《Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids》>Q&A HOBI>>">>>Q&A HOBI>>


: Do you miss your mom? Do you want to be a horsey when you grow up?

Hobi: You have to promise not to tell Jin and Yoongi but yeah, I miss Mommy. And no? I wasn't thinking about it? Why do you say that?

: Isn't it a bit sadistic when Yoongi said he liked hearing that sound when you hit your head off the table......? But don't worry kiddo he loves you ♡

Hobi: Yoongi just likes to have too much fun sometimes, but he's a softie. And I know, I love you too Yoongi! kisses ♡

: Baby you can just ask your father or elder brothers the logic behind math...there's no harm in it trust me, they'll be more happy to help you out and dear, more than being nice and polite, more important is you being happy, so can you not share your complete lunchbox?

Hobi: Okay I'll try...sorry sorry

: Lil Hobi, maybe you should eat more and let the other kids know that you have to eat too. Maybe you can ask for trades in snacks instead of just giving yours away?

Hobi: But they don't ask nicely, Daddy says you have to ask nicely and I'm afraid they'll say no...but it's okay because Wonpil shares with me.

: Take care of yourself okay? It's okay to put yourself first sometimes okay? The other kids will still like you even if you don't always give them food. You need to eat too, and if they don't like you, then they are stupid. I have cookies, do you want one?

Hobi: I heard something about cookies...? Where?

: Hobi, you're such a sweetheart. You always smile and laugh with your friends and brothers :) But, you don't have to be always happy and sacrifice yourself so much just to make others like you :") Will you be my friend so that we can share each other food? ^^


Hobi: Sure I'll be your friend! But Wonpil is my best friend so you can be my next best friend, okay?

: Hobi...Uhh...*cough* Who taught you to body roll? I mean wow...Btw...What do you think of Jin's flower LaLa?

Hobi: Nobody taught me, I just figured it out :) And LaLa? He's all right I guess. But...okay don't tell Jin think but I think I accidentally gave LaLa juice instead of water once and then one of his petals fell off BUT I SWEAR HE LIKED THE JUICE IT WASN'T MY FAULT OKAY.

: MY HOPE MY ANGEL MY SUNSHINE I LOVE YOU SHOOOOOOO MUCH. Oh and your daddy Joon said that if you don't eat your lunch properly then you get sick and have to go to the doctors and then you have to have an injection *gasps* My sunshine doesn't want an injection does he? So eat a lot baby and be good friends with that boy who tells you to eat. And Hobi can I have a hug? Please, I'll give you cookies.

Hobi: Does an injection mean a needle? Because I hate needles, they scare me, no please...no is very fun...and of course Wonpil is my friend and you can have a hug and yes I want a cookie!

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