《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》3. Second power: Compulsion


That's how all the tests started. All the trips down to the lab, the body scans, blood tests, all kind of tests. Mr. Stark didn't find anything in Galilea. All her tests came back normal, as if her accident never happened, as if her telekinetic power never occurred.

Galilea practiced using her power, she practiced every day with her dad. He would make her move objects and she was getting stronger, but not strong enough. She's 7 years old now, and she can move decent sized objects, the biggest one she can move is the TV.

Little Galilea is walking alongside her brother down the street. They were making their way back home, when they passed an ice cream shop. She turned to look at her brother Tony, who's now 12 years old.

"Can you buy me ice cream?" She asked her brother.

"No" Tony said.

"Why?" She pouted.


"Please, Tony?"


"Please, pretty please, with sugar on top and a twist and a kiss?" She begged.

Tony was beginning to give in and he didn't know why. But after more begging from his sister he completely gave in and bought an ice cream cone for her.

"What just happened?" Tony was bewildered.

"You bought me an ice cream" Galilea smiled. Tony frowned and looked down at her.

"Why?" He asked. She shrugged and went back to her ice cream.

Tony didn't know why he bought her what she wanted. He usually doesn't buy her stuff just because. But he felt like he need to do it, need to buy an ice cream cone. He was confused for the rest of the walk home.

"Mommy, Tony bought me an ice cream cone!" Galilea exclaimed as she walked in the house. Their mom poked her head through the kitchen door and raised an eyebrow.


"Really?" She asked. Even she knows about Tony's stinginess.

"It was so weird. I felt like I had to buy what she wanted me to buy her" Tony told his mom.

"Had to buy her what?" Their dad questioned as he made his way to them.

The Stark siblings explained to their dad what happened during their walk. Their parents listened carefully and were a bit confused when they were done telling them what happened.

Howard Stark made his thinking face, as he thought about what's possibly his daughters newly found power.

"What are you thinking about, Howard?" Maria asked her husband, already dreading his answer.

"I'm wondering if Gali has a new power" he mused. Tony looked at his sister with raised eyebrows.

"If her new power is to control people, I want out" he said. Gali stuck her tongue out at him. An idea popped in his head. "We can test it out on Jarvis" he smirked.

"Tony!" His mom called "We can't use Jarvis like a guinea pig!"

Tony pouted "It was just a suggestion" he mumbled "Besides, I don't think it'll work on him. Gali has Jarvis wrapped around her pinky finger"

"I am a loved person" Gali smiled.

Tony ruffled her hair "Yes you are pipsqueak"

Howard was still thinking about what to have Gali do, until he came up with something. He crouched down to his daughters level and whispered something into her ear. She looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. He nodded at her as she fiddled with her fingers. Maria eyed her husband and daughter, while Tony was completely oblivious to the situation.

Gali walked over to her brother and he looked down at her.

"Will you make me a sandwich?" She asked innocently.

"No" he said.


"Please, Tony. Can you please make me a sandwich? Please, please?" She batted her eyelashes. He tried to resist the urge to make her a sandwich, but something in him was telling him to make it.

"Fine" he grumbled before going into the kitchen.

Gali smiled and faced her parents. They were in a bit of a shock as they saw Tony walk into the kitchen and get everything out in order to prepare a sandwich. Jarvis walked out of the kitchen, looking back as he walked over to the Starks.

"Why is Tony ransacking the kitchen?"

"He's really making the sandwich?" Howard asked amused.

Jarvis nodded.

"What exactly happened?" Maria asked her husband.

"I believe Gali has a second power. Compulsion" Howard said.

"Really?" Gali asked. He nodded and Maria and Jarvis shared a look.

"I'm gonna make sure Tony doesn't make a mess in there" Maria left to the kitchen. Howard turned to his daughter and said,

"You wanna convince your mom to make pancakes for dinner?" Her eyes widened and nodded her head really fast. Howard and Jarvis laughed at her actions.

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