《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 17


Tiny sighed. "P.U.P, what are we going to do? The police have been searching for Scrappy for days and have no sign of her. At this rate, we'll never find her!" Tiny cried as she stuffed her face into her pillow, sniffling. "Hey, hey, hey! It'll be okay, we'll find her and she'll be safe, I promise. We just haven't looked hard enough yet, that's all," P.U.P reassured. Tiny whimpered. "Are you sure?" P.U.P nodded and tapped Tiny's shoulder. Tiny perked her head from the pillows. "It'll be okay, and we have to keep a brave face for our pups, so they don't get scared. Right?" Tiny sighed and nodded. "R-right." P.U.P hugged Tiny and kissed her cheek. "I love you Tiny. And don't worry, we'll get through this together." Tiny smiled. "I love you too, P.U.P. Now, let's go and check up on the pups. I wonder what they're doing." P.U.P chuckled as him and Tiny we towards the Pups' Room.

Charlie sighed. "I should've saved her! I should've!" Charlie growled, punching her pillows. "Whoa there sis! Rela—". Charlie immediately cut Brody off. "I WILL NOT RELAX! NEVER WILL I EVER! IT'S MY FAULT SCRAPPY IS GONE AND YOU EXPECT ME TO RELAX? UGH! UNBELIEVABLE!" Charlie stomped off and shoved herself under her covers, quivering under the blanket. "Jeez, she's acting worse than Rosie!" Brody barked distastefully. Rosie cleared her throat and tapped her foot. Brody looked back. "What is that supposed to mean?" She growled, ears airplaned. "Nothing!" Brody barked quickly before stepping backwards and knocking into Cindy. "Ah! Sorry, I'm so clumsy!" He chuckled. Cindy shook her head. "It's okay." The three pups watched as Charlie tossed and turned under the covers, continuing to throw her fit. "She's so mad about this..." Cindy shrank behind Brody. Suddenly, Brody's eyes lit up and his ears perked up. "Guys, I have a idea!" He barked. "Ugh, what?!" Charlie snarled. "We could go find Scrappy ourselves! We could find her, bring her back, then be heroes!" Body wagged. "No, Brody! We can't do that! Mom and Dad will say no and we don't even know where Scrappy is! We could potentially get lost and hurt!" Cindy interrupted. Rosie nodded in agreement. Charlie sat, frowning. This is my fault! I should've saved her, or warned everyone, or scared the dognapper off! How could I do this? Now my family is full of nothing but worry for Scrappy and hurt, while I could've done something about it! Brody looked over to Charlie, trying to get a good look in his sister's eyes. But Charlie kept her head down, her paws trembling. "Aw sis," he whispered. "What about we just don't tell Mom and Dad?" Brody asked. Rosie scoffed. "Tsk. Hm. Actually, that is a great idea! We worry Mom and Dad to death thinking we went missing, and while we go find Scrappy actually get lost by accident! Makes sooo much sense Brody!" Charlie growled, "ENOUGH OF YOUR BICKERING! I AM IN A GOOD MOOD, AND YOU TWO ARGUING IS ANNOYING! I BLAME FOR ! DO YOU RRALLY THINK I WANT YOUR BICKERING?! NO! SO JUST....JUST HUSH! PLEASE! ALL OVE YOU!" Charlie snapped. "Don't yell! Mom and Dad will here then get suspicious, and we could get in trouble!" Cindy whispered. Charlie looked at Cindy with annoyed eyes. "Don't look at me like that!" Cindy barked quietly. Brody and Rosie gave a stern gaze at Charlie as she was getting ready to retort something mean. Brody shook his head, giving her that Don't do it look. Charlie sighed. "You need to calm down, Charlie! I am not a little pup anymore! I may be sensitive, but that doesn't mean I'll cry over ! I'll stand up for myself! I'll only cry if it really hurt my feelings or was mean on purpose." Rosie smiled and nodded at Cindy, smiling proudly. Charlie smiled too. Her youngest little sister was growing up. "I'm sorry, I was in a mood." Charlie surrendered. "I didn't mean to be mean, but that's no excuse. I should've been calmer and kept to myself." Brody, Rosie, and Cindy nodded. "We forgive you!" Cindy hugged Charlie. She's so silly! Charlie thought. Tiny suddenly walked into the room. "Hey, we're downstairs talking to the police right now, and they need a witness at the scene of the crime. Charlie, will you come downstairs with me?" Charlie nodded and followed Tiny downstairs.


"Here she is!" Tiny said as she and Charlie hopped down the stairs. Ida, Steve, Lou, and P.U.P stood by a German Shepherd, a Dalmatian, and a police officer. "Hello, I'm Charlie. I was told I am called as a witness?" Charlie greeted the new people. "Yes. I am Officer Smithfield. These are my partners Officer Zoey, and Officer Maxx," The police said, pointing to himself then the two dogs. "Hello young one," Officer Zoey the Dalmatian greeted Charlie. "Tell me what happened and what you saw. Give as much details as possible, please!" Charlie nodded. "I was going to see if my Aunt Scrappy would teach me to rap or something, then I went to her room and I saw a bag moving. Scrappy was in it. When I went to grab the bag, I saw a German Shepherd tail. I also heard my Mom talking to someone at the front door, but I ignored it. I tried to save Scrappy, but the bag got pulled over really hard, and something caught it. I almost went over the edge of the window and had to stop myself from falling. I tried my best to see what caught it, but it was all blurry. The air was knocked out of me, and everything was really fast. I'm pretty sure I saw a German Shepherd catch the bag... I think, but I am not sure. After that my parents walked in and I told them, so here we are now." Officer Smithfield seemed to be taking a lot of notes as Charlie had talked. "Any other details?" Officer Maxx asked. Charlie shook her head. "It was really fast. We could check the cameras, but the one out back is broken," Charlie explained. P.U.P froze. "I really need to call the people in the morning to fix that—" Tiny nodded. "You think? You were supposed to do that 2 weeks ago!" P.U.P gulped. "Heh... oops." Officer Maxx sighed. "Thank you for your time. We will take this as evidence and use it. If we come back, it's only because we need details on the dognapper, or some clarification about the evidence. Thank you." Steve walked to the door and opened it. "It was nice meeting you, and thank you," Steve said as all the police walked out. "If you remember anything else, just call us!" Officer Zoey called before walking out of the door. Steve shut it. "I'll make something to eat!" Ida said. "No, you take a break. You're apart of the family you know. I'll make breakfast," Steve insisted. "Thank you, but I'll help." Ida grabbed eggs out of the fridge and set the on the calendar. Shep walked in. "I cancelled the practice just like you asked!" He said. "Thank you, we can't rehearse until we find Scrappy." Steve and Lou said. Charlie frowned at remembering Scrappy's disappearance. "I-I'm gonna go upstairs," Charlie said before she raced up the stairs. Tiny sat and frowned. "What are we going to do? This is all pressuring us and the pups!" P.U.P nodded, "Yeah, I know. It's hard for all of us Tiny, but we're in this together, no matter what. We'll find her, I promise. The police are doing everything they can!" Tiny smiled.


"Hey Scrappy, wake up!" River called. Scrappy perked up her head from her paws. "Y-yeah?" She asked. "Food is coming! Hurry, before you miss it!" River barked, sitting up straight and wagging her tail. "I'm good, not hungry," Scrappy said, tucking her head underneath her paws. "Oh cmon! You have to eat! It's unhealthy for you not to eat when your having pups, and it's just not healthy in general," River explained. "No." Scrappy turned her head. "Do you really want to harm you and your pups? Sit up so you can eat, now! They're coming our way and they'll only feed you if you're good!" Scrappy rolled her eyes as she slowly sat up. "Fine!" She got to her paws. "How to I do this?" Scrappy asked. "Sit, puff out your chest, wag your tail." Scrappy followed River's directions and sat, puffed out her chest, then wagged her tail. "Like this?" Scrappy asked. "Hm... wag your tail a little more..." Scrappy wagged her tail harder. "Wait, slow down! Now you look to eager! Slow down just a tad." Scrappy rolled her eyes and wagged her tail slower, but still at a quick pace. "There you go! Wait, shhh, here they come!" A Bernese Mountain Dog with a big tray on his back stopped in front of their cages. "Ah, I see River taught you the routine. Well done, you're a quick learner." "Thanks..?" Scrappy and River smiled. "I'm Bernie, and I'm your food server. Ooh, and looks like someone's expecting pups soon..?" Bernie asked, looking at Scrappy. Scrappy nodded. Is it really that noticeable? "Two weeks," River spoke. "Well, you two get the special today, but don't tell anyone!" Bernie said, slipping a plate into Scrappy's cage in a little compartment at the bottom of it. It had eggs and bacon and toast on it. "Mmm this smells good!" Scrappy licked her chops. "Here you go!" He gave the same thing to River. "By now!" He said, heading towards the other line of cages. "He was nice," Scrappy said. River nodded. "I know, but I usually leave him alone." Scrappy nodded. "I'm guessing he's one of those guys that has a job then leaves the place, just to do the same thing over and over?" River nodded, "Yep." Bark walked towards the cage. Oh dog, why now? I'm having a good time! "Hello Scrappy! We're doing the second part of our plan today. So say goodbye to your little friend. We set out in 2 hours. You can also say goodbye to your family, you won't be seeing them again, and they won't be seeing you!" Bark laughed manically. "Whatever, choke on a bone, Bark! I'll escape, trust me!" Scrappy growled as Bark walked away. River rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to him, he's just a corrupted mutt." Scrappy nodded. "Don't worry, I won't." Scrappy slowly began to shove the food into her mouth, gobbling and swallowing. River ate slower. Scrappy sat back and belched. "Done!" River swallowed her last bite of food. "Same." The two dogs chuckled. "When I escape, I'm taking you with me!" Scrappy explained. "What? No, you can't do that!" River growled. "Why?" Scrappy asked. "I'm too old, and you'll have a harder time with me slowing down, and your pups..." River explained. "I'll be fine. They won't try to rid of me anytime soon, I've been here for years. I'm used to it. The older you get, the better they treat you. They treat me well here, and I'm fine." Scrappy frowned, "Are you sure?" River nodded. "Yep. I'm positive."

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