, connecting him not just to me but to his family as well. It would be so much more personal, take a lot more effort, and mean so much more to him.
"I want that. That's so romantic...fuck, he'd love that, Xander. Why didn't you mention this before?"
He plays with his hands. "I know you want to be the one to do everything for Charlie and I was kind of embarrassed, I guess? Like, obviously I'm romantic. I'm the entire package. But also... I know Charlie won't be a 'King' anymore, so I thought that'd be a nice way of keeping him true to his birth name..."
"It really is." I hum. "Thank you, Xan. You don't need to be embarrassed. I really like seeing that side of you, it makes me glad that my brother found you. I want him to feel loved, and spoiled, and cared for in every way possible and when you say shit like that I know you can give him all of that."
Xander bites his lip. "I really want to be good to Ry."
"From what I've seen, you have been, and that's high praise, King." I tell him.
The teen smiles, relaxing. "It will be more than what you have, but you can work out a payment plan if you wanted, or I could cover the rest if you don't want it affecting your credit for later on when you get a house or something."
"I do want to get us a house." I purse my lips. "I want a yard for a big dog and kids."
"And for family barbecues, of course. But also remember that Charlie is going to help pay for the house. He wouldn't let you get him a house, even if you became filthy rich. He didn't even let Jamie buy him things."
I chuckle. "Yeah, I know. I want it that way. We should do it together, make our home and our future together." I twirl one of my studs. "I get not wanting big things from a sugar daddy, but some comfort stuff and clothes? Man, I woulda milked Jamie dry."
"We're Kings, plus, Charlie has always felt like he's looked like a sugar baby to people, so I guess he likes to show that he isn't what people expect and that he isn't supposed to play the 'female' role that people peg him to."
"That makes sense." I nod, thinking about our interaction this morning. "He definitely doesn't fit that role."
Xander smiles. "I don't think so either. The only role he fits is Charlie."
"I agree." I grab his arm again and drag. "Come on, let's get the fuck outta here."
"Okay," he says with a giggle. "Let's go."
"Where's this place? Do they have a website? You want lunch?" I ask as we get back in the car. "Payment plans are stressful, I'd rather get it all done upfront, but I can't just let you cover it for nothing. So if you can find me something I can do to make it up, I'll do it, for however long I need to." I tell him with determined eyes.
He hums, eyeing me. "I may have a few ideas."
I start to feel nervous, but I shake it off. I'll do anything I need to for Charlie, even if it's grueling or humiliating.
"Good." I nod.
"Don't worry, it's just some cleaning." He blinks prettily at me.
"I don't trust you, shithead. I bet you and Ry'll make me wear a maid costume or some shit." I scoff and drive towards a fast food place to grab something for on the way.
Xander scoffs. "Why make you wear one when I can have Ry wear one?"
"AH STOP!" I scream. "Don't put that in my head, dude!" I whine. "I've found enough lingerie sites in my old laptop's browser history."
He looks off dreamily. "Ry is so pretty though."
"That's true." I let him off since he looks so enamoured.
His green eyes look far away. "I wanna braid his hair."
"I'm sure he'd let you if you asked. Enthusiastically." I chuckle.
"Sometimes, I'm nervous asking him for things."
"In general or in reference to bodily contact?" I ask, probably being a little too specific.
Xander's lips form a thin line. "Just... in general. I'm nervous that I'll fuck up."
"I don't think you could, honestly. Even if you ask the wrong thing he'd just explain why he didn't like it, not blame you and leave you. Same goes for if you say or do the wrong thing. He'd never blame you for not knowing. And if you genuinely mess up, just apologize and explain. He won't leave you until he's heard you out even if you do something totally fucked. Ry's really compassionate and understanding. You're safe in his hands."
"Well, I should probably talk to him about it, but I just want to be good. And I don't want to accidentally say or do something that's invalidating or upsetting. I don't think he'd overreact or anything and I know it's impossible to never upset anyone, but I just want to be someone who makes him smile and only that, even if that's an unrealistic standard."
"One doesn't negate the other. Even if an accident happens, that doesn't mean you make him smile any less." I remind him.
He nods, closing his eyes. "I need to just be more mature and talk."
"I think that's best. Just look at him and envision your good pal, Ethan and it'll be a breeze." I joke.
"But I don't have the uncontrollable urge to be your everything." He rolls his eyes.
I smile. "That's so fucking cute. You're a good man, Xander." I park at the fast food place for a minute so I can look at him. "It'll work out, Ry doesn't take accidents personally. He doesn't expect perfection."
"I've told Charlie about how being with someone includes being with all their flaws, pain, struggles, and mistakes not because you are obliged to 'deal' with them, but because loving that person means loving all of that stuff too. Ry really likes you. I've never seen him so into someone. He feels completely safe with you. You won't mess it up because he won't let you."
The younger exhales. "It's just the Kings' Curse, I suppose, striving for perfection. But I'm glad Charlie has you who can show him that he's always enough. You're the only person Charlie's been with that I have wholeheartedly felt comfortable with him being with. I think it fits him... Dechart."
I smile. "Thank you, Xander. You honestly already feel like a brother to me. Not to be too forward, but I fucking love you, man. I'm really happy you're part of my family and I'm really glad you're with Ry."
He tears up and shoves me. "Shut up. I love you too. But I don't want to think about how in a way, this makes Ry almost my brother-in-law."
I laugh. "Yeah, let's ignore that." I pull on his shirt. "Come 'ere, I want a hug."
The teen hugs me. "Legally, he's nothing to me, so I can still marry him," he grumbles.
"I'd love it if you did." I squeeze him, relishing in the comfort for a second before pulling back. "Now give me the address to that ring place and your damn lunch order."
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