《I Am The Dragon Slayer (Highschool dxd x male reader)》The Masked Demon
On top of a mountain stood a Dragon with black and purple scales. It stares out in the distance. Rain fell down from the grey clouds in sky, purple lightning strikes all around the area.
Leonidas: The air in this new era... tastes different from the one I'm used to. This era is full of ethernano. Soon I'll be able to break the Dragon Soul seal.
Leonidas crossed his arm and looked in thought.
Leonidas: It seems the false Dragon King, Acnologia, is no more in this time. But the world eater. Alduin. That one concerns me. I never heard of him back then, he must be a new Dragon that rose to power. Or a Dragon Slayer like Y/n that turned into a Dragon.
He lets out a sigh. But that soon turned into a small smile.
Leonidas: If only you can see the boy's progress, Anna. He's improved greatly, much better than I expected. Finally learning how to use fire, it's a huge step for him. I couldn't be prouder of the boy. Bet he's stronger than Natsu and Gajeel, if they were in the same timeline that is.
A thought popped into the Dragon's head, one that has been on his mind lately.
Leonidas: That brings me to the question, how is it, that we ended up too far into the future? Is it possible that the others arrived here as well?
???: They didn't, it's just you. Old timer. You and Yuuichi.
The Dragon turned his head around and spots a figure wearing a robe. The figure raises his head and smiles at Leonidas.
Leonidas: I should've guessed you still kicking around.
The figure just smirks.
???: Igneel, Grandeeney, Metalicana, Weisslogia, and Skiadrum. They're plan succeeded. As you can tell Acnologia, is no more. Beaten by Igneel's son.
Leonidas: Natsu?
The figure nodded.
???: And not just Acnologia, Zeref as well. His own brother. The battle was hard, but in the end, Natsu and his friends succeeded.
Leonidas: I see, tell me. Why are you here? You are not welcomed here. Unless you forgotten about that after all these years.
???: I have not. I will never forget the day you took my little brother from me. Took Yuuichi away from his only family he has left.
Leonidas: His name is Y/n.
Leonidas said angrily.
Leonidas: You may be his brother, but all you want from him, is the power that lies within him.
The figure shakes his head.
???: Not true, he's, my brother. What I desire the most is to be reunited with Yuuichi.
Leonidas: Y/n. His name is Y/n. Don't forget that.
???: I'm not calling him by that fake name. And what's so wrong wanting to be reunited with him?
Leonidas: Everything. You'll take him away from his friends and family, the people he cares about. All for your selfish reasons. All this, because your family were killed.
This angers the man and the whole area was surrounded by a dark mist.
???: The world took everything from us! From me! Mom, Dad, friends, Yuuichi is all I have left! For that, I'll burn the world to the ground! With Yuuichi by my side, we'll rule over everything! Heaven, the Underworld. I'll have Yuuichi take the Demon Lords Daughter's power for himself!
Leonidas: There it is. There's that Psychopath I met all those years ago.
Leonidas fully turned around and looked down at the figure and emits large amount of magic energy. Lightning began to rain down on the ground everywhere. Fire erupted around the area, setting the mountains on fire.
Leonidas: If you think I'd let you any were near Y/n, you're dead wrong! As long as I live, I'll protect him from you! He doesn't share your idea on world domination! You will not take the life he has now away from him!
The figure slowly backed away in fear, the overwhelming power that was emitting from Leonidas was still too great for him.
???: After all these years, your still stronger than me. It's unfair.
Leonidas: Heed my warning, don't come near Y/n. If you do, you'll suffer my wrath!
Leonidas ended that sentence by emitting more magic energy. The figure getting the message turned around and began to walk away.
???: Tell me this, why haven't you defeated Acnologia? With the power you hold, defeating him is possible. Guess I'll see you later, Leonidas. Former Dragon King.
With that the figure disappeared in a black mist, leaving the Dragon by himself. Alone with his thoughts.
(With Rias)
Rias was currently sleeping on your bed, the rays from the sun shined through your curtains and on Rias's face. She starts to move around on your bed, expecting to you to be on the right side of the bed, Rias stretched out her arm to grab hold of your arm. A smile was present on her face.
Rias: Y/n...
Expecting to grab your arm, instead Rias's grabs hold of the bed sheets.
Rias: Huh?
She opens her eyes to see only a empty spot on the other side. Rias's puffs out her cheeks.
Rias: Why does he always have to leave me.
With a groan Rias gets up out of bed. She walks over to a drawer and grabs her school uniform. After a few seconds of getting dressed Rias headed downstairs expecting to be there. What she found was disappointment.
Yui and Lexie both sat down at the table talking to each. They both noticed Rias walking towards them at the table.
Yui: Morning Rias, did you get a good night's rest?
Rias: Yes mother, I did. Thanks for asking. Say, did either of you two seen Y/n? He wasn't in bed when I woke up this morning.
Yui and Lexie sweat dropped after Rias causally said that.
Lexie: Yeah, he was here. He headed outside for a quick morning run. He should be back pretty soon.
Right on time, you opened the door that led outside and walked in the room. There you saw everyone at the table.
Y/n: Morning you guys.
Rias looked at your appearance. You were currently wearing a white shirt with grey sweatpants. Sweat beaded around your face and neck.
Yui: How was your run?
Y/n: It was good, got a good workout this morning.
Yui: I can see that.
I chuckle.
Y/n: Bet you can. Anyway, I'm gonna go hit the shower.
You walked towards the stairs and went upstairs to take a shower.
Yui: That boy I swear. Only thing on his mind is sleep, eat and train. Then again, he wasn't always like that. When he was little, he acted differently than what he is now.
This peaks Rias's attention.
Rias: What was he like back then?
Yui smiles.
Yui: I'm glad you asked.
She takes a sip of her coffee and thinks back in the past.
Yui: Y/n was a handful, much more back then. I always get calls from his school saying he beated up four kids or started a fight with other kids. When he come back home, he'd always told me they were bullying other kids or annoying him. He was quite the bad boy back then.
Rias: Really? I never would have guessed he was like that.
Yui: No one would. Every now and then, I'll still see that cocky attitude he had as a kid. Feeling overconfident in his... abilities.
Rias thought about the fight between you and Riser. How you let him get that one punch in and all the other times you looked down on him everytime he was on the ground.
Rias: Yeah... I seen for myself.
Yui: Even now, that kid is still a troublemaker.
Lexie nods in agreement.
Lexie: Tell me about it. I sometimes wonder if he even has a brain under that thick skull of his.
Yui gets up and grabs the empty cups of coffee and takes them into the kitchen to wash them, leaving Lexie and Rias alone together.
Lexie: Honestly Rias, I don't know what you see in that Thunder head.
Rias: Huh?
Rias was confused by Lexie's statement.
Lexie: C'mon Rias, it's obvious you're in love with him. It's no secret. You gave it away when you decided to live with him.
Rias blushes.
Lexie: Rias Gremory, heiress for the House of Gremory, falls in love with a human boy that possesses the power to slay Dragons, after saving her from an engagement party.
Lexie chuckles to this and smiles afterwards.
Lexie: But I can see why you love him. He literally went to Hell to save you. And I can guess he doesn't know you love him, does he?
Rias nods shyly.
Lexie: That guy can be so dense.
It was at that moment you walked downstairs wearing your school uniform.
Y/n: What's this about me being dense?
You stopped in front of the table with your arms crossed looking slightly annoyed.
Lexie: I'm just stating facts.
Y/n: Calling me dumb or something?
You placed a hand and leaned closer to Lexie who had both her legs on the table and leaning backwards on her chair.
Yui: Y/n, it's almost time for you to go to school. Better eat up quick or you'll starve.
Your stomach growled by the mention of food.
Y/n: Yeah, I guess I better get something to eat.
You point your index finger at Lexie who continued to kick back and relax on her chair.
Y/n: Me and you are gonna have a little chat about me being dense, you hear me?
Lexie: Yeah yeah, yeah. Hurry up and get your food already.
You backed away from the table and marched towards the kitchen to grab something to eat real quick. After eating a banana and yogurt that was in the fridge, you walked back into the living room and towards the front door. Rias follows suit.
You opened the door and walked outside, your destination. School.
It's been a couple of minutes since you and Rias left your home. You both walked side by side in silence.
Rias will occasionally throw glances your way, but you were preoccupied with your own thoughts to even notice this.
Y/n:(Thoughts) The Holy Sword Project, just how powerful is this Excalibur? More importantly, Kiba. Seeing that sword made him go down the path of vengeance, and it won't end well.
You instinctively grab hold of the fabric on your chest. The sensation from yesterday still lingers on in your chest.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Another question, the hell is happening to me? Could this be related to the Holy Sword? Or is it...
???: Brother.
(Flashback End)
Y/n:(Thoughts) Related to that. Whatever the case, these chest pains happen at random. There's no telling when another one is gonna happen again.
You felt someone slip their hand into yours, snapping you out of your thoughts and making you come to halt.
You looked down and saw Rias's hand holding onto yours. Rias was looking at you shyly.
Rias: Is there something on your mind?
Y/n: What makes you saw that?
Rias: You have this serious look on your face, like your stuck on a hard question that you can't solve. What's on your mind?
You thought about the situation Kiba is in and you're on problem. Not wanting to worry Rias, you decided it was best to keep the chest pain to yourself. Not that she already doesn't know.
Y/n: Kiba, I'm worried about him. He's going down the path of vengeance and it ain't gonna end well, not one bit.
Rias: I understand how you feel Y/n, truly I do. Do you remember me telling you before about how he was a survivor of the Holy Sword Project?
Y/n: I remember.
You nodded in confirmation.
Rias: What I didn't tell you was that there were several other children involved. They were all being raised to use an Excalibur.
Y/n: There were more like Kiba?
Rias: As if right now, there are seven Holy Swords that are known by the name Excalibur. Long ago, pieces of the original Excalibur were scattered during a war.
Y/n: There's seven of these things?
Rias: That's right. It was the church that tracked down and collected all of those pieces. They then used alchemy to create seven entirety new swords.
Y/n: Does this mean Kiba is able to use all seven swords?
She shakes her head.
Rias: Actually, no it does not. He never adapted to Excalibur's strength. In fact, none of those who were trained ever could. The entire project failed.
Y/n: The entire project? Then... what happened to all of the kids?
The thought of this made Rias sad and weary of what your will be.
Rias: Those in charge of the project decided to dispose of Kiba and the other subjects.
Hearing this made your blood boil from the anger that was slowly rising within you.
Y/n: Dispose...? You don't mean... kill them?
Rias: They were already on the verge of death.
You clenched your right fist and fire erupted from your hand.
Y/n: What gives them that right?! Just cause their damn project failed they think they have the right to kill children!
Rias: Y/n, I know your upset by this, but you need to calm down. We're close to school, and we don't want anyone seeing you on fire.
Rias was right, if anyone saw you it would be bad. You took a deep breath and slowly started to calm yourself down. The fire that was surrounding your fist slowly started to fade away.
Y/n: Sorry. Lost my cool there for a sec. I know better.
She walks up to you and places her hand on your shoulder.
Rias: I'm worried about Kiba to, but we need to keep a cool head.
You gave her a nod.
Y/n: Yeah, you're right.
Rias: We can worry about this after school. Until then, let's try to act like normal teenagers.
You chuckle.
Y/n: Nothing normal about us. One of us is a devil and the other can shoot lightning out of his hands.
Rias: And that is why I said we should act "Normal". Like this.
With her hand on your shoulder, Rias quickly spun you around so that your back was facing her. She wrapped her arms around your neck and hopped onto your back.
Rias: You're gonna give me a piggyback ride mister. So be a good Dragon and deliver me to my destination.
She giggles. You chuckle by this.
Y/n: Alright miss Gremory. As you wish, hang on tight!
You started to run forward with Rias on your back. Rias laughed as you ran towards school. Her laugh being infectious, you started to laugh as well.
A cool breeze blew right at you and Rias's face as you continued to run. Rias tighten her hold on your neck and rested her head on the back of your neck.
This sends a tingle sensation throughout your body. You started to blush.
Rias: I could get used to this. Wish you could fly though; it'll make the experience even better.
Y/n: Can't you fly? Don't see the point in me even needing to.
Rias: True, I can fly, but it'll feel different if I could soar through the sky on your back.
Y/n: Kinda cliché if you ask me, but if all you want to do is fly through the air, then alright. Pretty sure we got some time before school.
Rias: Huh?
You quickly darted over to an empty alleyway. Doing a quick look around you see that no one was around.
Y/n: I may not be like Lexie, who can sprout out wings from her back and fly. But I discovered my own way of flying.
Rias: Y/n?
You smirk to yourself.
Y/n: Hang on tight!
Rias: Wait a minute! I don't know what's--
Fire gathered underneath your feet, and you jumped high up in the air as you leave a trail of fire beneath you.
In a couple of seconds, you and Rias both were hovering in the air. Rias looks around Kuoh in awe. Her eyes glimmer at the site of town at such a height.
Y/n: Amazing view, isn't?
Rias: It is.
You looked down at the town and smiled at the sight of it.
Y/n: My dad used to do this for me, whenever I feel down. Take me out for a ride on his back and give me a good view of the mountains. Something I'll always miss.
You smile sadly to yourself, missing your father. The one who took you in and made you the person you are today.
Rias: I can always do that for you.
Y/n: What? You gotta be kidding me?
You laughed out loud hearing this.
Y/n: So, you'll give me a ride on your back whenever I feel sad. Don't think you can carry me all the way up here. Appreciate the thought though.
You and Rias continue to look at Kuoh from above enjoying the view that was before you two. You looked down and decided it was time for you two to get down.
Y/n: We stayed up here long enough, it's about time we should head back down.
Rias: Yeah, I guess you're right, we should head back down.
In agreement, you started to slowly descend back down to the ground. You made sure to land in an alleyway, that way nobody sees you land on the ground.
On the ground Rias let go of your neck and hopped off your back.
Rias: We should do this again sometime, instead of me being on your back, we should fly to the sky together.
Y/n: Sounds like a plan, maybe we can do it at night. That way we can--
Just then you caught five unfamiliar scents and two familiar ones. All seven were near you, the two familiar scents belonged to Sona and Tsubaki. The five unknown scents were right to Sona's and Tsubaki's.
Rias looked at you confused by your sudden silence.
Rias: Y/n? Is something the matter?
Y/n: At the school, I smell five scents that I'm not familiar with. And next to those five are Sona and Tsubaki scents.
Rias: Five?
Y/n: Yeah, I don't like this. We best hurry over to--
The pain in your chest returned, this time even worse than before. You dropped down on your knees and started to pant heavily as steam emitted from your body.
Rias: Y/n!
Rias quickly kneeled down right next too you, worry was plastered on her face.
Rias: What's happening?! Y/n answer me?!
Y/n: Can't breathe... chest... in pain...
Just speaking hurt for you. Rias tried to place a hand on your back, but couldn't due to the steam that was emitting from your body.
Placing a hand on your knee, you slowly started to stand up on your feet. Rias backed away to give you some room to move.
You close your eyes and focused on your breathing. Soon the pain in your chest slowly started to fade away. Taking a deep breath the pain was gone as the steam slowly vanish.
Rias: Y/n? Are you okay?
You nodded.
Y/n: I'm fine, just need a minute to get my bearings.
You sniffed the air and thr five scents you caught were getting fainter and fainter, indicating that the people at the school were leaving.
Y/n: The scents, there getting fainter.
Rias: That's what you're worried about?! Y/n, what's going on? Please tell me, this isn't normal. Not even for a Dragon Slayer.
Y/n: I don't know, these chest pains happen at random. And there's nothing I can do about it. From the looks of it, they get worse and worse with each one. This is the third time it happened.
Rias: Third time? It happened again.
You leaned against a wall behind you and crossed your arms.
Y/n: Yeah. Yesterday just after I left Issei's house, it happened again. I barely had the strength to make it back home. This time, I barely have the strength to stay on my feet. Don't want to imagine what the next one will be like.
Rias: Maybe, we ask Asia to take a look at you. Maybe she can find something that needs healing inside your body.
Y/n: Not sure if that'll work, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
You nodded at Rias and walked forward.
Y/n: C'mon, we gotta get to school or we'll be late.
Rias: Alright, but come straight to the ORC after school, got it?
Y/n: Yeah, I got it.
You walked out of the alleyway as Rias followed closely behind you. Both of you made your way to school.
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