《When we meet again》15. Tell me something about you


"Hi, it's Finn. I can't answer the phone right now. I'm probably out somewhere or sleeping. You can leave a message or just call me back some other time. Bye!"

"Damn it, Finn."

"What the hell, May. It's three am."

"I know. I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?"

"No, I actually just got home."


"What's wrong? You never call me in the middle of the night."

"I'm not feeling too great. I needed to talk. Anything to not be alone with my thoughts."

"Should I play for you again?"

"No, that's alright. Just hearing you helps enough already."

"I guess I shouldn't ask what's going on."

"You could ask, I just don't think I'll tell you. We'll save that for some other time."

"Right. So tell me something about you. Tell me about something you like."

"I like books. Not just reading, but also just books. The smell of them. I could spend hours in a bookshop and not get bored. Also little cafes. Those cafes almost no one knows about. The smell of coffee is good too, even though I like drinking tea better."

"I can actually picture you like that, sitting in the corner of a cafe with a book in your hand."

"Now it's your turn, tell me about something you like."

"I like the beach. I live so close to it, that if I listen closely I can hear the waves. I like going to the beach, walking or just sitting in the sand. I can spend hours just sitting there, especially at night."

"I've always wanted to live near a beach, but I live so far away. I haven't been to the beach much."

"I'll take you sometime."

"That would be perfect."

"You sound tired, May. Try to sleep. Think of books and beaches and whatever else you like. We'll talk more tomorrow. Alright?"

"Yeah, I should probably try to sleep. Thanks again, Finn. Goodnight."

"Sleep well, May."

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