《Time Can't Heal This》A Letter To The Souls We Left Behind


I forgave you because I could never forget you.

And even though you broke my heart,

there's no love lost because I know that it killed you when I left.

I'll never understand how 2 people could be so perfect

And then suddenly just be broken.

And even after everything that we fought about and fought through,

We just couldn't help the way we'd still lose.

You're still the only one that I could ever give all of my love to.

I know it's been a couple years since we turned the page and walked away,

But every time I'm feeling sad

my mind comes right back to you and I need to have that feeling back.

'Cause all I can feel now is this emptiness that suffocates the hole in my chest where I'm supposed to have a heart.

I guess I'm responsible for the way I still hurt

Because I let you rip it apart.

Then I turned around and tried to hurt you back

Because I didn't know what else to do,

and I just wanted the man I married back!

I just needed you to love me back.

But you gave up on what we had.

So I gave up on you and I probably shouldn't have.

Just know that I'll be sorry for the rest of my life

for telling you to go and not stopping you.

I swear to god I never wanted you to think that I stopped loving you!

I just didn't think that there was any way that we were ever gonna pull through.

Now I'm broken apart

and I'm leaving the same scars

on the heart of every man that tries to love me

because I know he isn't you.

Maybe I'll always be broken now.

I probably should've let my guard down and made you turn around and get some fucking help.


'Cause you were putting our entire family through hell!

But I can't let go of who you were before you drug everybody down.

Your pops was the only dad I ever had.

He always took my side through every fight

and now that he's gone I have no one to confide in.

It's pretty fucking lonely when you're left all alone and in the dark,

with no one in your corner to help you heal your broken heart.

I miss my best friend but I guess you can have her, too.

I was the only one who couldn't see that all along they were right,

when they told me that she was in love with you.

Talk about betrayal.

When the only 2 people that you've ever put all of your trust and love into,

Stab you in the back and leave you to bleed out all alone in that empty fucking home,

because you took our fucking kids with you!

You broke the news on my 28th birthday.

Ironically the day I was born was the day I tried to take my own life away.

You were too busy playing house with her to know how much damage you just did to my heart.

That's the reason I could never see it through every time we tried to go back and make us work.

It was just too damn hard.

But I still love you to this day

and I know that will never fucking change.

Our history is too strong and we went through too much for too long.

You're still the only person on this earth that knows me better than I know myself.

And I'll never let another person play that role in my life because losing you was equivalent to hell.

I'd rather die a thousand times


than risk loving someone else.

I just wish that everyone was right when they said that giving it time will help me to heal.

How is my heart still shattered into pieces after 3 whole years?

Truth is I'm afraid that the more time we spend apart,

You'll start to forget the good things about us that made moving on this hard.

And while you're forgetting why you loved me,

I'll still be waiting over here,

while my eyes fill with tears and I'll never love another person again.

I'm never gonna get over our past.

'Cause I'm always gonna wish we did it differently and now we can't get it back.

You wasted the person I was and now every man that meets me,

Hates you for making me unable to see who I am.

But I still love you.

It's something that I'll probably never understand.

Maybe it's just time to say goodbye

to the souls we left behind.

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