《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🌸Baby Owl~BokutoxReader
♡Anime: Haikyuu♡
"Ah hey Y/N you're early. Did you see your mid-term marks?" Akaashi asks as he sits down at his desk in front of you. You nod sadly as Akaashi's expression changes as he turns to face you. Despite his usual neutral expression Akaashi is a very caring person, especially when it comes to you and Bokuto.
"Was it bad? You look kinda down." Akaashi says as you sigh deeply before pulling out your report. Akaashi takes the paper from you before quickly meeting your eyes again and glaring at you. You try your best to hide your laughter at his irritated expression.
"Are you kidding me? You're upset over an 89%?" Akaashi asks you clearly already done with your bs as you nod.
"Of course! They could've at least brought it up to a 90%. I missed one of Bokuto's games because I took the extra time to study. I'm a failure!" You say as Akasshi groans and puts his fingers to his temple.
"Technically it was my game too but yes, it was a pain to get him out of emo mode without you there. Though whenever you are there he always gets overly excited and makes me work harder. I'm not sure if your relationship is a blessing or a curse." Akaashi says as you chuckle lightly.
"Sorry about that Akaashi, I don't know what we'd do without you! Though I really was expecting to do better, we are third years after all. Gotta start thinking about the future at some point." You admit as Akaashi suddenly cracks a smile.
"One is an academic overachiever, the other a volleyball overachiever. You two are gonna give me grays by the time we graduate," Akaashi mutters as you laugh. You, Bokuto, and Akaashi have been close friends since your second year.
You thought it'd be awkward for Akaashi when you and Bokuto began dating, but your trio's dynamic hasn't changed that much. During that time the two of you have taken turns trying to stabilize Bokuto's constant flux of emotions.
Not that Akaashi minds at all whenever you steal him away.
"It's already obvious that Bokuto will keep playing volleyball after we graduate, I'm not sure if I'll follow him though. He'll have you there to cheer him on for me right?" Akaashi says as his face grows serious. You roll your eyes before hitting his arm making him let out a yelp.
"The hell was that for?!"
"Stop saying stupid stuff, of course, the two of you are gonna keep playing volleyball. I'll cheer both of you on so stop getting all depressy on me!" You say as Akaashi smiles brightly at you before placing a hand on your head.
"You two are too alike, am I gonna have to look after you both for the rest of my life?" Akaashi asks as you pause for a second to contemplate before nodding.
"Oo Should I prank him today? I can act really upset without telling him why. Whaddaya think Akaashi?" You ask as Akaashi rolls his eyes unimpressed. Whenever you get too upset Bokuto feeds off of that energy and either goes into his emo mode or showers you with affection. You're hoping for the former.
"If he goes emo you're dealing with that on your own," Akaashi says as you glance over at his report and smirk.
"Are you salty because I scored higher than you?" You tease as Akaashi flinches before turning around. The two of you have silently competed academically ever since growing closer, though you don't mention it to Bokuto because you don't want him to feel left out.
Your attention is suddenly drawn to the hallway as you hear heavy footsteps rushing through the hall. You don't have to guess to know that that's the sound of Bokuto trying not to be late. You quickly place your head down on your desk and put a sad look on your face as you wait for showtime.
"Hey Hey Hey baby owl!" You hear Bokuto yell as you look up from your seat to see your boyfriend smiling brightly as usual. He rushes over to you as you smile sadly up at him. His face immediately drops as he drops his bag down on the desk next to yours. Before you could say a word Bokuto cups your face gently and pouts.
"What's wrong baby owl? Are you not feeling well? Akaashi did you do something to my baby owl?" Bokuto asks, his words dripping with concern for you as you try to hide a smile at how adorable he's acting. It seems you've picked a good day for this prank.
"Hmm? Of course not, she was like that when I came in too. Also, please don't make me refer to Y/N as baby owl." Akaashi says glancing over at you as you smirk. He didn't agree to help but ended up lying for you anyways, such is the adorableness of Akaashi Keiji.
"I'm fine guys really. Don't worry about it." You say still maintaining an unenthusiastic voice as Bokuto keeps squishing your cheeks cutely.
"I thought we promised not to lie to each other. Come on, tell daddy owl what happened." Bokuto says as Akaashi makes a face at Bokuto's pet name. At first, you were kind of embarrassed anytime Bokuto would call you baby owl, especially in front of the team, but now it just warms your heart every time you hear him say it.
There's no way you would've been able to survive in a relationship with Bokuto if you were shy. He's always the loudest person in the room, says and coerces other people into saying "hey hey hey" at random times, and can get a bit needy if he's ignored for too long.
"It's nothing really." You say as you dramatically avoid Bokuto's eyes that practically beg you for a kiss. You want to try and milk this for as long as you can before his mood changes. However, a second later Bokuto releases your face before grabbing your hand and lifting you to your feet while grabbing your bag.
"Bokuto what are you doing?" You ask confused as Bokuto puts his bag on his shoulder as well as his own.
"We're skipping today. You're not gonna feel any better here, so I'm gonna take you out and make you feel better until you're ready to tell me what's wrong." Bokuto declares as you stare up at him in shock.
"Hey, it's not that big a deal seriously! We don't have to skip, we'll get caught if we leave now anyway." You say growing a bit anxious as Akasshi smirks up at you.
"Don't worry, I'll tell the teacher that you two got sick and make sure everyone else keeps quiet. Though I'm pretty sure she said that she'd be deducting marks for absences that aren't backed by a doctor's note." Akaashi says as you glare down at his taunting eyes.
You certainly weren't expecting Bokuto to go this far just because of a slight inconvenience in your feelings. Then again Bokuto is a very emotionally driven person.
"Thanks, Akaashi! Come on baby owl, I know just where to take you." Bokuto declares as he pulls you out of the classroom before you could retaliate. The two of you run out into the hall and stealthily avoid teachers before making it outside. The entire time you had to cover your hand with your mouth to avoid bursting out laughing.
Once the two of you are a fair distance from school Bokuto finally lets go of your hand as you burst out laughing. He turns around to look at you with a bright smile on his face.
"Are you already feeling better baby owl? We didn't even get to the ice cream shop I wanted to take you to." Bokuto says as you look up at him and grab his face gently.
"Bokuto I was just trying to prank you, there's nothing wrong with me. In fact, I'm so moved that you'd go this far to try and cheer me up." You admit as Bokuto gets really quiet before tears begin to well up in his eyes making you panic.
Here it comes.
"Why would you do thaaattt? I was so scared that you were hiding something big from me, you usually kiss me in the morning but I didn't get my kisses today. " Bokuto says as he pouts sadly and plops down on the bench next to you.
You quickly sit down next to him and grab his hand. Bokuto avoids your eyes as he stares grumpily at the ground.
"I'm sorry for scaring you daddy owl, I was feeling a little down earlier because of my midterm scores." You say before biting your lip. Bokuto turns to you wide-eyed at the mention of the midterm marks.
"What score did you get? Ugh, You and Akaashi are so smart I can't imagine you getting a bad score. I probably barely passed if at all." Bokuto says as you visibly see his mood worsen.
"I don't even know why you're dating me Y/N, your too good for me!" Bokuto yells dramatically as you sigh. Method 4 to snapping Bokuto out of emo mode: make him jealous.
"Hmm? Should I date Kuroo then? Then again that Tsukishima guy from Kurasuno was also pretty cool." You say as Bokuto suddenly grabs your face before pulling you closer to his. His bright golden eyes have grown serious making you bite your lip. That was faster than usual.
"No. You're my baby owl. I won't let anyone else have you, especially not salty four eyes or that rooster head." Bokuto says seriously as you smile. You know that even in his emo mode Bokuto has no intention of letting you go. Regardless of his mood fluxes, Bokuto is the only one your heart wants.
"I was just joking, you know you're the best boyfriend in the world. You're gentle and caring, and also a super awesome captain. I'm the lucky one." You say as Bokuto suddenly presses his lips against yours. Your body quickly responds as Bokuto places a hand behind your neck, he knows that drives you crazy.
You smile into the kiss as Bokuto playfully pulls away seemingly back to normal. Though you find yourself immediately missing his touch.
"Damn right I'm the best boyfriend there is! Let's go have some fun baby owl, hey hey hey!" Bokuto exclaims cheerfully as he points to you expectantly. You take a deep breath before cupping your hands around your mouth.
"Hey hey hey!" You yell as Bokuto laughs heartily while once again pulling you along as the two of you resume your course to the ice cream shop.
You and Bokuto stand in the middle of an empty field tossing to each other. The two of you had shared ice cream, gone to watch a movie, and eventually ended up at a park. All the while Bokuto kept gently checking in to make sure that you were having fun with him.
"Hey, baby owl," Bokuto says as he bumps the ball gracefully towards you.
"Yeah," you reply as you toss it back towards him.
"I know I already told you about the volleyball scholarship I got, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be coming with me right?" Bokuto asks as he bumps the ball back towards you. The ball goes a bit off course as you jog over and catch it after realizing his drop in mood.
"Will we be OK if we end up going to different schools? What if you get too busy to come to my games? What if..." Bokuto pauses as he looks away from you and sinks down to the grass covered ground.
"What if we really do end up breaking up because we can't handle it? What if I get so caught up in pursuing volleyball that I can't make enough time for you?" Bokuto finishes as you walk over and sit down next to him. You put the volleyball down and grab onto Bokuto's arm before resting your head on his shoulder.
"I've thought about that before too, so has Akaashi. I'm not sure about him but I've already made up my mind about what I wanna do." You say confidently as Bokuto hums in response while turning to look down at you. You lift your head off Bokuto's shoulder and smile brightly at him.
"Wherever you go, I'll go too. I always want to be there to cheer you on and cheer you up whenever you need me." You say as Bokuto begins to pout cutely as tears once again well up in his beautiful eyes.
Bokuto suddenly throws his arms around you making you chuckle and fall backwards onto the grass. Bokuto quickly adjusts himself so that he's hovering over you instead of pressing his body against you.
"Really baby owl?! You'll come with me?" Bokuto asks excitedly as you nod and place a hand on Bokuto's cheek. You can never get enough of his bright smile. You want to do your best to make sure he can keep smiling until long after he accomplishes his dreams.
"I already checked out some of their programs and I think they're interesting. So don't ever think that I'm sacrificing my happiness for you either."
"You're my happiness Y/N," Bokuto says suddenly as you feel butterflies swarm your stomach. A part of you had already kind of accepted the fact that volleyball was Bokuto's first love and that you wouldn't be able to top that. Though it didn't bother you too much since you love watching him play.
"I thought volleyball would always be the most important thing to you." You say jokingly as Bokuto shakes his head, his eyes proving just how serious he is.
"It was before I met you, but now you're the most important thing in my life. I love you baby owl." Bokuto says as your heart jumps. Though Bokuto had said it to you many times before, you still feel giddy inside at the warmth you receive from knowing that you're loved.
"I love you more daddy owl." You say as you wrap your arms around Bokuto's neck before pulling him down to your lips. You feel a single tear of joy leave your eye as you and Bokuto make out in the middle of the field.
"We should go, I still have to punish you for pranking me earlier. Or if you want we can get to that here." Bokuto says as your heart slams against your chest.
"Again? But at the movie theatre we..."
"Shh baby owl, if you bring that up now I'll make the decision for you." Bokuto says as you quickly push him off of you and rush over to your bag before turning around to find Bokuto doing the same.
"You can run, but you can't hide baby owl!" Bokuto says as he dashes towards you making you let out a yelp and run away laughing. You really are lucky to have him in your life.
Alright I tried to keep it wholesome but in my mind it's just cannon that someone like Bokuto would low-key be horny a lot lmao.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
- In Serial17 Chapters
Wonderous Tales of the Northern Kingdoms
A short story collection set in a medieval Fantasy world, "Wonderous Tales of the Northern Kingdoms" takes you to the three kingdoms Seathornia, Sucellie, and Waldbergen. Follow their human and nonhuman inhabitants on their adventures. The stories tell the experiences of:- orphan girl Tilly and her water horse companion Domhnull, - healer Friedbert and his wood sprite foster grandmother Adalberga,- vampire assassin Dragomira,- mountain fairy Blanchefleur,- long-eared slave Otaspes,- King's brother Doderic,- and nightmare Princess Himiltrud. The short stories are interconnected with characters from different stories crossing paths and chronological dependencies. Nonetheless, each story can also be read on its own. The word count ranges from ca. 1800 to 2800 words. The story collection is completed with a total of fifteen short stories and two extras. Although a possible future continuation is generally an option, it is not too likely.*******This is my first time publishing one of my fictions. I am using this short story collection as a way to test the waters before I seriously consider publishing a novel. As English isn't my mother tongue, I would appreciate it if native speakers, anglicists or any other proficient users of the English language could kindly inform me about any mistakes in grammar or word choice so that I may correct it. The same applies to any sentence or paragraph that may sound unnatural in English.
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Part II
𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢...𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢...𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎, 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎, 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎
8 190