
Jungkook's pov

It's been three days since our wedding. Me and Jimin are now good friends. We shares everything between us and I am soo much fortunate to get a husband like him. My and his friends are asking us for a party for our wedding so we arranged a small but a rich get together for them. Today evening at the Jeon's club. Mine and his friends are coming over and we already got ready for the club.

Time skips

We finally arrived at the club and checked over the arrangements. Everything is perfect and complete. Finally our friends are also came to there

"Chimchim....." "Taetae...." Taehyung ran to Jimin and hugged him tightly like their life depending on it. His other friends Hoseok, Yoongi and my friends Namjoonie hyung, Jinhyung all are came. We sat on the couch and started chatting. Jimin is sitting between me and Taehyung and they are cuddling while sitting on the couch. I found that their friendship is more precious and beautiful. A smiled formed in my face when I saw Jimin is smiling and chit chatting with tae.

"Well chimchim, how is your life with Jungkook?" Hoseok asked. "It is great and I had so much fun with huung" Jimin said as he looked at me with a satisfied smile. I know he is happy with me. "Guys what is your future plan?" Namjoonie hyung asked." I am going to be the CEO of our company and Jimin will be independent from buisiness cuz he is not intrested in it." " Then who is gonna take over the company after his father?" Yoongi asked "After my father, Park and Jeon comapany will become one and Jungkook will be the CEO and the company will be mutually shared between me and him." Jimin said.

"Oh that's great and when are you guys coming to my restaurant?" Jin hyung asked. "We will come tomorrow hyung. " "Really then I am going to do my masterpieces for you" he said and I smiled at him.

We spend 4 hours there and Jimin is fully drunk now. I am the one and only one here with concious mind. I am looking at everyone. Most of them are passed out by now. I saw My Jimin sleeping at the couch uncomfortably. I need to take him to home.

It is our club so we have some rooms here. I said to the men to took everyone to respective rooms and make sured that everyone is fine. After putting everyone to the rooms, I came back and saw my angel is sleeping like a baby. I chucked and took him in bridal style and drove off to our home.


When we arrived there our maid opened the door and I walked to our room with him in my arms. I laid him on the bed and took off his clothes and dressed him a Grey hoodie and a black sweat pant. I also got changed to a black t shirt and shorts and laid next to him. I am still looking at my angel's face. He is really beautiful for me. I pecked his forehead, nose and cheeks. " Good night love" I said as I wrapped left arm around his small waist and right arm brushing his blond hair. I couldn't sleep our getting back my gaze from him. Suddenly I saw he is trying to speak in his sleep

"Jungkookie hyungaaa?"

First I was startled at what he is trying to say. Is he really dreaming about me. I think he will say something about me.

"Yes chim" I replied softly leaning close to his ears.

" I-I want to say somethin to you..."

"Tell me dear"

"I really..."

"You really?"

"I really lo...."

I was very eager to hear him. But when he wanted to say something, I looked at him after hearing nothing he drifted to his dream land. I really wanted to hear what he was about to say. But he just slept before the important part.

'What is in his mind? What is meant by lo...will that is love? Is it so then who is the one who loving by him? Will that be me? How will I find it?' A lot of thoughts was around my head. I just laid beside my love and hugged him by putting my arm around his small fragile sweet waist. With no time he hugged me back and snuggled on my neck. I felt butterflies on my tummy as his wet plump red lips just touched my neck. He is sleeping peacefully and I am still looking at him. As looking at him, I also drifted into my sleep.

The next morning

Jimin's pov

I slowly opened my eyes when the bright sunlight brushed my face gently. I found that I am alone in the bed and hyung is not here to see. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock which is hanging on the wall next to our bed. It is morning 7'o clock. ' This is soo early and where did hyung gone?' I got up from the bed and took a quick bath and went out from the room to downstairs. I had a tight pain on my head it will because of last night. I only remember last I was sleeping beside tae on the couch and now ended up in our home. It will be Hyung who just picked me to here. I am so glad that I have such a good caring husband. I went out to the kitchen and saw my kookie hyung with apron and something cooking and noonas are looking at him and guiding him. I went straight to them and gave them my good mornings.


"Good morning Minji noona, good morning Yung noona, good morning Kookie hyungaa"

"Good morning Jiminiii"

"Good morning chim and how are you feeling? Do you have any head ache?"

" A little but it will go"

"No it will not come I have pain killers. It will make you feel better."

He said and gave me the medicine. I took it and sat on the chair next to kitchen counter. I am still looking at my husband who is cooking like a chef. After finishing, he served it on the dining table and we all started to have breakfast.

"How is it chim?"

"It is soooooo yummy hyung."

"Thankyou. And have all your food."

"I will"

We both shared a big smile to each other and continued eating

After three month

Still Jimin's pov

It's been three months since from our wedding. Minji and Yung noona went back to my house since we learned almost every king of korean dishes and somewhat some continental dishes also( we are soo brave right?😉🤭) So much things happened in these months. Now kookie hyung is the CEO of his company. My father's company is in partnership with his and our companies gaining more and more profits day by day. Hyung didn't have to work harder since we have no so much competition in the field and there are so much workers to help him. So he is spending a lot time with me.

I am pretty happy for that too.. somewhat I started to develop feelings for him. I don't know how he feels back. He is so caring and protective to me. But love? I don't know.

Currently I am doing the dishes and it is the evening time and I almost finished our dinner preperation. Jungkook hyung always does the breakfast. Lunch and dinner is my responsibility. He said me to go with him to the company and become the co-CEO with him. But I am not intrested in that. I want a simple free house. And oops sorry I forget to tell something that we shifted to our new house. This is quiet small compared to our old one. We wanted a simple life and that mansion is too big for our small life.

Well this is our new home

Looking good right?

It is going to be dark soon. Jungkook hyung will be home at any time and I am very curious and happy to see him. It is not like he went for months. He just went to his work today but now he is coming back oo hoo

As finished my work, I went for a shower and put on a white long shirt and brown shorts. I just feel comfort when I wore white dress. I sat on sofa and waiting for him.

After 10 min, the door bell rang and I already know who it is and I quickly ran towards the door and looked at my husband's smiling face.

"Welcome home kookie hyung"

"Thankyou my chim and how was the day?"

"Quet boring without you and now I have you. How about you?"

"Same and now I too have you"

With that we hugged together and he took himself to upstairs and went back after changed. We ate our dinner and went for seeing some movie

After finishing the movie, we went to our bed for sleep. Al time we use to sleep while cuddling on each one's arm.


"Yes hyung?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure ask me"

"Can you get prepared for a date tomorrow evening at the park?"

"Sure hyung it will be a great pleasure"

"Thankyou and good night my chim."

"Welcome hyung and good night chim"

'Sleep well chim. Tomorrow will be the bestest day in our life.'

Thankyou so much for watching. Please vote and what about comments?

Love ya all💜💜💜💜💜💜

When you want to become one's ideal type, I am saying that the worst thing that you are doing is this. Stop doing it guys. You are enough for you

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