《pup star story of Mia》prologue



Hi I'm Mia and I wanna be the next pup star. I know your wondering why I want to become one. I want to become one to inspire any breed can do it. Ok It all started when I watched pup star and I thought to myself about competing. I start practicing singing and my owner said "you can't get on that show, sweetheart". I told my owner I wanted to be on there but she just laughed. She picked me up and brushed my fur while I was thinking about competing on Pup star. I whined and she gave me a bath to make my fur shiny. After she dried me off and brushed me again. "Fine, you can go on that show you like ok " my owner said and I yipped in joy. "Calm down, I only let you because I don't want to see you sad" my owner said and picked me up. She put me in her purse and we left in her car. I thought to myself " I can't wait to be on Pup star". I'm so excited to meet new dogs and maybe friends" I kept thinking.

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