《Bi-Curious (BoyxBoy)》♠︎ Chapter 17 • '39 ♠︎
I pull up to campus, my car packed full of all my shit since I plan to move in with Charlie after school. I feel so giddy about it already and I can't wait. I'm not sure if he'll sleep with me every night, but I hope he does; I always sleep better when I'm with him.
I get to class five minutes late and notice that Charlie isn't there. I shrug it off and sit down, pulling out my new sketchbook. I've been drawing Charlie a lot, his face, his back, him in a cowboy getup, and him in a pirate getup (I can't wait to show him that one). He's my only muse now a days. Hell, he's the only thing I think about.
Half an hour passes and Charlie still isn't here. At this point, I'm starting to worry. I hope Tony hasn't done anything to him. If something happened and I wasn't there to help him, I'd never forgive myself.
I pull out my phone to text him.
hey, you alright?
I don't get a response and after ten minutes, I'm starting to really worry so I stand up, gather my stuff, and leave the classroom without a word. I get in my car and drive to his place, running up the stairs two at a time.
I use my key to unlock the door and call out to him. "Charlie?"
"E-Ethan?" Charlie asks, leaning on the door of his bedroom. He looks like a ghost, wearing a robe and slippers. His hair is everywhere and he hasn't shaved, leaving him with scruff. He rubs his eyes, his nose red.
"Oh my god." I speed walk to him and pull his arm around me so he can lean his weight on me. "You didn't come to class and you didn't answer my text, so I got worried." I walk him back to the bed and sit him down. "Damn, you look like shit."
"Oh, fuck, don't look at me," he croaks, his voice deeper than normal.
"No, no." I cradle his face. "It's okay. You're still my sexy pirate. Are you sick?"
"Yeah. Very." He sniffles before pushing me off. "You can't be in here! I'm probably contagious!"
I scoff and lean against the wall. "I've never been sick in my life. I'll be fine, plus someone needs to take care of you and as someone with two younger siblings, I deem myself your new nurse."
"You don't have to. As someone who had to work as some type of parent for Xander and myself at a young age, I can assure you that I can take care of myself. If you get sick because of me, I'll feel awful. Plus, you said that you'd start going to class." He hugs himself.
"I know you can take care of yourself." I walk over and run my fingers through his sweaty hair. "I want to help. Please let me."
"Fine." He crosses his arms.
"Fantastic. Have you eaten?"
"No, not really. Everything I eat comes back up..."
"Have you tried soup?" I ask, rubbing his back. "Bread or crackers?"
"Uh... crackers. No soup. I already tried chicken noodle." Charlie frowns.
"Okay, you don't need to eat if you don't want to, but I'll bring some for you to munch on if you do. Water too, you need to drink lots of fluids." I tell him and head to the kitchen. I grab the stuff and bring it back to his room and set it on his nightstand. "Would you prefer to sleep or watch something?"
"Watch. I don't want you sitting around doing nothing." Charlie hugs his knees. "I feel like shit. I feel gross and like a ball of discomfort."
I grab his laptop, kick my shoes and jeans off, and climb into bed. "I can have Scout bring us all kinds of medicine?"
"If you're confident she'll fix me, then I guess I will be too."
I nod and text her to go on a cold run along with Charlie's, our, address. I pull up Pirates of the Caribbean on his laptop. "This suit your fancy?"
"My favorite!" He says excitedly, grabbing my hand.
I smile and start it, pulling him close. "If you need to vomit or pee, you can just go. If it happens here, that's fine too, I can clean it up, so don't worry about that. I'll still love you even if you puke on me." I chuckle and kiss his head.
"Thanks. I'll refrain from puking in here though."
I nod and settle in to watch the movie.
Throughout the movie, Charlie subconsciously runs his hand up and down my leg, leaning against me. His breathing is very labored, but he doesn't seem to be complaining. It doesn't stop me from worrying though. He's burning up, but he keeps shivering, looking to me for warmth.
After the movie, I put the laptop aside and just continue to hold him. I hear a knock on the door and kiss Charlie's forehead. "That'll be Scout. I'll go get the door and be right back."
"C-Can you take Momo into your room? I don't want her getting sick..." Charlie sneezes.
"Sure." I walk over to the cage and pick it up gently. "Sorry, Queen Momo, just stay still." I coo and carry the cage into the guest room which is now my room. I set the cage on the desk and stick my finger through the bars to give her a reassuring pat before heading to the door.
I head to the door and open it, seeing Scout on the other side holding her backpack. She blinks at me. "Ethan, where are your pants?"
I look down and flush. "Sorry, come on in."
Scout enters and heads straight for Charlie's bedroom despite never being here before. I follow her and she knocks on the door. "Delivery."
"H-Hi Scout." Charlie waves, blowing his nose and grabbing hand sanitizer. "I'm gross right now. I'm sorry. Would you like any refreshments? Ethan, can you get her some refreshments?"
"I'm fine, thank you." Scout pulls her backpack off and opens it up. She walks over to Charlie. "May I touch you? Just a poke."
"I... yeah... sure." He smiles.
She presses two fingers against his forehead. "Flu." She says and returns to her backpack, pulling out medicines.
I take Charlie's hand and smile reassuringly. Scout puts her haul on the bedside table. "All of this will help. This is for throat, this is for the coughing and sniffling, this is just painkillers, and this is for your stomach."
"Thank you," he says, reaching to take them with his water. "Where'd you get all of this?"
"Store." Scout shrugs.
Charlie opens his mouth to ask something, but decides against it.
"I'm going to make you tea, then I'll leave." Scout decides, pulling out a box of tea packets. She leaves for the kitchen and I sit down with Charlie.
"Do you think you'll need to see a doctor?"
"I don't know. Unless I have too much trouble breathing, I'll live." He shrugs.
"Okay." I rub my thumb over the back of his hand and sit with him until Scout returns with a mug of tea. She sets it on the desk.
"You will feel better soon." She tells Charlie. "Come see me out, Dechart."
"Yeah... thanks." He forces a smile.
We leave him in bed and head to the door, Scout stopping before opening it. "Something unpleasant is going to happen today, Ethan."
I knit my eyebrows. "What do you mean 'unpleasant'?"
"Just keep your head." She stands on her tiptoes and ruffles my hair. "And take him to the doctor. He says he's fine, but he's not. Good luck, Ace."
"Thanks." I tell her and she leaves. I immediately return to Charlie and pull out my phone to look up the flu. Apparently the flu plus asthma is a very bad combination. "Charlie," I nudge him. "You have to go to the doctor." I show him what I found.
"Ethan, I don't want you to have to worry about me. I'm fine... r-really," he wheezes, but grins widely.
"I won't worry if you're in the capable hands of the doctor."
"Fine. Just let me get dressed and ready to go." He rubs his face and groans. "I-I guess I'll hold off on shaving..."
"Yeah, I like the stubble anyway." I brush my thumb over it.
"Thanks. Should I keep it or do you prefer me clean shaven?" Charlie asks.
"I like both." I smirk.
"I'll... keep that in mind." He pushes me out. "Get your stuff together. This shit always takes... forever. Sorry... My asthma is a big inconvenience."
"Okay," I leave him room and grab my bag and sit down on the couch to wait for Charlie.
The doorbell rings.
I knit my brows and go to the door, wondering if Scout came back. I open the door and come face to face with a brunet my height wearing an expensive suit that probably costs around as much as my tuition, a shiny Rolex, and Ray Bans. He pulls his glasses down, his light brown eyes looking into mine. "You're not Charlie."
"Uh, no." I straighten up. "Who are you?"
"Jamie Turner." He looks over my appearance while rubbing his nicely managed scruff, his eyes locking on my lower half. "I didn't know Charlie topped. Is he any good?"
I narrow my eyes, already feeling intimidated, but not willing to show it. This must be Charlie's other hookup, Jamie. He's hot as fuck and clearly has plenty of cash. Just standing near him makes me nervous. How could Charlie be fucking this guy? More so, how could he be fucking him and then still want me?
"I, uh, I'm not a bottom." I manage to say and curse myself for stuttering.
"Ah. You must be his new friend and roommate, Evan." Jamie smiles. "Is it okay if I come in? I want to take him shopping and then have some fun afterwards." He wiggles his eyebrows before grinning with a chuckle.
I frown. "Yeah, sorry, no. Stay put." I order then turn to call out to Charlie. "Charlie! That Jamie guy is here!"
The sound of something falling down comes from behind his bedroom door, Charlie stumbling out of his bedroom shortly. "Hey, Jamie-James."
Jamie grins, but his grin falls. "You're sick."
"Yeah. The flu." Charlie scratches his head awkwardly.
The brunet's eyes widen. "Charlie, you should be at the hospital or something. You're having trouble breathing, aren't you?"
Charlie's gaze falls and he shrinks. "Yes, Jamie."
Jamie shakes his head and straightens his tie. "I'll take you right now."
"Whoa, hold on there, Gucci. I was about to take him right before you came." I cross my arms over my chest.
"What did you just call me, Briefs?" Jamie asks with an amused tone.
"Gucci. Like the rich ass greedy company that sells ugly clothing to the rich and entitled, someone like yourself." I can't help but sneer.
Charlie cuffs my head. "Jamie is the CEO of a big game company that you've probably played games from. Don't hate on someone because of their class." His ears turn red along with his face.
"It's fine, you don't need to stick up for your sugar daddy." Jamie laughs. "Did you not come out to him yet?"
"He's not homophobic." Charlie looks at the ground.
My jaw has long since dropped and I manage to close my mouth and swallow before someone catches me.
Charlie has a sugar daddy?!
I poke Jamie's chest. "For your information, I'm bisexual. Charlie is plenty out."
"That's nice." He pats my shoulder before turning to Charlie. "Maybe when you get back from the hospital and get better, we can go shopping and you'll actually let me buy you something for a change."
Charlie blushes. "I don't want you to b-buy m-me... stuff. That's like prostitution." He adjusts his backpack.
"Look, man, you guys can talk about this later. Right now, I need to get him to the hospital before he fucking dies." I interject.
Charlie grabs Jamie's hand and escorts him out of the house. "Bye, Jamie!" He shuts the door.
I turn away since seeing their interlocking hands is making my chest hurt. "You all set?" I ask Charlie.
"I am, but you're still not wearing pants. Jamie was definitely checking your ass out." Charlie laughs and slaps my ass.
I chuckle half heartedly and jog over to grab my pants, pulling them on before coming back and taking Charlie's hand. "Yeah, he thought you were fucking me."
"That would be fun." Charlie muses.
"All you have to do is ask." I squeeze his hand and slowly open the door to make sure Jamie is really gone.
"D-Do you... really have a... problem with rich people?" Charlie asks self consciously.
I scratch the back of my head while I lead him down to where my car is parked. "Well, I mean, not people like you. Just people who flaunt their money and don't do jack shit for charity. Sorry I assumed shit about your friend."
"He provides scholarships, actually." Charlie says before frowning. "W-Why did you... say it... l-like that?"
I sigh. "I'm sorry, Charlie." I open his door for him. "I'm just stressed, that's all."
"I'm sorry I'm s-stressing you... out. Please don't take it out on anyone but me..."
I get in the driver's seat and face him, cupping his cheek. "I would never take my frustrations out on you. It's not you that's stressing me out. I promise. Don't worry about it."
"It is me though and I know it." He tries to regulate his breath, pulling out his inhaler and taking it.
"Just hold on. If you need to, we can talk about this later." I start the car and head to the nearest hospital.
He hugs himself, his eyes tearing up.
"Charlie, please don't cry." I beg. I hate seeing him sad and it's even worse because I know it's my fault. My fault and my stupid crush. My fault and my stupid jealousy. "Please, I'm not mad at you. I care about you so much."
The tears fall and he wipes at them. "I-I'm sorry. I'm not this emotional. I-I... I just really don't feel good and I'm unhappy. You... shouldn't have to do this for me..."
I park at the hospital and grab his hands. "It's okay, don't apologize for feeling your feelings. I was just upset at the way Jamie came in and took over when I was already planning to take care of you. I get irked by stupid things, it's got nothing to do with you." I kiss his hands. "The doctors will help you feel better and I'll be here for you the whole time. I want to do this for you, plus you're my roommate now. We're practically family."
Charlie laughs, scrunching up his nose. "I d-don't fuck family. I didn't... didn't k-know you were t-that much of a cow...boy."
I chuckle and wipe his eyes. "Come on, let's get you checked in." I get out and open his door for him.
Charlie fiddles with his hands. "C-Can I have... a piggyback ride...?"
"Absolutely." I smile and bend down for him.
He gets on and nuzzles into my neck. "I wish I could kiss you."
"I'm down to take the risk." I chuckle and carry him inside.
He kisses my neck. "Thank you for being here for me."
"No problem. I'll always be here for you."
♥︎ • ♦︎ • ♣︎ • ♠︎
After Charlie gets checked and treated, I sit by his bed, holding his hand.
"Do you have your sketchbook with you?" Charlie asks.
"Yeah, I do."
"Oooh. I wanna see." Charlie claps.
I pull out the sketchbook and hand it to him. "Uh, a lot of them are of you." I blush.
"Why? Am I your muse?" He giggles, flipping through to a picture of him smiling.
"Yeah, you are." I watch his reaction.
He blushes, looking at the picture. "Did you draw this from memory or did you make it up?"
"It's pretty. I like it." He grins, going to the next picture of him lying in bed with his naked back exposed. "I've written about you before."
"What kind of things do your write about me?" I poke the sketch pad. "I drew this while you were sleeping."
Charlie's blush grows. "That's so creepy. About what I write though... I don't really know. It's just whatever comes to mind. I wrote one about you before you fucked me about how hesitant you were with me and then basically dared you to take me at the end." He looks away.
"That's hot." I smirk.
"What does it mean? / You push me away, / But you still want to explore / Hesitant hands, hesitant words / When will it all make sense to me? / When will it all make sense to you? / When will you make up your troubled mind? / Please, please, / It's giving me whiplash— // Ethan, if you really want me... // Then take me..." Charlie recites, hiding under the blanket.
"You're pretty damn good. And I'm sorry I was so confusing at first." I squeeze his hand. "I know what I want now."
He shows his face again and goes to the next picture of himself wearing a full cowboy outfit. "Thanks. I wouldn't call myself fantastic, but I do think I'm pretty okay." He grins softly.
"You're welcome. I'd love to hear more sometime." I smile.
"Maybe." He smiles as he looks the picture. "Yee haw."
"You'd look so sexy in that." I hum and turn the page. "But I think you'd feel even better in this." On the paper, I'd drawn Charlie in a full pirate outfit.
"I love it!" Charlie exclaims. "You're too skilled, it's out of this world!"
"Thanks." I grin.
"You're welcome."
I take the sketchbook back and close it. "Are you feeling any better?"
"I mean, I can talk now." He laughs.
"I'm glad."
"Me too."
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