《When we meet again》14. So you're a bad boy, huh?






"So ehh, how's life?"

"Good, I guess. School sucks, like always."

"Yeah, I feel you. Wait, what grade are you in?"

"Senior year. Almost done with high school, finally."

"Oh. I'm in college already. First year, though."

"I'm actually looking forward to going to college."

"It's not that different from high school. Still boring."

"Yeah, but I guess I feel like I'll get more freedom then. Living on my own and all."

"That's the fun part, even though in my case there's too much fun and too little time for school sometimes."

"So you're a bad boy, huh."

"Not really. I just like to party. I'm pretty social, I guess. I know lots of people here and just like to hang with them."

"Yeah, I can see that. You're very easy to talk to."

"Oh, Piper is here. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, May. Have fun."

"Thanks, bye."

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