《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🌹Who Cares?~TerushimaxReader


♡Anime: Haikyuu♡

I once read a comment that said "Terushima walked so Miya Atsumu could run." And I am devastated at the accuracy😂 Teru deserved so much more screen time though.


"YY/NNNN." you hear a voice scream cheerfully as you turn around to find a blonde-haired boy running towards you. His almond-coloured eyes lock onto yours full of energy as a flash of his tongue piercing catches your eye.

You wait until the boy is a few steps away from you before stepping abruptly to the side and watching as he stumbles over his feet. You chuckle as the boy turns and pouts at you.

"Aww Y/N why do you never let me hug you in public? What kind of best friend are you? Where's the love?" Terushima asks cutely as you roll your eyes and continue your walk out of the school. You and Teru have been friends since middle school, or moreso he latched onto you back then and never let you go.

"I don't ever let you hug me, I don't get why you keep trying Teru. Don't you have a fan club of girls who'd die to hug you?" You ask without turning back as Teru suddenly appears in front of you making you jump.

"Hmm? That sounds like a hint of jealousy in your voice Y/N. As much as I appreciate the compliments, none of those girls could ever take your place in my heart Y/N." Teru says as his voice lowers an octave. You falter for a second before quickly regaining your composure.

Ever since starting at Johzenji high, Teru's been acting differently. He'll still tease and irritate you as usual, but from time to time there are moments where he'll randomly get super flirtatious. You know he's just found a new way to tease you, but you still find yourself wondering whether or not he's serious during those moments.

"I don't care for your empty flirting, I have studying to do."

"Are those your plans for the night? Fine, you've twisted my arm, I'll come too. Practice was cancelled tonight anyway." Teru says as you groan loudly. He always had a bad habit of inviting himself over to your place, it doesn't help that your mom loves him too.

After all, Teru is the smartest kid in the school, the captain of the boy's volleyball team, and respectful (around your parents at least). He's got a solid foundation of what someone would want in their future partner. However, his charisma may be the reason he's never had a solid girlfriend for over a week despite being sought after.

Nobody can handle the party captain, yet he's high in demand. Though everyone already believes that the two of you are already dating.

"We have our final midterms soon and I really want to focus. I never get anything done when you come over." You say as Teru chuckles.

"Don't say that so loud Y/N, people might get the wrong idea of just how I distract you." Teru jokes as you feel your cheeks redden. You punch Teru's arm and walk faster as he lets out a yelp and cradles his arm.

"Your punches hurt more now, have you been working out?"

"Shut up Teru, do you just like pain or something?" You ask as Teru chuckles and catches up with you.

"Hey! It's not nice to kink shame Y/N." Teru says playfully as the two of you pass by the shopping district on your way home. You pass by a bakery and as usual, Teru rushes inside without giving you any warning.


"I'll grab us some study snacks, don't leave!" Teru yells to you as you sigh and find a bench to sit down on not too far from the shop. You slide your bag off your shoulder as you watch Teru excitedly point at different pastries. You unexpectedly begin to smile to yourself as he coerces the clerk to let him try a piece of cake.

A bit of the custard from the cake slides down Teru's hand and you watch as his tongue slowly licks it up. You feel your heart thump loudly as you notice the flustered expression on the young clerk's face. You can't blame her, Teru does show off his piercing whenever he can.

He's completely aware of the power it has, though you'd never admit to his face that it would occasionally make your thoughts wander. You jump slightly as someone suddenly plops down on the bench next to you. You look over and find a guy that looks to be around your age sitting there.

"Hey beautiful, are you here alone?" The guy asks as you roll your eyes and shake your head.

"No, I'm waiting for someone. Why?" You ask in a hostile tone as the guy chuckles and puts his hands up defensively.

"Woah, I didn't mean to offend you. I just saw a beautiful person and took my chances shooting my shot." The guy says while scooting a bit closer to you.

"Well I'm not interested, so you could just go about your business OK?" You say while grabbing your bag and standing up. However, the person stands up with you making you let out a sigh. You don't often get hit on, but when it's unwanted and pushy you make sure the person regrets it.

"Aren't you a feisty one? I like that." The guy says making a sickening chill run down your spine. You're about to respond with your fist but your eyes widen as hands suddenly reach out for your chin. Your face is tilted upwards as you meet Teru's eyes.

"Sorry I took so long babe. It seems I can't leave you anywhere without you grabbing attention." You hear Teru say in a surprisingly deep voice as his eyes shoot daggers at the guy to your left. Your heartbeat skyrockets as Teru suddenly presses his lips softly against yours.

You find yourself rendered frozen as Teru kisses you gently. His tongue pokes at your lips as you grant him access to deepen the kiss. Immediately you're greeted by the sweetness of the custard he ate not too long ago. You feel your body begin to respond to the kiss as Teru cups your face.

Your body is on fire and your mind is cloudy.

You know he's just doing this for show so that the guy would leave you alone, but still, a part of you doesn't want him to stop. The sweet taste of the custard on his tongue, the way his hands gently caress your cheek. Sounds rise up in your throat but you're too scared to let them out.

The regular Y/N would've probably pushed him away and stormed off by now. However, you want to saver this moment, it is your first kiss after all. Even though the circumstances for it are less than romantic, having your first kiss be Teru was something your mother predicted a long time ago.

"I get it, man, jeez. Lucky bastard." You hear the other guy murmur before walking off as Teru pulls away from you while still holding your cheeks in his hands. You look up at Teru's serious expression as he continues to stare at the guy until he's out of view.


Why had you never realized how hot he looks when he's serious? Why does being held so close to him make your heart race? Why do you crave so badly for him to kiss you again?

Teru suddenly glances down at you watching him doe-eyed and smiles awkwardly. You immediately take a step back and clear your throat as you divert your eyes.

That was all for show Y/N, don't get feelings involved.

"I...could've handled that on my own." You say lowly as Teru chuckles.

"I know you could've Y/N, but for once I wanted you to let me protect you."

"Did you have to kiss me to do that though? You could've just scared him off or something." You say getting a bit riled up as you glance back up at Teru who smiles down at you softly.

"I kissed you because I wanted to, it just also happened to be all I needed to do to get that creep to go away. Sorry, I didn't ask for permission first, you can totally punch me if you want." Teru says as you freeze.

He...wanted to kiss you? Does that mean that he actually...

You adjust your bag back on your shoulder and start to walk off leaving Teru behind. You just can't seem to wrap your brain around Teru wanting to be with you when there's a swarm of girls that idolize him.

"For someone so smart, you're really such an idiot Teru." You mutter as Teru tilts his head confused. The two of you continue walking towards your house, but Teru grows more annoying by the second. However, your cheeks won't stop blushing.

"Huh? What does that mean? You're not gonna hit me?" Teru asks as you chuckle softly before shaking your head. Your reaction only seems to make Teru's mentality degrade more as he suddenly grabs your arm and yanks on it like a child.

"Don't be like that Y/N, come on just hit me so that we can get past this OK? I don't like it when you're mad at me." Teru says in a pouty tone as you roll your eyes.

"Shut up dumbass. I'm not mad at you, I was just surprised is all. It did happen in front of a bunch of people." You say as Teru suddenly grabs your arm and pulls you into his chest.

"Who cares if a couple of people saw? You enjoyed that kiss didn't you Y/N? Is that why you won't look me in the eyes anymore?" Teru asks in a seductive tone as you quickly grow flustered.

"Well...I mean...it's not like I have anything to compare it to." You manage to get out as Teru smirks and lifts a hand to your cheek. His thumb brushes against your bottom lip as a lustful look fills his eyes.

"Hmm, if that's the case I'll gladly kiss you again. Then you can tell me which one you liked better." Teru teases as a group of girls walks past while staring at you and Teru while rolling their eyes.

You already knew that Terushima was the type of person that'd be comfortable with PDA. However, you can't help but wonder if he's doing this even more so because he knows that it's embarrassing to you.

"Teru, can we not do this here? It was a good kiss OK? You don't have to..."

"Just good? Well, that won't do. I want the girl I like to melt in my arms whenever I kiss her." Teru says suddenly as you lock eyes with him.

"You like me? Since when? But you're always surrounded by those girls... " You ramble on as Teru flicks your forehead softly making you quickly stop talking.

"Idiot, I've always had a crush on you. I just went on those dates to try and make you jealous, it never seemed to work though." Teru says matter-of-factly as you bite your lips and look away.

"I see..."

"Huh?! That's really all you have to say after I pour my heart out to you?" Teru yells once again drawing more attention to the two of you. You quickly cover Teru's mouth as his eyes watch you full of amusement.

"Stop being so loud." You say as Teru swiftly grabs your wrist and presses you against the wall to the left of you. You let out a tiny gasp as Teru smirks mischievously down at you.

"If you don't tell me honestly how you feel. I'll just hold you like this until you do." Teru threatens as you glare at him.

"I think you're a sadomasochistic idiot." You blurt out as Teru chuckles and leans closer to you.

"I'd let your pretty lips insult me any day, but your eyes are giving you away Y/N," Teru informs you as he squeezes your wrist a bit tighter. Instead of feeling scared or embarrassed, your body once again feels feverish.

"What do you think they're saying then since you're so smart?" You ask finally giving in to your desires as Teru smiles brightly and leans only inches away from your lips.

"They're begging me to kiss you again," Teru whispers as your lips curve up into a smirk.

"Then hurry up and kiss me, you idiot." You say as Terushima wastes no time pressing his lips against yours. Instead of the shy yet passionate kiss a few minutes ago, this one is aggressive and needy.

The sounds you were holding back now escape your lips making Teru suddenly pull away. His lips move down to your neck making you squirm. You feel a shiver run down your spine as Teru's pierced tongue licks and sucks on your neck.

Passersby look over at the two of you before quickly looking away or shooting you a disgusted glance. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment, but you smile twistedly at them as you feel the pleasure grow.

Teru suddenly pulls away breathing heavily as you do the same. He lifts your chin and guides your head upwards as you look at him with lustful eyes full of submission.

"Who would've thought that the tough and stubborn Y/N would like to be shamed. You were acting embarrassed but you like this don't you? Being claimed in public, it seems you have your own undiscovered kinks. I'll gladly help you learn more about yourself." Teru says as you laugh.

He watches you curiously as you slowly trail your hand down his torso, you keep your eyes locked on Teru's as his face reddens. Your hand stops at the hem of his pants as Teru looks down at you with needy eyes.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Terushima, maybe I'll give you a glimpse if you promise to be a good boy and actually study with me first." You say as Teru smirks.

"So there are two sadomasochists in this relationship huh? This should be fun,"

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