《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》The Scary Eyes/ A Total Disaster


Hey, guys! (: These eyes are supposed to be lighter so just pretend that she is looking at light blue eyes. Thx! Love y'all!

Lily ran so far away she ended up in the forest. She stopped to take a breath. Panting, Lily felt so alone. Little did she know, she was being watched! It was dark in the forest. Slightly creepy. Lily's panting slowed down as she turned her head in the dark. She saw light blue eyes in the dark. Then she shivered.

"This is a total disaster!"A voice said coming from Mia's house. It was Steven! Then Brody said, "Pfft, tell me about it. We're NEVER gonna find Lily!" "Hey, don't lose hope," Rosie said. "We aren't losing hope! We just had hope... and it kind of went away... just some of it though." Charlie said. "Umm, Char, I'm pretty sure that's what "losing hope" means." Brody snapped. "So now what?" Tiny asked. "Weather we find her for Pup Star or not... she's still my pup. Right now, this isn't about winning Pup Star or Pup Star itself. It's about her! Her coming home..." Mia frowned. "That's right," Brody said agreeing walking over to Mia's side. Then he said, "And we won't rest until we save her." "But... you should probably get to Pup Star, Mom. The rest of us will keep searching for Lily." Cindy told Tiny. Tiny nodded and then Steven drove to the Pup Star Rehearsals.

Back at the forest, Lily was still staring at the eyes in the dark. The eyes did the same. Then it almost looked like the eyes were getting closer. They were getting closer! Every new step backward Lily made, was the step the eyes took forward. Just then, snarling, a grey wild wold pounced on Lily. Lily screamed and tried to run away. She wanted to scream for help, but yet she didn't. Right when the wolf was about to bite her head, it stopped suddenly! Then the strange wolf got off of her. "Huh?" Lily said out of breath. "What are you doing in the forest, young pup. You do not belong here." The female wolf said. "I-uh..." Lily started. "I ran away..." Lily answered. "You ran away? Why ever would you do that?" The old wolf asked. "I umm I don't know. I'm just mad." Lily replied. "Just because you're mad, doesn't mean you should do things your relatives would not." The wolf said wisely. "Woah, that sounded... super wise! Lily said surprised. The wolf didn't answer. "I'm Willow," she said. "I-I'm Lily," Lily smiled nervously then chuckled. "Now come on, let's get you home," Willow added. Just then, they heard something. Willow growled. It was Pluto!

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