《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》The Meat Thief


The next morning, the two pups made it to Honolulu! Pretty far away from Lily's home. When the train stopped and honked, Lily woke up her eyes and yawned. "Where are we?" She asked curiously. "Honolulu!" Pluto exclaimed happily and loudly. "Honolulu?!? That's so far away from my home!" Lily said starting to freak out. "Well... the train goes wherever. But now that we're here... how about I show you my morning drill!" Pluto said still sounding excited. "Woah, someone's excited today. And I'd love to, Pluto, but I can't." Lily said looking down. "Why not? Pluto asked sounding a bit snarkier. "Pluto, I have to get home." Lily said still on the train. "Wait a minute. You're that dog who got the golden bone on... Pup Star!!!" Pluto said amazed. "Yep, heh, that's me." Lily said shyly. "So can you get me home now?" She added. "Don't worry, I'll get you home soon. But for now, how about you get some food?" Pluto smiled suspiciously. "Soon"? Ugh, fine. Come to think of it I am kinda hungry." Lily said. The train then started again. "Ahh!" Lily yelled. "Jump! Pluto called running after the train. Going with her gut, Lily jumped out of the train onto the hard train track ground. Put it didn't hurt her entirely because she landed on Pluto's back. "Huh, that didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would..." Lily smiled surprised. "That's... be-because I was your p-pillow...!" Pluto said groaning in pain. "Oops, sorry," Lily said. Lily got off of him and Pluto said, "Thanks, now let's get something to eat.

The two walked over to the meat store. Lily looked over and saw that Pluto was drooling which probably meant he was ready for meat. She knew what he was thinking though. "Oh no, don't even think about it!" Lily said. Pluto ran into the store and laid down. "Ugh," Lily scoffed. Lily face palmed herself. Pluto slowly crawled over to the meat. He licked his lips then looked at Lily who was shaking her head. But he didn't listen to her. He just kept on moving closer and closer to the meat. He then jumped up on the glass. He used his claw and unlocked the lock. Lily said in her head, "No," Pluto mouthed to her, "Which one?" Lily rolled her eyes and didn't answer. Pluto shrugged his shoulders then just grabbed two steaks.


Then Pluto went outside the store said puffed his chest out looking like he was amazing. The moment was stopped when Lily said, "Am I supposed to be impressed?

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