《Pretty Little Thing | ✓》Chapter Eighteen





She quickly made her way out of her Pharmacology class towards the exit, her steps quick. She had a free period and wanted to relax before getting on with the rest of the day. Her phone buzzed.

: Hey. I'm free for a while so is it okay if we meet up at the library? :)

She checked his text and wanted to scream for his bad timing. Her head was pounding due to the infuriating class she just had. Pharmacology were her least favourite subject after all.

: Okay. I'll be there in a while

She put her phone back and turned around, her mind already agreeing with the fact that she couldn't deny seeing Shahroz if she had the chance to. She sighed. She shouldn't like him like that.

She was passing by the empty corridor when she heard a voice call her.

"Marina!" Shahroz shouted from the other end and ran up to her, her mind trying to balance out her heart's thumping.

"Hey." She voiced with a small smile, his eyes twinkled when he saw that.

They were walking side by side, Shahroz's hands in his pockets and Marina's hand holding her shoulder bag's strap. She noticed he was standing too close to her and she moved away slightly while still walking, making sure he doesn't notice.

"Long time no see, huh?" He broke the silence and she nodded. She had seen Shahroz everyday but the university offered a long weekend due to the exams coming up.

She was walking by the wall, her right hand constantly brushing the smoothness of the paint when she realised they weren't even walking towards the library.

"Uhh.. Shahroz.."


"We're supposed to go to the library. Where are you going?" Her voice wavered as she spoke, her heart thumping faster.


"We?" He turned around, his collar slightly ridden down and her suspicions were correct.

No birthmark.

"Shaheer?" She gasped, her voice vulnerable. She looked up and saw the evil glint in his eyes. She looked around and the corridor was empty because classes had already started.

"The one and only." He said as he backed her up against the wall she was standing with, her shoulder bag falling in the process.

His hands were holding her wrists tightly, preventing her from trying anything - or slapping him like last time. What made her more disgusted was the fact that he wasn't just holding her wrists in a tight grip.

His thumbs were caressing them.

"Why are you doing this?!" She screamed loud enough for anyone in the corridor to hear, but to her dismay, no one showed up and he just smirked.

He came closer to her - even closer if possible - and his head bent down to her level, his mouth going closer to her ear as he whispered softly, yet menacingly.

"I'm going to do what I have to do", his hot breath fanned her hijab and cheek before pulling back and bringing the tip of his nose closer to hers, "I'm going to end you."

"Fuck off !" She seethed, but he wasn't done yet.

She wanted to cry at the moment. She didn't want to lose her first kiss or anything to a man she loathes. She imagined her first kiss to be romantic and to a man she had married. To a man who is anything but haram for her.

He brought both of her wrists in one hand, his free hand caressing her cheek gently, his lustful eyes looking into her vulnerable ones before moving on to her lips. His thumb pressed her bottom lip, applying the slightest pressure before she bit it hard.


"Ow! You bitch!" He screamed as he released both of her hands. She didn't waste any time before grabbing her shoulder bag and slamming his face with it, his hand immediately going to his cheek to cradle it.

"Serves you right you fucking dick!" She spat before kicking his stomach and taking a run for it, her heartbeat faster than ever.

She made sure she ran as far as possible before stopping and calming herself down, a few tears escaping her eyes as she leaned against the wall for support.

She felt disgusted with herself for letting him touch her like that. She brought her wrist and pulled her sleeve up, a red mark clearly visible on the area he held. She sobbed quietly, making sure no one passing by around the area heard her, even though it was empty in her vision.

Her phone buzzed and then she remembered.


She had to see him.

She pulled her phone out from her bag and checked it, her messaging app filled with his messages and she was afraid of opening them but she did anyway.

: Hey where are u?

: It's been 10 min

: Maria?

: Girl it's been 15 min now

: Did u die?

: Are you okay?

She scrolled further and wanted to cry over the last message. Her eyes watered and she brought her sleeve and wiped it. Another message popped up.

: Should I come? Where are you?

She quickly typed a reply, her thumbs aching. Her whole body ached at the moment.

: No it's okay. I just got caught up in some stuff. I'm coming.

She wiped the last of her tears and fixed herself. She wasn't going to cry anymore, and she surely wasn't going to let Shahroz know about this. He already had too many problems, and she wasn't going to let herself dump hers on him.

She reached the library and twisted the knob, the door opened and she sighed.

Here goes nothing.


Hey there peeps! First of all, thank you all again for supporting this book. It means a lot to me that some people out there want to read what I write, and that motivates me to write more and better. Thank you all and Allah bless you!


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