《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》The Train/The Ride


So yes, Lily was still lost and alone. But she wasn't going to be alone for long. Three big vicious dogs came running after her! "What in the-? Lily couldn't finish her sentence because she got pushed in a train. "Hey, what gives?!? She yelled. Just then, she saw a Bernese mountain dog puppy attacking the three dogs. In her head, she said, "He doesn't stand a chance!" But apparently and shockingly, he survived. He had lots of cuts on his body but he jumped the train. "Hey, thanks," Lily smiled beautifully. "No problem," The mountain dog said laying down. "I'm Pluto." Lily smiled.

It was the middle of the night and Lily was still awake on the edge of the train. Pluto opened his eyes, yawned, then stretched and saw Lily laying there sad. A tear fell from Lily's eye. Pluto sat down next to her. Without him having to say something, Lily noticed he was there without even looking she said, "All I wanted was a simple season of Pup Star and my dream to come true..." "Was that too much to ask?" Pluto sat closer to her and said, "I know how you feel. I just wanted a home and look at me. I ended up on the streets." Lily turned her head to Pluto slowly. But she didn't say anything. "But you should probably get some sleep." Pluto said as he walked over to the place he was sleeping just before he walked over to Lily to comfort her and fell asleep again. "Good night, Lily," Lily looked down sadly and didn't say anything for a while. But then she said, "Goodnight."

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