《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 18


Charlie walked upstairs, her head hung low. I hope they find Scrappy. She thought. I just can't bare the fact that Scrappy was dognapped right in front of my eyes! I just wish that— Charlie's thinking was interrupted she walked into her room, appalled at what her siblings were doing. "Ah! Charlie!" Cindy jumped. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Charlie yelled, staring at her siblings. Brody had on a large backpack with his purple harness, Rosie had a purse in her mouth, and Cindy had a smaller unicorn themed backpack on her back. "Uh..." Brody was speechless. I can't believe Charlie, of all pups caught us! Brody thought. "We we were just... seeing which bag we like better?" Rosie said, but more as if it was a question. "TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON! NOW!" Charlie barked loudly. "Okay, okay! But hush! Please, or else we all are gonna get caught!" Brody nodded to Cindy and Cindy ran to shut the door and lock it. "Done!" She whispered. Brody nodded and Cindy trotted back to her place. "What the tail is happening?!" Charlie demanded. "We we're going to leave to find Scrappy...." Brody whispered. "WHAT?! AND WORRY MOM AND DAD MORE? YOU GUYS ARE INSANE!" Charlie snarled and barked, baring her pearly white fangs as she spoke. "We just wanted to—" Charlie cut Cindy off. "NO! WE ARE DOING THIS! UH-UH!" Cindy frowned. "We wanna look for Scrappy— so we're going to do it!" Rosie growled. "And scare Mom and Dad to death? I think not!" Charlie retorted. "But we wanna find Aunt Scrappy!" Cindy begged. "What if we had a way to still find Scrappy, but without our parents knowing and being scared?" Brody asked. "Then we could save her, and our parents wouldn't get scared or mad!" Charlie shook her head. "Brody, face the reality, we're just pups, we can't be heros!" Cindy pawed st the ground, frowning. "But we haven't even tried." Charlie rolled her eyes at Cindy's comment. "The police will find her, so let's just stay out of it," Charlie said. "No! We should look for her ourselves, or at least try! I mean Charlie, you want to find her too, we know you do. Which is why we should look! We find her, bring her back safe, then she has the puppies! Easy peasy!" Charlie shook her head. "It won't work out! It isn't that easy, and you should know it!" "You don't have to look for her, but we will!" Rosie and Cindy said, growling. "Charlie, just listen. If we could make a plan that will make it so Mom and Dad won't know we're gone, but also don't get terrified, then could we do it?" Brody asked. Charlie sighed and stomped her paw. "Fine." The pups cheered. "Any plans?" Brody asked. The room went silent. Charlie chuckled. "Well, then I guess we can't do i—" Charlie was cut off by Cindy. "I have a plan." Charlie turned her head. "You have a plan?" She asked. "Yep!" Cindy's eyes lit up with excitement and joy. "Well spill it!" Brody demanded. "Alright, just calm down!" Cindy cleared her throat and stood tall. "My plan is a pretty complicated one, so just be ready. Okay so, my plan is first we each pick days of the week, on each of those days we will assign who goes on what day, one of us per each d—" Charlie tilted her head. "But Cindy, there are four of us." Cindy nodded. "I know, but could you let me get my words out to explain?" Charlie rolled her eyes and nodded. "Anyways, as I was saying, we'd pick pup for each day, leaving out one extra pup. The pup would be backup, gatherer, and more important stuff. The extra pup would pack the bags, be a backup if something happens to one of the other pups, and they pretty much do everything to get them prepared. They are a very important role in this plan, as they'll do everything and have to be on schedule. Now, for the other three pups, what they do is late at night and up till early in the morning they will go search for Scrappy anywhere. The woods, town center, you name it! Once we've found and confirmed a official sign of Scrappy or saw her, then we go to find her!" Charlie smiled and nodded approvingly. This might be the solution to our problems! "What do you guys think?" Cindy asked. "I like it!" Charlie barked over her siblings. "Me too!" Brody smiled. "Anything for Scrappy!" Rosie said. "Well, the decision is final! We will use Cindy's plan to fin Scrappy!" All of the pups cheered with joy. We're finally gonna find her! "When should we start?" Rosie asked. "Well now, there's no time like the present and Scrappy's having her pups in just a few weeks! Cmon let's get the supplies and choose the roles!"

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