《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》2. First power: Telekinesis


Galilea's room looked like a hospital room. Everything that's in a hospital room is in Galilea's room. The heart monitor machine was beeping indicating that she's alive. The Stark's were all worried sick. They've all been crying and hoping that the smallest Stark would be okay. They didn't know if she was the same, all they know is that her heart is beating, she's alive.

Galilea slowly opened her eyes and saw a blurry figure. The person saw that Galilea was awake and walked closer to her.

"I leave for one day and you get hurt" the person said. Galilea's vision got clear and she saw Edwin Jarvis in front of her.

"Jarvis" she croaked out. Jarvis sat on the chair next to the bed.

"Little Galilea, I come back and the first thing I see is that your family is crying and that you had an accident" Jarvis said to Galilea. "I was so worried about you" he pouted. "Does it still hurt?" He asked.

"A little" she whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll call your parents" he placed a soft kiss on her forehead and left the room to inform the concerned parents that their daughter is awake.

It's been a month since 'the accident' that's what they're calling it now, and Galilea is fine. Howard ran many tests on his daughters blood and nothing was different. She's okay.

Galilea was up and running, outside the house of course. She wasn't allowed to go down to the lab at all.

Everything was going back to normal, until...

Galilea was sitting on the couch watching tv, when she saw Mr. Cuddles on the floor. She stared at it and then it slowly rose up. Her eyes went wide as the bear was floating in mid air. She rubbed her eyes and opened them to see that the bear was laying on the floor.


Later that day, the family was having dinner. They were sitting in the dinning table, Maria and Howard talking, and the kids eating. Galilea stared at the red plastic cup infront of her and then the cup started to float. Her eyes went wide. The cup stopped in mid air, she called for her brother.

"Tony" she called. He didn't listen, he was eating his food. "Tony" she nudged him this time.

"Ow, what?" He asked her. She pointed to the cup that's infront of her. Tony turned to the cup and his eyes went wide.

"D-dad!" Tony called him.

"Yes, Tony?"

"Did you create floating cups?"

"No. Why are yo-" he saw the cup that was floating in front of his daughter.

"The house is haunted then" Tony concluded. Gali jumped in fear.

"Noooo!" She yelled. The cup dropped to the table.

"Hmm, that was weird" Howard mused.

"What was?" Maria asked.

"When Gali jumped, and cut her look with the cup, it fell" Howard started. He went over to his daughter.

"Gali, can you stare at the cup one more time?"

"Howard" Maria warned.

Gali nodded. Howard cleared the place in front of Gali and placed the same red cup infront of her. She stared at it but nothing happened, she tried harder and then it slowly raised. They stared in amazement, from Gali to the cup and from the cup to Gali. She broke contact with the cup as she turned to her dad with fear in her eyes.

"I did that?" She asked.

"Probably" he nodded.

"So what you're saying is, Gali has superpowers?" Tony questioned.

"Howard?" Maria asked her husband. They shared a look.

"Let's go to the lab" Howard took Galilea's hand and they went to the lab.

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