《Time Can't Heal This》More Scars


I just needed a friend.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

I was always so naive.

Thinking intentions were set out to be the best for me.

Giving the benefit of the doubt.

Holding back tears

While you were holding me down.

I tried to fight the manipulation in your eyes,

But my bloodstream denied my muscles

the strength I couldn't find that night.

I couldn't just lie there covered in shame,

While you took advantage of the confusion I became.

Your smile stained my chances to breathe

And I was so broken and so fucking angry.

Your audacity wanted to make me believe

that there was nothing wrong with what you did to me.

I wanted to run

But I couldn't even scream.

You were so proud to witness yourself getting the best of me.

No one has ever invested in me.

So I took a few months to reflect on their greed.

I think I'm finally ready to grieve.

I just wish that it didn't have to continue hurting me;

'Cause my soul's looking darker than I've ever seen.

Collapsing my lungs as I try to speak.

You took more than just my voice from me.

I hope that it haunts you when you try to sleep.

I pray that one day you see what you did to me.

I hope it sickens your stomach

until you can't even stand the thought of me.

I let you in with expectations that you were there to help me.

You were so subtle.

I never thought you would be the one

to impair my ability to stray from any struggle.

I just needed a friend.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

What I got in the end-

Was more scars

And deep breaths.

Now I have a colder heart

And less friends.

You probably could've saved me that evening;

Instead, you killed the last bit of hope I had left.

I never needed any more scars.

I just needed a friend.

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