《Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition IV》Mercy198 Presents: Exclusive Edited Chapters of DFH & Character Interview
Hi, everyone!
I'm so excited to be participating in this year's Wattpad block party, summer edition iv. It's my first time here and trust me this is such a great privilege. A loud thank you to the host of this awesome event, . I don't know exactly what it is about me that caught your attention but I'm truly grateful for it.
My name is Mercy Kalu, also popularly known by my username, Mercy198. You might also recall my most popular book here on Wattpad by the title, Devil for a husband. Yes, I'm that author. Wattpad had been my abode for over four years.
What are we starting with?
Well, let's start with taking a quick peek into the first two edited chapters of my book Devil for a husband. Yes, I did state on my book that the entire book is getting edited and might be up by August or September but, I've decided to give you dear readers a sneak peek.
Below is also an image of a few of my other books. Feel free to check them out if you so wish to. Truthfully, I'll be honoured if you do.
He stepped into the boardroom with a man and woman in tow. The formal wear mixed with the serious attitude created an official feeling. The people who were already in the luxurious room stood up in greeting as a sign of acknowledging his presence. After taking a look at the bunch of people before him, he sat down in his spot signalling everyone to follow suit. No one dared to speak. He opened a file right away, without looking up, he gave a cue to a young man for the presentation to begin.
"The goal of our new store will be to sell shoes at a lower price so that our customers..." He was cut short by a cold remark.
"You mean to tell me you want to lower our profit margin?!" He rolled his eyes as he went through the file.
"Um sir, I'm not necessarily saying..."
"This company is built off of integrity and quality, my father did not build this company for it to simply be mediocre, if there is not a better pitch by Tuesday noon, you'll be fired," he boomed, the room suddenly feeling ice cold.
"But... may I finish..." the unfortunate boy trailed off as his boss got up and had already begun to leave the room, without a bit of emotion across his face. His assistants who had followed him, walked out with him as well, boredom plaguing their faces.
"Who is he to treat people that way?! Who does he think he is?!" He cried in exasperation.
The woman in red piped up,
"He's Blayze Norman, the CEO and president of these department stores, some of the top in the world you know... He owns this company."
"Yes I know, it was a rhetorical question," he irritably commented, picked up his files, and stormed out of the room.
He sat in his shiny black office chair, his timeline for the upcoming month as two business men walked through the entrance.
"They're posing as a threat? Since when has this company grown big enough to possibly get close to hurting us?" Blayze questioned them with ferocity.
Sharing a look, one of the business men responded, "We've tried to schedule a meeting with one of their representatives to create some sort of co-operation, but it has fallen through each time."
Blayze stood up from his seat and got in front of the two men.
"So, are you telling me this whole time you have found this predicament entirely too unimportant to report to me, yet according to these charts, our sales have decreased by a whopping 20%?" The men were caught off guard, not expecting to be asked all of the questions at once. Silence filled the room, darkening it like a cloud.
"Well sir, that's not really the source of the problem... actually sir, when your father was the active CEO and residing president, he loaned about ten million dollars. He was best friends with Carter, of the Carter Stores and loaned the money to them after a project had failed. It was originally five million, but they continually asked for more after asking for more and more, then eventually your father passed away. But that money is what has been restricting our advertising and growth budget." As the story unfolded, it caused Blayze to stop and think, how come he had never been aware of this?
"Carter owes us ten million dollars? And they've paid none of it back? My father was lenient with people. Mr. James, start a brief overview on this case written and get it to me as soon as possible. I'll need some time to think on where to start with this case," he requested. Mr. James responded with a curt nod. Although Mr. James was older than Blayze, Blayze being in his late twenties and he was in his early forties, Mr. James had grown to respect his boss on many levels. Him, moderate in height. He had grey streaks in his brown hair which match his eyes perfectly, the wrinkles around his eyes showed signs of stress and hard work. Together, the men got ready to take on a new task.
"Mr. James," Blayze called after him, "You've been working at this company for the last ten years, you probably know more about what happened with my father and Carter than anyone, I'd like you to give your input and ideas on how to handle this."
"Yes sir, of course," responded Mr. James politely.
A knock on the door broke him out of his working haze.
"Come in." Blayze spoke up. A young woman around her late twenties walked in, her straight chocolate hair blowing behind her as she stepped. She was fair in complexion and was dressed in a professional black pencil skirt and a sky blue chiffon blouse.
With a small planner in hand, she said, "I'm sorry for the disturbance sir, but you have a function that you must attend this evening and you have to get going."
"Ok, please get the driver and car in place," he told her, responding with a nod before she left the office. Soon after, he left for his home to change into something suiting for the occasion.
"I'd assume that you've gotten everything sorted out?" questioned Blayze.
"Yes, Mr. Norman," Mr. James reassured, handing over the paper folder.
"That's good to hear. It's good to know you take your work seriously, and ideas on a solution?" asked Blayze as he flipped through the pages.
"Well sir, I do not believe the Carter family can pay us back anytime soon, with their sales versus their spending with personal matters, I don't believe that we can get even a reasonable fraction of our money back any time in the near, or distant future."
"Mr. James, what exactly are you saying? That we've just lost ten million dollars to our highest, advancing competitors? What could you possibly have in mind?"
"Well since, money isn't currently available, we'll have to go with non-price factors." Mr. James trailed off, suddenly feeling unsure about his idea.
"Yes, Mr. James go on," urged Blayze, suddenly interested in what could possibly amount to ten million dollars.
"Well, you see Mr. Carter has two daughters. When kingdoms have financial troubles, there will be a kind of agreement to join hands to strengthen the bonds between them. A marriage to be precise, prosperity would reign and their troubles would fix...." Mr. James recollected.
"Are you suggesting a marriage between I and one of Carter's daughters?" Blayze asked with a cool demeanour, catching on quite fast.
"The youngest is still in high school but his eldest is a beacon for the press. Not only will our company be shown in a more positive light than ever but also, when her father passes, you will be in part ownership of the inheritance. This can include a partial ownership of their business and more than the money they owe. Thereafter, you can do whatever suits you with the company plus you get to avoid having to pass through the strenuous court process of claiming back your money." Mr. James ended with an intake of breath. It was a last minute idea and there were no other options. Blayze wore a mask, and under it was the layer of questions: Is this really a beneficial fix? Is it even a viable solution?
"So you're saying that a marriage should amend his debt therefore furthering us by free advertisement, part ownership and inheritance? How are we sure they will agree to such an offer?" Blayze inquired.
"Well sir, if we bring in the facts, this is Mr. Carter's best option." Mr. James confidently replied. After staring at Mr. James for quite a while, Blayze took in a deep breath.
"Call and set up an appointment. I think this could possibly do us good Mr. James, well done."
"I'd assume you are well aware of the topic for today's meeting, correct Mr. Carter?" Blayze directed his question at the slightly shorter, middle aged man. His frosted hair framed his oval shaped face. His hazel eyes sat upon his slim, yet long nose, while his moustache laid underneath. It was merely both of the men in a boardroom that was meant for at least thirty.
"Mr. Norman, I'm not exactly sure what you speak of." Mr. Carter lied through his teeth. Blayze, tired of the time wasting small talk, handed the man a file containing the day's matter.
"So it seems that you and your company owe my company a rather plump sum of money. It's been years, yet absolutely none of it has been paid back. Not only do you owe the ten million, but the interest of it sitting in your care. Do you realize how much money that is, with a signed legal document binding you to this?" Blayze kept a professional tone, not letting personal emotion interfere. Although internally, he was boiling. How dare some scumbag try to take advantage of his father's goodwill?
"Mr. Norman, my company is still in a crucial state... I don't believe we will be able to give that kind of money now, or in the near future!" Mr. Carter exclaimed.
"I don't understand, how on earth are you possibly thriving as a company, yet unable to make simple payments back on a loan. I am not afraid to play repossession. I am well aware of the fact I have the opportunity to take your company for all it's worth and I am ready to take legal action on this matter, Mr. Carter," Blayze threatened. Their success shall not come from his downfall, that was one thing he was sure of.
"Mr. Norman, I'm not sure what I have to offer you, my company has no financial room to pay you back at this point," Mr. Carter defended some more.
"You read the contract, correct? The agreement was clearly stated, that is what you legally bound your name to." Blayze added determined to put him in the wrong.
"When I agreed to that your father was still in charge! He was benevolent and understanding. He fully understood the situation and how desperate we were!"
"So you took advantage of him!" Blayze snapped.
"Well, now it's different. He's not here and you will find a way to pay us back."
"What do you mean by that? I've explained that's next to impossible." Mr. Carter exasperatedly spoke. The atmosphere felt suffocating as Mr. Carter stared at Blayze trying to figure out what the greedy businessman had in mind but it was hard to read his face as he had no expression on his face. His eyes on the other hand were cold.
"I shall take your eldest hand in marriage." Blayze finally blurted out and waited for a reaction from the elderly man. Mr. Carter's eyes slowly widened in surprise. His pulse slowly heightened at this new proposal.
"Not happening! No way am I going to put the life of my little girl in the hands of a cold hearted and self centered man like you!" Spat Mr. Carter.
"Don't flatter yourself Mr. Carter. I do not take any personal interest in your daughter. In fact, I know nothing of her other than the business benefits that comes with the union. But Mr. Carter, this cold hearted and self centered man is giving you the opportunity to redeem yourself and your company. You can either hand her over, or your company," Blayze reasoned.
"It's your choice. The deadline is the end of this week." Getting his stuff together, he stood to his feet. Blayze stretched out his hand to Mr. Carter for a simple business handshake but Carter looked from his hand to his face then shifted his eyes away from him entirely. He hated his new found position.
Blayze on the other hand wasn't the least bothered about the elderly man's emotion or what he thought of him. To him, this was just pure business and he was ready to go to the extremes to get what he wants.
"Very well Mr. Carter. Till we meet again." Blayze stated as he withdrew his hand before turning away to leave the room, his assistant following behind him.
Mr. Carter loved both his company and his daughter very much. He didn't want to give either of them up to the Devil himself. He didn't want to.
Wow! Different? Better? Comments guys!
Great, now we're done with the first set, we head on to character interviews. I know most of you readers read DFH and are like why... why is Blayze doing that!? What's wrong with Caden!? Urgh, she's a little childish! I like her, she's so positive! Why can't Leslie just drop dead!?
Good news! Your favourite characters are here and they're on the hot seat just for you.
The audience applaud in excitement at the sight of watching their favourite characters from the DFH walking up the stage with beautiful smiles on their faces. The host for the day, an average brunet with a petite framed face gets up from her seat to greet each and every one of them with a warm hug before they have their seats.
Host: Wow! Would you look at that? Our favourite characters from DFH are all here.
*She states with quite a wide smile and the audience let out a little cheer as well. *
Host: I know. I know. I should definitely let them introduce themselves.
*She adds before directing her gaze to the young lady seated beside her, who in return smiles. The young lady shifts her eyes to the audience in front of her. *
Caden: Hello everyone, I'm Caden Cart...
*She suddenly stops for a second and the audience slowly erupt into a cheer as Caden is seen slowly shifting her eyes to the man seated beside her. Lightly biting her bottom lip as their eyes meet. He stares back at her. Both with amusement in their eyes. A simple smile surfacing on his face. Caden eventually smiles broader as she turns back to the audience. *
Host: Whoa Caden! Correct yourself girl. Quickly. He's not liking it.
*The host intervened for humour. *
Caden: Sorry. There's still a lot of getting used to so I'm going to start all over. I'm Mrs. Caden Norman.
Host: Alright!
*The host cheered her on with one clap before the mantle was handing to the next sitting beside her. *
Blayze: Hello...
*The audience cheers louder at just the mere sound of his voice which causes Blayze to smile broader. The look on his face, quite surprised by the love he was getting at the moment. *
Host: Wow, they do love you after everything you've done.
*The host speaks out just staring out at the audience and Blayze lets out a light chuckle as he modestly bows his head for a few seconds before raising it back up. *
Blayze: I'm Blayze Norman. CEO of one of the top departmental stores in the world.
*The audience applauds before the mantle is then shifted to the lady seated next to Blayze. *
Mia: Hello, I'm Mia Potter. Caden's best friend...
*The audience cheers as well for her and she's left speechless for a second as the cheering had supposingly taking her by surprise. It seems the host notices this and directs her gaze to Mia. *
Host: Mia, it seems all this love has taken you by surprise. Has it?
*Mia nods continuously. *
Host: Really? Why... why does this take you by surprise?
Mia: Well, for starters, everyone knows that I play a minor role in this book. I mean... Why am I even here today? I'm pretty sure Leslie should have taken my spot. I mean, she plays...
Host: Whoa Mia! We've been warned by the author to watch what we say. We want to discuss a little but at the same time, we still want to keep a little edge of suspense for the newcomers.
*The host slightly turns to the audience. *
Host: Yes. Our newcomers are those that haven't read the book so please make sure to check it all out.
*The audience cheer a little before she shifts her gaze back to Mia. *
Host: Mia, you might have been a minor character but we all know what great thing you did which also answers the question as to why you're here instead of Leslie.
*Mia smiles as she eventually understands what the host was talking about. Both Mia and Caden then exchange glances. *
Host: First of all guys, It's so nice to have you here today and trust me when I say I speak for everyone. Today, I have just one question for each of you. This is a question that has been picked from all the numerous questions asked by your fans.
*The host states and they all smile. *
Caden: Just a question?
Host: Yup. Disappointed?
Caden: No...not really. Just that I didn't expect just one question.
Host: Trust me Caden, it's a single question that'll get you all cracking up.
*The host tells her and waits for a reaction from her or anyone of them but then she gets nothing different. No further question and so she picks up three cards that has been lying on the table in front of them all this while. *
Host: Great. So, I'm just going to read all three of them out and you're each going to leave your reply. Ready?
*She asks and they all nod in accordance. *
Host: Question; Caden, you've been known for all your tactics and mischievousness but our real question here is... Why? Why take that road to taunt Blayze when you know exactly how much he hates it?
*Caden lets out a light chuckle as her head drops down and the audience cheer louder in joy.
Blayze just smiles. *
Host: Hold on. Question 2, Mia... Why do what you did knowing full well of the possible outcome that might have befallen your best friend?
*Mia slightly cringes up her face upon hearing the little expected question. *
Host: And Blayze, question 3; Why do you think the author named you Blayze?
*She asks the last question and Blayze's brows slightly raise in surprise, definitely not having expected that very question. The audience cheer once more with an applaud. The host smiles quite broadly. Very satisfied with both her and her team's work. *
Host: Mia, do you want to go first?
*The host asks and Mia put up a warm smile and she lightly nods. *
Mia: Well, we all know how the story went and how these two were...
Caden: Wait, sorry, excuse me for a second.
*Caden suddenly interrupts them and they all turn to her. *
Caden: Wouldn't talking about that particular part of the book destroy the whole idea of suspense for the newcomers? I mean, we still have to consider them and give them a chance to check out the book, right?
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