《Pretty Little Thing | ✓》Chapter Seventeen





She was going back to her home for the weekend and she couldn't have been more excited. After a tiring week at university, a hard worker like her did need some time to relax.

She grabbed her hijab and starting wrapping it loosely around her head when she noticed Amira lying on the ground, her eyes on the ceiling. She could tell she was in deep thought.

"Aren't you going home today?" Marina questioned as she inserted the last of her pins and looked at her through the mirror.



"My parents are in America and there's nobody in the house", her gaze didn't waver from the ceiling, "and they're paranoid of me being alone." She rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you come over then?" Marina turned around and looked at her body sprawled on the floor.

"I don't wanna be a bother.." Her cheeks suddenly turned a shade closer to pink.

"Bother my ass." She went to her cupboard and grabbed the first things she saw and chucked it in her direction, the clothes landing straight on her face.

"I will always bother your ass." Amira winked before going to the bathroom to get changed, leaving behind a Marina who was shaking her head.

Oh how she wished Allah had given her best friend some common sense.


They both sat in the car for about an hour, Marina's hands on the steering wheel and Amira's hands on her phone. They were about to arrive in ten minutes.

"Who were you with the other day after school?" Amira broke the silence, her thumb still swiping on the phone's screen.

She knew which day she was referring to. She was talking about the first day she tutored Shahroz. She decided she'd tell her straight without beating around the bush, might as well get over with the teasing in the beginning.

"Uhh.." She took a turn and then continued, "Shahroz.." She gave her full attention to the road, her grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"The guy you sit with in Genetics?" She voiced, her finger pressed the off button on her phone and she looked up at Marina who nodded her head.


"I can totally tell there's something going on between you both." She smirked and Marina facepalmed and dragged her hand down her face.

"I can assure you Amira", she looked at her best friend who was grinning like an idiot, " there's nothing going on between us. It's just a friendly bond that we have." She shrugged.

"Okay, maybe you don't but he does. Have you seen the way he smiles when he looks at you? And how his face lit up when he was checking your texts?"

Marina instantly blushed, and she was glad it was dark outside for her best friend to even notice. She was too busy trying to listen in class that day that she didn't notice him do any of that. She didn't realise it but a small smile made its way to her face.

"Really?" Marina asked, her voice oozing out enthusiasm.

Amira snorted, "I knew you liked him." She winked her way and Marina wanted to do nothing but punch her shoulder at the moment.

"I don't like hi-"

"Oh puh-lease", she brought her hand out to silence her, "you like him and he likes you so BAM!", she clapped her hands once, "babies."

Marina's jaw dropped but she covered it up quickly, her mind more focused on parking the car. She killed the engine before she spoke.

"I'll tease you more than your future husband will when you have a crush." Marina smirked before opening the door and getting out.

"We'll see about that!" Amira shouted from the other side of the car.

Marina rang the doorbell and waited. She heard a 'coming' before the door flew open, her mother's face appeared.

"Assalamu Alaiykum bachon (children)!" She hugged both girls before her father came out of the kitchen.

"Assalamu Alaiykum!" He hugged his daughter and placed his hand on Amira's head, a gesture common to the desi culture when a girl greets a non-mahram (a man who isn't blood-related to her or who isn't her husband).

Saad appeared from his room, his hair sticking out in different directions as he made his way downstairs, his eyes not fully opened. Their parents had already left for the kitchen to check up on dinner.


"Saad!" She squealed and hugged his torso, "My favourite brother!"

"Your only brother." He stated while rubbing the left side of his face to get rid of the sleep.

"A-assalamu Alaiykum." a meek voice made way to his ears and all the sleep had vanished into thin air.

Amira was standing in front of the brother and sister, her hands hanging loosely on her sides as she looked up at her best friend and then gave a brief glance to her brother which he caught for a split second, his hand going behind his neck to scratch it awkwardly.

"Walaikum Assalam." his voice came out groggy and deeper due to waking up. Both of their gazes lowered so they couldn't notice each other's blushes.

But Marina did.


They had all finished dinner and both girls made their way upstairs. Marina smirked. Just when she told her best friend she'll tease her for her crush, she immediately found out who he is.

Her brother.

Amira entered first and slumped on her best friend's bed, a relieving sigh escaping her mouth. She wasn't sure if the sigh was because she couldn't be in the same room as Saad for a long time, or the fact that Marina's parents were questioning her about her grades.

Marina closed the door swiftly and leaned against it, her mouth immediately shooting out what's on her mind.

"You like my brother." She meant it as a question but it came out more as a statement.

"What?" Her face was filled with an unknown horror till she continued, "And lower your voice you idiot!" She whispered loud enough for only her to hear.

"Relax", she waved her hand, "he's downstairs."

She let out a breath of relief, but it was too soon. Marina came and sat next to her.

"Who knew you'd fall for my brother?" She voiced rhetorically as her face sported a sly grin.

Amira played with the designs on her sleeve, choosing not to say anything for a while. She bit the inside of her cheek.

"I didn't fall", she looked up at her best friend, "it's just a tiny crush." She admitted and Marina was shocked at her lack of denial.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've-"

"Rina." She shut her best friend up, her voice coming out tired and downhearted and Marina noticed it. She leaned against the headboard, her knees brought to her chest and she wrapped her arms around them. Marina sat close to her, their shoulders touching.

"Hey", she placed her hand on hers, "what's wrong? Did I say something? Did I do something?" her voice came out soft.

Amira looked up, her eyes filled with a sadness Marina had never seen. She sighed. She had to tell her best friend, or else there'd be no way out of this.

"It's just.. that.. that Saad is Pakistani and I'm Indian", her heart broke while finally letting it out, "We can never be together. There will always be something in our way. Our differences are too much that it won't even be possible, even though I like him so much." Her voice cracked on the last two words.

Marina was surprised to say the least. She thought her best friend looked glum because she was afraid her brother didn't like her back, but her statement just blew her mind.

"Amira", she looked up, "how long have you felt this way?" She asked, afraid of the answer.

"Four years." Her voice came out distant and Marina's heart broke.

She shook her best friend's shoulder, snapping her out of her world before speaking the words which lightened her face in an instant.

"Listen", she gulped, "I'll talk to my parents. I know he already likes you and that's not a problem. You talk to yours and if they're not convinced then I'll talk to them too. I'll even drag Saad's ass there if I have to."

She jumped and hugged Marina, her voice came out muffled as she spoke, "Thank you, Marina!" She giggled before continuing, "I honestly don't deserve you. You're awesome and I love you!"

Marina smiled before muttering an 'I love you too' to her, her hands stroking Amira's dark brown hair.

Oh how she'd do anything for her best friend's happiness.



Hey there peeps! I wrote a long chapter cos y'all deserved it! I hope you liked it! I feel so bad for Amira tbh. Anyways, I'll be back with another chapter soon! May Allah bless you all!


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