《Pretty Little Thing | ✓》Chapter Eight





He woke up with a jolt, his cover sliding towards his legs as he picked up his phone from the bedside table and checked the time.

9:42 AM

"Fuck." He cursed under his breath as he made his way to his bathroom to get ready for class. He had overslept for quite a long time.

As he brushed his teeth, he couldn't help but wonder if Shaheer even came back last night. He shook his head, getting rid of the thoughts of his evil twin. He won't bother thinking about a brother as pathetic as him.

He grabbed his bag and shoved his books in them when he halted his movements, his heart going into panic mode.

'Books? ' He thought as he stared at his open bag in front of him.

He went to the drawer of overflowing papers and searched for a file he was desperately in need of. He threw all the unwanted papers on the floor, his hands finally coming across the thing he needed.

He opened the file hastily and took out the first paper his hands grabbed and scanned it, his eyes widening.

There was no need for books. He had his first end-of-year exam today and he had barely studied the past couple of days.

But he didn't give a shit. He grabbed his books and thrust them in his bag, planning to get at least something in his head a few minutes before the exam.

As he made his way out of his room, his heart couldn't help but think of one thing.

He fucked up big time.


He walked out of the exam hall traumatised, his hand wiping the layer of sweat on his forehead which had formed due to stress. The exam was so hard.


'At least it's over." He thought as he turned around the corner, mentally shrugging.

He was going to the vending machines to get himself a drink. Apparently the students always went back to their dorms to relax after an exam, so nobody roams around the corridors at that time.

But Shahroz always had a different story.

He took a left turn and jogged towards the row of vending machines by the wall, his body aching for a drink - a bad one - but he had to suppress his craving for that by something else.

He inserted a few coins and selected a soda when a person stood next to him in front of the other vending machine. He looked to his right and found the person who despised him.


He was waiting for his drink when Shahroz spoke up, "Did you come back last night?" He cursed himself for showing concern towards his brother, who only did nothing but step on it and chuck it in the garbage.

Shaheer grabbed his drink and opened the lid, "Yeah. Why?"

"You didn't wake me up." He took a sip, thinking it might soothe the irritation he felt for his brother.

"And why would I do that?" He was smirking now, his eyes giving him a sinister look.

"Because we had a fucking exam you twat! I reached seconds before the thing started!" His voice came out a bit loud, his tone exasperated.

"You see", he took a sip, Shaheer's voice still as calm as before, "I'm the nice brother. I care about you so why would I disturb your beauty sleep?" His voice held that mocking tone that Shahroz hated.

Shahroz was about to say more when he spoke again.

"Who was that girl with you that day?" His question was laced with a tinge of jealousy which went unnoticed by his brother.


"None of your business." He said curtly as he passed by him to leave.

"Oh it sure is my business. You finally found a girl to bang!" Shaheer came in front of him, blocking his way.

"She's not like the thots you bang so I suggest you leave me alone." He was losing his patience now.

"Don't you dare comment on my love life!" Shaheer seethed, pushing him against the vending machine.

"Love life? " Shahroz gave a humourless laugh, "More like variable sex life!" He spat.

That last sentence earned Shahroz a punch on his jaw, but things didn't just end there. He kicked Shaheer in his stomach and in the next moment, they were both against the vending machine, fighting like they've never let out their frustrations before.

Shahroz got up and gave one last shove and was about to leave when Shaheer grabbed his wrist and pulled him down again for another blow on his face, the fight becoming a never-ending chaos.

It wasn't so never-ending now when a honey-like voice made its way to his ears.

"Shahroz? "

He turned around, his body still lying down on the floor as he looked up to the source of the voice.

It was the green-eyed beauty he had been thinking about nonstop at the hospital.

"Marina.. "



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