《Pretty Little Thing | ✓》Chapter Nine





She finished her first end-of-year exam and was glad she found it easy, though the last two pages were kind of tricky to solve. She felt content with how she did, but now she needed to go to the bathroom to freshen up. The last two pages did make her sweat a lot.

As she made her way out of the examination hall, she caught up with Amira, her bestie who was shaking her head in disappointment.

"How was your exam?" Amira questioned.

"Hmm.. good actually. I had to spend an extra half an hour on the last two pages, but overall I'm satisfied." Marina smiled at her to lighten her up.

"The problem is, I don't know what I did. I kind of just guessed the answers here and there.." Amira gave a nervous laugh.

She looked disheartened and Marina wanted to change that, so she decided to talk about a different topic.

"Hey, are you going anywhere in these holidays?"

"Umm.. yeah I'm going back to India for a week to see my family. What about you?" They were a few corridors away from the main exit.

"I'm going to Pakistan to attend my cousin's wedding. It's gonna be a tiring two weeks.." Marina stated and sighed.

She never understood the so-called 'hate' between Pakistanis and Indians. After all, everyone is still human and why hold a grudge for something so stupid? She was glad she had a best friend, and her nationality didn't matter to her.

"Hey I'm going to Tesco's to buy some things. We're running out on a lot. You want something?" Amira questioned.

"Just go ahead, I don't need anything", she shook her head and looked up at Amira who nodded, "I'll just get back from the bathroom.. need to freshen up quickly."


They went their separate ways, Marina passed by the deserted hallways towards the restrooms. She heard some noises - some harsh ones - and turned around a different corner.

The voices were getting louder and louder by each passing second, her heart thumping fast due to what's coming next. She could hear some punches and grunts, her legs finally leading to her destination and she gasped.

Two Shahrozes were fighting, one was on top of the other and about to punch the life out of the one below but they got interrupted by something.

Rather someone.

"Shahroz? "

They both looked up at the same time, one's eyes laced with recognition and the other with confusion.

They both even spoke at the same time, leaving her confused as to who said what.


"Who are you ?"

She decided to ignore the latter and came up to both of them, stopping a few steps away and glared at them.

She saw the scar on the forehead of the guy on the ground and she could immediately tell that was the real Shahroz.

"Get off him, now." She said sternly.

Shaheer looked surprised, but that expression soon went away and was replaced with his signature smirk, one that always made Shahroz's blood boil.

"What if I don't? What are you gonna do then?" His voice held that teasing tone.

"This." She didn't hesitate to waste a second and kicked him on his shoulder which sent him tumbling to the ground. She immediately helped Shahroz up, pulling him by his hand.

"Are you okay?" She placed her hands on his shoulders and asked him. He nodded and looked away, his lie surfacing in front of her face. There was a graze on his right cheek and his knuckles were red and bloody.


Their little moment was ruined by someone - a very evil someone.

"So this is your new fuck buddy?" Shaheer looked at both of them and laughed, Shahroz's face was red due to anger and Marina's jaw was dropped open, "I gotta say bro, she is one unlucky lady." He dragged the last three words a little slower.

"Shaheer don't do this n-"

"Shaheer? "

She looked at Shahroz and then her head turned towards the devil spawn, her face flashing in recognition from what happened the other day on Shahroz's phone.

"So you're hospital girl huh?" He sneered before continuing, "I gotta say, hospital sex must be really g-" Before he could finish his sentence, a sharp sound erupted in the air.

She slapped him.


Now it was Shahroz's turn to have his jaw dropped and Marina's face to fume with rage. Shaheer cradled his cheek with both hands, his eyes closed tightly in pain and embarrassment as he muttered colourful curses under his breath.

"Get a life you useless piece of fuckery!" She came up close to him and said that, her voice holding a menacing tone.

She walked towards Shahroz and whispered to him.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

He nodded and Marina tugged on his sleeve, signalling him it's the right time to leave. They both ran out of the area, Marina a few steps ahead of Shahroz.

She decided she'd get answers from him when the right time will come.

As they took a turn, Shahroz heard Shaheer shout something which caused a shiver to run down his spine. Marina was halfway ahead of him so her ears received nothing, but Shahroz heard every bit.

"I will end her, little brother."


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