《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》Betrayal


So it became morning, it was also the day of the second Pup Star rehearsals. But of course, Lily forgot all about it. She yawned and then stretched. Pluto was sleeping right by her side. He yawned, too. "Well, let's get some breakfast! He said hoping off the train and then looking at her. She just smirked at him raising her eyebrow. "Don't worry, I won't steal it. Pluto smiled. This made Lily happy.

At the restaurant, the two pups were eating. When Pluto saw Pup Star on the TV, he said, "Oh no. Lily, I'm so sorry, I forgot ALL about the rehearsals..." Lily's ears perked up and then said, "Umm, it's... it's okay, Pluto. You- you didn't know, heh," Lily said. Pluto looked down and mumbled, "Actually, I did..." But Lily heard what he said. She stood up. "What? She sounded like she was about to get mad. Pluto's ears went down as he unfolded the truth. "I- Bark- Bark..." Pluto stuttered. "Bark what?! Lily said with a raised voice as she wondered in her head how this was "Bark's" fault. "Bark promised- he promised me that he would find me a loving home! If I... if I kept you away from the Pup Star auditions as long as possible..." Pluto revealed. Lily was shocked. Inside her head, she was saying a whole bunch of things that she wouldn't say out loud.

Lily just sighed and said with her eyes closed, "Pluto, I trusted you and you lied to me... I forgave you when you left me for the dog catcher. I didn't report you to the police when you stole food! And this is how you repay me?" Lily said directly into Pluto's eyes. She was very mad and sad and felt betrayed but yet, her voice sounded calm. Her facial expressions even looked calm. Pluto felt ashamed. "Lily, I'm SO sorry-" Pluto started but then once again Lily cut him off by saying, "No, Pluto. I'M sorry. I'm sorry for trusting you. I feel sorry for you though. I don't know if you noticed this but BARK never keeps his promises." Lily said still calm and then she added, "He's a liar... just like you." Lily glared and then jumped out of her seat and walked off. Pluto just closed his eyes and sighed from watching her walk off.

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