《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》8. Agent Phil Coulson


"Nooo! I was so close!"

"Better luck next time pipsqueak"

Tony and Galilea are playing an online racing game. In fact, they always play that game, sometimes also with Kami. And when no one is online, Gali play with Jarvis.

But Tony won!

He freakin' won!

Gali doesn't know how that happened. She was on fire. She was about to win, but he came out of nowhere and won. Not cool.

"Another round? How about 2 out of 3?" Tony asked.

"Sorry buddy, but I'm done" Gali waved a hand over the table to make the hologram go away.

Tony, on the other hand, began to play with Jarvis. At least I know I'm not the only one who plays with him. I need a life. But I'm tired. I'll get one after my nap.

She glanced over at the clock and noticed that it's five, so it's acceptable to take a nap. She would usually hang out with Kamilla but she's babysitting her nephew. Gali could go with her, she loves the nephew, but she doesn't want to deal with five year olds. So nap it is.

Gali woke up later that night at around 7:50. She got out of bed and went down to the living room. When she got there, she saw Pepper standing in front of a desk, a hologram of Stark Tower and other things are in front of her. She turned around when she heard the elevator noise.

"Nice nap?"

"Yeah. What are you doing?" Gali curiously asked.

"Tony is out, putting clean energy in the tower" she explained.


Gali went to the kitchen to get some orange juice. Orange juice is life. She poured the orange juice in the cup, put the carton back in the fridge and took a sip as she walked into the living room.

"Well assuming that the arc reactor takes over and it actually works" Pepper said to Tony through the hologram call.

"I assume. Light her up"

Pepper tapped something and the tower light up. Gali stood next to Pepper.

"How does it look?"

"Like Christmas, but with more...me" he said. Gali cleared her throat.

"Excuse me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You're excused" Tony replied. Gali gave him a 'you're-not-the-only-Stark' look. He sighed.

"Fine, with more us" She smiled and took a sip of juice.

"We've gotta go wide on the public awareness campaign, you gotta do some press. I'm in D.C. tomorrow, I'm working for the zoning for the next three buildings-"

"Pepper you're killing me the moment. Remember, enjoy the moment" Tony interrupted Peppers blabber. Gali saw her brother through the window as he landed on his landing pad.


"Then get in here and I will" Pepper said in a seductive manner. Gali made a sound of disgust, causing Pepper to laugh.

"Leave the lovey dovey stuff for when I'm not around" She said in disgust.

"Oh Gali, don't tell me you weren't like that with Justin. Because I know you were exactly like that" she said.

"I was, but that was in the past, before we broke up" Gali defended herself. She looked back at the hologram before sitting down on the couch.

Pepper's comment made Galilea think about Justin. Pepper is right, Gali was like that with Justin, but they broke up and then he wanted Tony's, Iron Man suits. Then Pepper got him arrested. Good, he deserved it.

Justin Hammer was Gali's boyfriend, but that was before he did all that stuff to try to get the Iron Man suit. Obviously Tony didn't like the idea of his little sister dating Justin Hammer because they are business rivals. But Justin was different with her.

But then things happened and they broke up a couple months after Tony returned home from captivity. Since then, Galilea has tried to avoid events where she knew Justin would attend, but when Tony was being sued for his suits, she came face to face with Justin.

But that's all in the past now.

Gali's thoughts were interrupted by the two lovebirds.

"12%?!" Pepper exclaimed.

"And argument can be made for 15" Tony replied.

"12% my baby?" She walked over to the table that has a bucket and a bottle of champagne.

"Well I did all the heavy lifting, literally I lifted the heavy things. And sorry, the security snafu that was on you" Tony argued.


"My private elevator" he whined.

"Oh you mean our elevator" Pepper corrected. Yeah, our elevator.

"Yeah it was teamwork with sweaty workmen. I'm gonna pay for that comment about percentages" Tony crouched down on the floor to join Pepper.

"I'll tell you what, the next tower is going to say Potts on the tower" Tony said.

"On the lease" she said. They were about to clank glasses but Tony backed out.

"Eh, call your mom, see you can bunk over?" Pepper chuckled and then Jarvis' voice was heard.

"Sir the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten"

Phil was heard through a phone. Wait, Phil?!

"Stark we need to talk"

Tony reached over for a hologram device that takes calls. He held it in front of his face.

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark" Pepper and Gali both giggled. He's such a dork. "Please leave a message"

"This is urgent" Phil said.

"Then leave it urgently"

Right then the elevator doors opened to reveal Phil.


"Security breach! It's on you" Tony pointed to Pepper.

"Mister Stark" Phil started.

"Hi Phil!" Gali yelled from the couch.

"Phil! Come in" Pepper got off the floor with her glass of champagne.

"Phil?" Tony asked confused.

"I can't stay" Phil informed.

"Uh, his first name is Agent" Tony pointed at Phil, following behind Pepper. Seriously? Gali got off the couch, and walked over to the trio.

"Come on in, we're celebrating" Gali grinned.

"Which is why he can't stay" Tony protested.

"We need you to look this over" he handed Tony what appears to be a giant tablet. "As soon as possible"

"I don't like being handed things" Tony said.

"That's fine, I love to be handed things, so let's trade" Pepper handed Phil her champagne and grabbed the giant tablet, she took Tony's glass and gave him the tablet.

"Thank you" she took a sip of champagne.

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five, every other Thursday" Tony started.

"This isn't a consultation" Phil clarified.

"Is this about the Avengers?" Pepper asked. Phil gave her a look "Which I know nothing about" she tried to cover what she just said.

Tony opened the tablet and went down to the table where Pepper and Gali were previously at.

"I thought I didn't even qualify" Tony turned to look at Phil.

"I did!" Gali happily said.

"I don't know that either" Pepper acted as if she didn't know. Phil gave her a smile.

"Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self obsessed, and don't play well with others" Tony explained.

"That I did know" Pepper nodded.

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore" Phil explained.

"Whatever. Miss Potts, do you have a sec?" Tony called.

"Half a mo" she walked over to him, leaving Gali with Phil.

"So Phil, how have you been? I haven't seen you in some time" Gali began.

"I'm doing good, how about you?"

"I'm fine"

"You sure?" How does he know what happened yesterday?

"Hey that guy was on the run, he stole from the jewelry store. And an idiot at that" Gali explained "And how is it that you know?"

"Miss Stark, you are aware that we keep track of you?"

"Stalkers" She mumbled. She drank from her orange juice and looked over at her brother and his girlfriend.

There are holograms of information on people, pictures and videos. What's happening? Pepper whispered in Tony's ear, Phil shifted uncomfortably. She then leaned in and kissed Tony.

"What did I say?" Gali yelled at them.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" she waved her off. "Any chance you're driving by La Guardia?" She asked Phil.

"Bye" She waved at them. They waved back and went into the elevator. Gali joined her brother, he is holding a blue hologramic cube.

"What is that?" She asked referring to the blue cube.

"This is the Tesseract" he replied.

"What? Who are these people?" She looked at the holograms.

One said Thor Odinson. He has shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes, and from what she can see, he wears an armor and has a red cape. Cool cape. I've always wanted one.

The one next to him- Galilea instantly recognized him. That's Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. Her dad use to tell her stories about him and Sergeant Barnes. Howard would tell her so many stories that she actually grew tired of them.

She did, however, this that he was good looking. She had a small crush on him when she was younger but then grew out of it. How stupid it is to have a crush on someone who's dead.

Gali went to check out the other person, his name is Bruce Banner, the Hulk. Welp, he looks pretty destructive.

The hologram in front of them is the so called Tesseract. There's a bunch of information about it, and a bunch of science stuff. It has things Galilea had never heard about, and also has long and complicated words. This is too much. I didn't major in science in college.

She looked over to Tony who looks deep in thought. He's reading about the Tesseract, seems to be studying. Gali would do the same, but that isn't her cup of tea.

"Hey Gali?" Tony called.

"Yes?" She walked back over to her brother.

"How do you feel about going to Germany?"

"What?" She asked confused. Germany?

"Stuttgart, Germany to be exact" he corrected.

"Wha-wha-" She couldn't even finish. Does he really expect me to go to Germany? "What for?"

"I'm thinking that this guy, Loki, needs something from there" Tony messed with the cube again.

"Why don't you go?" She asked. Tony looked her straight in the eyes.

"Because someone needs to learn about this stuff, and by the looks of it, it's not going to be you" he said. Hurtful much? But it's true. The girl sighed.

"Fine. When am I leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning"

"One problem. I don't know German" She pointed out.

"Ask Kamilla to help you. She knows German right? Grab an earpiece from the lab, she'll tell you what to say, and do" he explained.

"Kay. I'm gonna call Kami, you keep doing whatever you're doing" She motioned to the hologramic mess.

Galilea went up to her room and gave Kamilla a call.

I hope she's still up, if not, oh well.

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