《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🍋Dangerous Desires~TojixFemReader
♡Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen♡
You breathe heavily as you glance around the warehouse for any more signs of movement, you wait a couple of seconds before allowing yourself to close your eyes and take a deep breath. Well, that could've been less messy, though this wasn't my first time handling that many guys at once, you think to yourself with a slight chuckle as you open your eyes and glance down at the array of lifeless bodies spread out around you.
You pull out your phone casually and turn on the front-facing camera and analyze your appearance before wiping off some blood that had managed to reach your cheek. Though in your reflection, you notice light reflect off an object oddly. Before you could turn around to face the person you already feel a blade being pressed against your throat. You raise your hands in surrender but bite your inner cheek to keep from smiling too much.
"Well look at the mess you made, guess I got here too late. You seem pretty keen on taking all my good jobs," the deep voice of the man behind you says in your ear as you allow a chuckle to escape.
"What can I say? A girls gotta eat, next time be quicker. My pockets are just as hungry for money as yours Toji Zenin, oh wait you're a Fushiguro now aren't you?" you say as the sharp end of the blade gently pricks your neck. You feel a small wound open as Toji leans his mouth closer to your ear.
"So you know who I am and were still cocky enough to take my hit. Seems the rumours are true about you too F/N L/N, a sly and merciless killer with no respect for her elders. It's not safe having someone as unruly as you wreaking havoc in the streets," Toji says as you roll your eyes.
"Yet everyone's ok with the DILF sorcerer killer doing just that? Don't make me laugh Toji, you're just mad because a woman like me is showing you up at your supposedly male-dominated occupation," you say teasingly as Toji scoffs.
"That's big talk for a girl who so easily got caught off guard and placed in a lethal situation if she were to say accidentally make my hand slip causing me to slice her neck and end up a couple of thousand dollars richer," Toji threatens as you burst out laughing before releasing your cursed technique and watching as your smoke double dissipates leaving Toji stunned.
You watch safely from atop the fire escape exit while looking down at Toji and smiling to yourself as his cold emerald eyes swiftly locate your real position. Even without a cursed technique, his senses are sharper than most. You've pulled that trick before and nobody had been able to find you as quickly as Toji had. Perhaps the fear surrounding his name is true to its source.
"Me? Caught off guard? You're cute but unfortunately, I have one thing going for me as an assassin that you don't, a cursed technique that allows me to manipulate smoke at will. Pretty handy for an assassin huh?" you tease while waving down at Toji who smiles up at you. In the blink of an eye, Toji leaps from his position on the warehouse floor to the second story and quickly rushes towards your location.
You manage to narrowly slide out of the fire escape exit just as Toji's blade appears before your eyes. The speed with which he slashed at you made it so that he managed to somehow cut off the ends of your hair. You'd heard that he was fast, but the stories never relayed just how fast he truly is. Even though no fighting had begun, Toji's bloodlust alone is enough to make tingles run down your spine.
"Cursed techniques? I've never needed gimmicks like that to get my job done, allow me to demonstrate why," Toji says as the two of you end up on top of the warehouse narrowly missing each others blades. It'd been a while since you'd sparred with someone for this long, and you can't hide the deranged smile on your face as you manage to land a thin slice on Toji's lip and watch as he pauses to lick the wound.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I damage your pretty face?" you say playfully as Toji suddenly lunges towards you again. This time, however, he manages to shallowly cut your chest right above your breast and hangs back to allow you to analyze his work as your torn shirt exposes the plunge of your breasts. You dramatically cover your chest with a horrified expression on your face as you meet Toji's eyes.
"My Mr.Fushiguro I never knew you were such a pervert! This is only our first meeting, take me out on a date first at least!" you exclaim as Toji rolls his beautiful eyes at you. It's no wonder that the other women in your field all rave about wanting to meet the sorcerer killer in person, his appearance alone makes you want to fall to your knees.
Though there's no way you'd dare indulge in an activity like that with a man who's just as notorious for breaking hearts and shamelessly swindling funds from those he's damaged.
"I'd never scar the face of a woman; especially not one as pretty as yours. How would you then be able to get a respectable job?" Toji asks as you laugh bitterly.
"A respectable job? Please I'm more damaged than I look, why else would I be in this business?" You ask as you use your cursed technique to make another clone of yourself before walking over to Toji in a seductive manner. He doesn't retaliate as both versions of you approach him slowly.
"I have to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get what I want out of this world. I tried to live a respectable life, you know where that left me? Used and abused for being too naive to know how the real world works," you tell Toji as yourself and your clone slide a hand down his toned arm muscles. You bite your lip at the feel of them, wondering for just a second how they'd feel wrapped around you.
"For some reason, I was always the most desired and the least desirable all at once. Lusted over for my beauty and body but not willing to be treated with an ounce of respect because I was too desperate for love in all the wrong places till the point where I ended up as damaged or used goods," you go on as Toji suddenly grabs your hand making you gasp softly.
He disregards the smoke double and locks in on you, forcing you to look up and meet his serious green eyes. He doesn't speak for a while, and for once you're too stunned to make a witty remark back. You've encountered your fair share of pretty targets before, even indulged a little before completing your task. However, Toji Fushiguro is on a completely different level.
"So what?" Toji asks bluntly as you pause a bit taken aback.
"W-what do you mean?"
"So what if they consider you used or damaged goods? Do you really allow people to place a value on you? Since when do outside opinions matter? You're the one that just told me that you have to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get what you want. Why not apply that same conviction to get out of this kind of lifestyle?" Toji says in a disapproving tone as you feel your cheeks begin to burn as he looks down at you expecting an answer.
You already knew that Toji was DILF material, however, it seems like some of his fatherly instincts still remain considering how this suddenly feels like a lecture.
"Listen, I know very well that all this fake vulnerability is just a distraction for me while your true body gets away. However, the next time we meet I will ensure that you no longer continue to be a nuisance to my work," Toji threatens as your smoke clone smirks up at him.
"I'll look forward to our next meeting then, Mr. Fushiguro," you say before releasing your two smoke clones and leaving Toji standing on the roof on his own.
"Ugh of course Satoru is late, damn crystal-eyed motherfucker," you murmur to yourself as you pace around your hotel room while dressed to the nines. You had dressed up in a short form-fitting satin dress and paired it with black stiletto heels. As usual, the dress leaves little to the imagination but left just enough space to hide the dagger harnesses on your inner thigh.
You had originally wanted to get the dress in a light blue colour to match the shade of a certain jujutsu sorcerer's eyes, however, the emerald green material caught your attention instead. A part of you is glad you hadn't gone with the blue considering your date for the evening has magically dropped off the face of the earth.
You should've known better than to trust someone like Gojo Satoru to personally give you information considering his reputation. It wouldn't look good for a sorcerer to be caught having shady friends such as yourself. However, many jujutsu sorcerers you know have ties to the underworld and would be lying if they claimed otherwise.
You let out a huff as you walk toward the bathroom mirror and place your hands on your hips, your e/c eyes observe your appearance with a strong sense of approval. You've never needed an endless flow of compliments coming from outsiders, you know that you're a gem and would be damned if you allowed the world to miss out on an opportunity to witness your beauty by staying in.
"I look way too good not to go out tonight, screw Satoru," you say to your reflection as you confidently grab your purse and keycard before heading out of your luxury hotel room and downstairs to the in-hotel restaurant. It doesn't take long for you to get seated at a table by a young waiter who appears stunned by your appearance.
You maintain a flirtatious air around you as you order a light meal and a drink while your eyes casually fall upon a silverish-blue-haired man sitting a little ways away from you. Originally you had come to this restaurant because of that man, Mahito. He has quite the bounty on his head and was supposed to be the kill which would pay for your hotel stay, either that or you would've duped the blue-eyed sorcerer just for the hell of it.
Mahito, like yourself, sits alone and enjoys a meal despite being the reason for many innocent people being killed and mutilated. Not that you give a damn about the lives of others, if anything his cursed technique intrigues you and you yourself are curious to understand how it works. However, you know his life is about to expire. You already took out two opposing assassins earlier today and disposed of them, but you noted the presence of a third but let it go.
You down the glass of Chardonnay you had ordered before dabbing the side of your mouth and rising from your seat to leave after quickly finishing your meal. As if on cue you hear a loud thud as if someone had fallen, you don't have to glance back to know that Mahito had been shot dead leaving his body to collapse upon the table. How nice of the assassin to allow you to finish your meal first before wreaking havoc.
By now a waiter will have walked over, poking curiously at Mahito's dead body trying to will him to wake up before noting the hole in his head. The sound of a woman screeching loudly is followed by the crashing sound of a waiter dropping their tray in shock. You do your best to hide a smirk at the quick and classic form of assassinating a target.
"Well, perhaps I should thank him for the free meal," you think to yourself as the other restaurant goers around you jump out of their seats in a panic and run for their lives after the dead body discovery. Though you maintain the same calm stride as you exit the restaurant and feel a man brush your shoulder to run to safety, the unwanted contact makes you scowl.
"Simpletons," you mutter in disgust as you dust off your shoulder, the shooter only had one target. You know very well that he's not the type to indulge in work that he's not getting paid for. Speak of the devil, you allow someone to yank your arm and pull you aside drawing you away from the chaos. The upcoming confrontation makes you bite your inner lip considering this will be the first you will personally come face to face with the sorcerer killer.
"Well fancy meeting you here beautiful, who are you all dressed up for?" the infamous Toji Fushiguro asks you, his deep raspy voice sounding like music amongst the chorus of screams behind you. You had a feeling the two of you would be reunited soon enough after your dance on that rooftop. In all truth, those sadistic emerald eyes have haunted your dreams for longer than you'd like to admit.
"Myself, of course. I figured I'd mark the occasion where I decided to be kind for once and allow you to have one of my kills. Though the panic you caused is quite irritating, a bit sloppy even," you say casually as Toji lets out an honest loud chuckle, the depth of which catches you slightly off guard. You'd never heard such a soothing sound until this moment, though you quickly gather your wits before being pulled in by the heart-stopping sound.
"You gifted me that kill did you? Are you positive I hadn't caught you off guard by appearing?" Toji asks as you roll your eyes and pull away from his grip. You dust off the arm Toji was holding and meet his eyes with annoyance seeping off of your body language.
"Of course not, who do you take me for? Now kindly accept your gift before I change my mind, you won't get this opportunity again," you say while getting ready to storm off only to feel Toji's large calloused hand grab yours. You pause, not reacting as you lower your gaze and raise a curious eyebrow as Toji bows down and kisses your hand.
You're annoyed by how such a simple action makes butterflies swarm through your stomach. Are you truly this touch starved?
"To be honest Y/N, you look more like a gift to me right now. Why don't the two of us head somewhere else? It'd be a shame not to have all eyes on you when you're dressed like this," Toji says as you chuckle at the extent Toji will go to to get what he wants. Though you want to hold back as much as possible, the attention being given to you by this man who could kill you with ease makes your face flush.
He knows how to use his charisma almost as well as you do, it doesn't help that tall, dark, and muscular is very much your type.
"I don't need you to tell me I look good Mr. Fushiguro, I was planning on taking myself out to have a drink. If you desire to follow after me like a love-struck puppy then, by all means, follow," you say arrogantly as Toji makes a dramatic hurt expression and reaches for his heart.
"Ouch, not the last name. I know we got off on the wrong foot last time, but why don't you allow me the honours of covering tonight's expenses," Toji offers as you choke out a laugh and once again pull your hand away as you begin to walk in the direction of the bar. You hear Toji follow you without hesitation and will yourself not to blush despite knowing this act is just that, an act.
"Ok, now I know there's a catch. What do you really want Fushiguro?" you call back to Toji who joins you at your side.
"Truly I just want to treat you, perhaps give you a taste of how a woman of your calibre should be treated," Toji says, his tone having dropped a few octaves there as if his natural voice wasn't sultry enough. Regardless of how his voice makes your knees quake, you stubbornly roll your eyes.
"It's because I'm a woman of this calibre that I refuse to accept your suspicious generosity. We are both in the same occupation if you've forgotten," you remind Toji as the two of you casually walk past police rushing towards the dining room you're leaving from.
"Assassins are always so cautious and untrusting, it's sad really. Alright, how about this, I promise not to kill you, did that help? The world would truly be a duller place without you in it," Toji relays to you flirtatiously as you brush off the meaningless compliment and note his promise. Though you act as if you hadn't heard him whisper the word 'tonight' after saying he wouldn't kill you.
While assassins are indeed cautious and untrusting, they're also manipulative liars that will say and do whatever they must to get what they want. With that in mind, you abruptly stop walking and turn around to face Toji who stops directly in front of you. He looks down at you curiously, his bright green eyes locking upon your e/c eyes with no hesitation.
You allow a smirk to curve your lips as you lean forward leaving little to no distance between the two of you. Toji's body language remains relaxed as you lean towards his ear, you place your hands on his firm shoulders and have to stand up on your toes slightly so that you can whisper as desired.
"Mr. Fushiguro, your charms may seduce a woman who lacks self-confidence but it won't work on me. While your offer is tempting, how would you treat me without your wallet?" You ask casually while stepping back and holding up Toji's wallet while walking backwards and noting the smile that lifts his lips.
As much as you know you shouldn't indulge, seeing him smile almost makes you hesitate to withhold that USB you had intended to sell to Satoru. You toss the wallet back at Toji and spin on your heels before continuing to walk off, you don't immediately hear footsteps following you which admittingly disappoints you a bit.
However, in this business indulging in guilty pleasure can very quickly lead to death, and wanting Toji Fushiguro is one lethally sweet desire to have.
A few minutes after leaving Toji behind you managed to make it to a small club and sit down in the bar area as drunken clubbers party around you. You had hoped for somewhere quieter and classier, but this was the closest place you stumbled across. Besides, you immediately needed a drink after repeatedly acting as if you didn't want Toji Fushiguro to rail you into oblivion.
You finish your drink and wave the bartender over to give you another, you can feel eyes on you from all angles but you're too dejected to care. The number of men and women alike gawking at you is nothing short of the norm, though they're understandably too scared to approach you.
Your presence intimidates most, but someone like Toji isn't intimidated at all and that both pisses you off and intrigues you. He's playful with you despite knowing you're capable of killing him if you so wished, and while his strength is clear to you a part of you feels that you wouldn't mind being choked out by that muscular green-eyed menace.
You're snapped out of your horny daze as you note the bartender sliding a glass towards you. You reach out your hand to grab it but the drinks trajectory is cut off by a large hand wrapping around your glass instead of your own hand. You watch annoyed as Toji lifts the glass to his lips and downs its contents with ease. The butterflies in your stomach are dancing furiously again at the sudden presence of the man you had been daydreaming about.
"It's not nice to drink something that doesn't belong to you Fushiguro, a puppy shouldn't aggravate its owner especially by coming back when it had been shooed away," you say in a cold emotionless tone despite the heat rising to your cheeks as Toji claims the seat next to you and places his elbow on the counter while leaning his head towards you giving you his full undivided attention.
"Aww is the act not working for you? I thought most women love to be chased after and pursued," Toji says as you scoff and order another drink, though out of the corner of your eye you can't help but take in Toji's appearance. The way the dim light shadows his dark features and makes him appear that much more tempting is nothing short of art...or the effects of too much alcohol.
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