《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Flying Or Falling - Read A/N (S9)



Hermits, the update has cause this server to be very buggy. Due to this, permadeath has been turned on. Please be very carful until I can find a way to fix this.


Impulse POV

"I don't think the Hermits left any elytras behind," Pearl commented.

"Yeah... we can buy one from Doc's shop though it's a bit pricey," Gem replied.

"Better then if we keep looking, we should head ba- wait... which way's the portal the portal?" I asked as I realized we were lost.

"Uhhhh... we're lost aren't we," Gem said.

"Yep..." Pearl responded.

Gem, Pearl and I had decided to try and get an elytra 'early'. Turns out Doc had gotten there first and now had a monopoly on elytras.

"So... what do we do," I asked the girls.

"Uhhhhh... we could message False? She's already gotten an elytra," Pearl suggested as she pulled out her communicator.

"Okay, I'll go gather some endstone so we have a mini base to avoid endermen," Gem said as she walked to a little endstone hill.

"Wait up I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran after her.

Pearl POV

Private Messages Between PearlecentMoon and FalseSymmetry


Pearl why are you awake

Its the middle of the night

I need help i'm stuck


I'm lost in the end with Impulse and Gem


I can help

Should I bring cleo and jevin to help they already have wings

Pleae do

omw see you in a hour

End of PM

~Timeskip because homework is looming~

"Pearl!" False shouted as she landed.

"Oh False! Thank you for coming," I said as she came.

"You should be thanking us, it's three in the morning," Jevin stated sarcastically as he and Cleo landed next to the small group.


"We stole-" Cleo started.

"Permanently borrowed," Jevin corrected.

"Okay so we "permanently borrowed" some elytras from Doc's shop so we can get back to the portal," Cleo finished.

"Thank you so much," Gem said.

"Hermits help hermits. Now let's get going, it's already late," False responded.

They all clipped on their elytras and set off towards the portal.

~Time skip because no ideas~

The group landed on the portal island and noticed something strange...

"How is the dragon spawned!?" Gem asked confused.

"Don't know but the server's been pretty buggy lately," Cleo replied.

"The portal's still open. All we need to do is sneak past the dragon and get to the portal," False stated.

Impulse and Jevin led the group towards the portal, not being careful. As they were not focused, they couldn't see the dragon change directions and head straight for them.

"GUYS LOOK OUT!" I shouted but it was too late.

The two Hermits were knocked off the ground into the void. Their elytras were torn by the horns of the dragon so they couldn't activate them in time.

The dragon, having heard the shout, charged for us. In my final moments, I only felt guilt for asking for False, Cleo and Jevins help. They could of lived long, fantastic, lives if they hadn't come to help. I didn't have time to scream as I perished.

Hermitcraft Sever Chat Logs



how is that possible

'Suma, you fixed the glitch right?


ˣᶦˢᵘᵐᵃᵛᵒᶦᵈ ᶦˢ ᵗʸᵖᶦⁿᵍ...

No I didn't

Third Person POV

The Hermits looked out one last time at season nine. They had done so much here and made so many memoires. But it was time for a new beginning, Hermitcraft season 10.

It had been a year since the start. Normally they would wait 2 or 3 years until transfering but this season the Hermits had quickly filled up the server.

The group stepped into the portal leaving everyingthing they had gathered and built ready to start fresh.

In loving memory of False, Cleo, Jevin, Gem, Pearl and Impulse. May will always have a place in our hearts.


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