《Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun x Male reader insert》[ Season 1 ; Episode 8 ]
"W-well, I think it'd be great if I can pass the time happily with everyone..." Iruma panicked
"That is an ideal." Both Ameri and (M/N) spoke
"What I want to hear is your ambition."She looked at Iruma "Ideals and ambitions are different. What I want to know, is your determination to grasp what you want...your desire."
"I'll ask again, Iruma. What is your "dream"?"
"My ..."dream"..."
Present time
Narrator's POV
"The thing I want to do...?" Iruma stood there. Lost. He doesn't know what he wants... And so he heats up
*pshhhhhh* Imaginary "steam" hisses out Iruma's head
"A-are you alright?!" Ameri panicked
"Reddy-chan is so unfair!!!" Clara sprinted back inside the hallways of the school
"Wait, Valac!!" Asmodeus ran quick to catch up to her
"I'll join in too!!" "Stop it, Valac!!!"
"Connor! Murph!!" Clara called in her two slippers to boost her sprint
"Take this! Slipper kick!" Clara nearly bursted through the doors before
"Wait!! I won't let you touch this door-" Asmodeus blocked the door, only for him to get kicked in the stomach by Connor and Murph...
"Those twins are probably...no. They are! They are definitely doing something important that us underlings do not understand! And I won't let you interrupt them!!" Asmodeus exclaimed
"Move. They are going to play with me!" Clara bickered
"What are you saying, you big head?!"
Meanwhile, inside the room
"Do they think they're not loud enough to be heard" (M/N) sweat dropped as he helped Iruma to sit up straight
"Are you alright?" Ameri asked Iruma
"No...that is..." He tried to speak, "...Until now...all I've been thinking is 'What everyone around me wants to be', and I've never thought about 'what I want to do'..." Iruma confessed
"Make one." Ameri suggested
"Huh?" The twins tilted their heads
"If you do not have one, then all you need to do is make one."
"Hnnn... Hmmm... Gnnn..." Iruma tried to...but needs more time "I can't think of anything" He panicked
"Then how about this..."(M/N) spoke
"?" "?" Iruma and Ameri looked at him
"Raise your rank." (M/N) crossed his arms
"That's right. It is the basic duty of a student to raise their rank. How about aiming for "Bet" (rank 2) first?" Ameri nodded and added
"Raising my rank...-"
*BAAM* a giant wrecking ball broke through the doors
"Who's there!!" The three faced the open walls
"I apologise Iruma-sama, (M/N)-sama" Asmodeus popped out of the dust
"I didn't mean to interrupt, but in a blink of an eye, she...!!"
"Hnn!! Return Iruma-chi!! and (M/N)-chi!!" An angry Clara began to slowly drag Iruma outside
"Re-turn- Them!!" "Ow ow ow ow ow ow!" "Hey! What are you doing to Iruma-sama!" "C-clara let Nii-san go..."
"It seems they haven't heard our conversation..." Ameri sighed in relief
"Then. Let's end it here today." Ameri faced away from the four first years
"Hiss" Clara glared
"Iruma." Ameri called
"If you intend to raise your rank,... I'll wait for the time when you stand next to me."
At nighttime, that day
"Raise my rank..." Iruma stared at his folded uniform
"I'll stand out if I raise my rank..." Iruma sighed
"But we're already human to begin with, can we actually raise our ranks?" (M/N) pondered as he leaned into the comforts of the covers and closed his eyes
Iruma said nothing which made the younger twin open an eye
"Three...Two...-" (M/N) counts as he whispered
*pomph* "Zzzz..." Iruma plops back on the bed and starts to snooze
"There it is..." The younger twin chuckles before yawning
"goodnight. Lights out..." He turns off the night lights before sleeping himself
The twins had a good night's sleep that night
With Asmodeus
"What exactly are those twins thinking?..." Asmodeus grumbled
"It must be something big that I can't wrap my head around it..." He pouts
"Ahhh! I wanna knoww!!" He tosses around on his bed in exasperation "I really want to knoww!!"
Asmodeus had a bad night's sleep that night
In the morning
" *grumble* Those two have been playing with Reddy-chan all the time recently, it's not fair!!" Clara admits to the young blonde mountai- demon. blonde demon.
"What should I do so they can play with me again?..." Clara saddens
"Hey, Sabro~!!" She ruffles his hair
"Thou is only left with "seduction", is that not so?" He asked which caught Clara's attention
"According to the ⌜Manual of the Demon King⌟, Chapter 3, Line 27: 'Take back what has been taken, take it back even if it has not been taken and if it seems like it is about to be taken, worthy demons, seduce and take it back...and secure him as your captive!' " He remembers
"Secure them!" Was the only thing that seeped into Clara's head
"Compulsory... Interaction with Familiars, Astrology, Elective Courses... Torture, Practical Skills, Pharmaceutics etc, etc..." Iruma mumbles the electives that the first years can choose for the year
"Hmm? Lectures, huh?" Asmodeus peeked at the twin's papers, which by chance were the same
"It's a lesson where you sit and listen, right? Sitting is good, and I won't stand out, right" Iruma confessed
"Yes, then I'll choose that too!" Asmodeus smiled as he circled the same as the twins
"Clara, what's that?" (M/N) suddenly asked which caused her to jolt
⌜Succubus-sensei's Seductive Studies ♡ - Girls Only⌟
Was what she chose...
Ehem... A succubus, Raim-sensei. She is a lecturer on seduction. It's an appreciated lesson where her guidance will serve to raise your...⌜エロ⌟... appeal
"You couldn't read...? How pitiful..." Asmodeus worriedly commented
"I can read!" Clara stood on the table angrily
"Are you serious?! What are you scheming?!"
"Schem- *whistles*" Clara stops herself before she could say any more
"*sigh* Just leave her be..." (M/N) audibly sighs
On the day of Lectures
Outside the room, Clara stopped by a room which her new class would be...
⌜Males are prohibited⌟ read the sign by the door. She took a deep breath and went in. Looking around, she saw many other female students, obviously from the sign, there were no males.
Not even a few minutes later, the teacher entered and started to introduce herself
"Hello students, I'm your lecturer for ⌜Seduction Studies⌟, a succubus, Raim" She spoke before winking
"Today's a secret from boys, Let's have a "ufu~m" study for girls, kay~" She leaned onto the teacher's desk
"Firs~tly,... your ⌜エロ⌟ appeal is something that you can nurture." Raim-sensei started off
"Succubi can change into a form to the tastes of that of their partner, but... The important thing is...The technique to make someone swoon-..."
Clara was so determined in class to the point where she was listening attentively
"In an instant~♡"
"Whoaaaaa!!!" All the students in this class were so into it, where-
"Wah! This girl bought ⌜Seductive Vol. 2⌟ here!!" One of the students looked to her side
"Oh~? What about it~" The other giggled
"No~no" Raim-sensei waved her finger, "That's reserved for when you're in upper grades"
"HN!! Objection!!" Someone by the back had spoken, "If the lower levels can have much more practice, then it'll raise their ability!!!" the voice came from a male student...Caim, Kamui...
"A guy!!!!" All the female students shouted in disgust
*SLAM* the door shut behind a tied up Caim-kun...
"I too, have the rights to the freedom of my studies and equality!!" He opposed
Okay~, I'll distribute the textbooks~!" Raim-sensei ignored the student outside
"⌜エロ Appeal Scope⌟" She summoned her ability
Let me explain; ⌜エロ Appeal Scope⌟ is an ability that allows the user to measure someone else's エロ appeal
She went through the class and measured each of the students.
First went, 89%
"Elizabetta, eighty-nine percent~! Wonderful, your textbook would be an "A"~!" She scored
"Oh my!" Elizabetta stood happily
Next demon- ???%
"EHH?!! W-What's this?! I can't believe it!!" Raim-sensei didn't show me the score :((((
⌜Stick to the script >:/⌟ ⌜Okay, okay!! >:((⌟
Next demon, 42%
"This is tricky...er- "B"!" Raim-sensei sweat dropped
"Eh... I even prepared before coming here!" the student cried
Next demon, 63%
"I've polished myself" She proudly sighed
"Oh my, a "B" as well" Raim-sensei scored
Next demon, 51%
"Fifty-one percent...You're on the lower scale, so you're also a "B"! "
"Eh...no way..." Crocell lowered her chin
"Don't worry, the lowest I've had was twenty-one percent!-" Raim-sensei comforted the young demon
"Compared to that-...uh..." She measured the next student in line...which was Clara...
"Huh?!" "two...TWO PERCENT?!!??! Even babies have at least three!! Are you saying she's even more innocent than a baby??!!OH! MY! DEVI! " She was dumbfounded!!
"Sensei~? How much am I~? "100"~?" Clara tilted her head
*thud* A tower of books were placed on Clara's table
"Baby-chan! You'll have this special textbooks! Read it thoroughly, okay?" Raim-sensei told Clara
"Roger!" Clara saluted before starting with the first book. She was so determined...more so than usual...
Under a tree, hidden from the rest of the other students, Clara began to thoroughly read the books given to her by Raim-sensei
She flipped the cover open and scanned the table of contents and started to read, "Step 1; Posing! Your mannerism determines how much you allure. Show your waist, pose your hands in a cute manner, leave little shyness on your face, and..." She mutters the rest
"I see...hm hm" She shuts the book and dashes away
(M/N's) POV
We were walking through the halls of the school, but in a nearby corridor, i can feel something off. Is someone the-
"baa-aam" Clara pops out of said corridor, curving her arms over her head, making a heart shape.
"?" Both Nii-san and I were confused
"Uhm...Is this a new exercise...?" He asked Clara.
"Nii-san..." I looked at him with absolute disbelief
"A failure!!!" She dropped her pose and ran away just as quickly
"What...was that...?" I asked Iruma
"I-i dont know?!" He panicked
"Clara's been working harder in class nowadays..." I held in a small laugh "Does she think I don't know what she's doing?"
"What's wrong, (M/N)?" I quickly faced Iruma
"It's nothing, Nii-sa-" But my words were quickly cut off when Clara pops out of nowhere
...and tackles our arms into hers, squeezing herself in the middle of us.
"TOUCH!!" She smiled oh so widely
"Hm?...You want to swing?" Nii-san asked in total confusion
"Oh I still remember that...Mom and Dad used to sandwich the both of us between them and lift us off the ground a little, and act like a swing..." I frowned slightly at the memory.
I'm guessing Nii-san had the same thought, because when he saw my face, he looked at me with concern. To which i simply shook my head, and he took that as an "I'm fine".
We both faced Clara to see her pouting, she then takes her two hands, palms facing down, and hands them towards us.
"Touch" She smiled happily
Iruma and I looked at each other and looked back at Clara's hands, then each placed a hand under her palms.
"All together - Yoi Yoi!" Iruma sang, while slightly shaking the hand he took
"Yoi Yoi Yoi!! Clara and I sang along while shaking the hand I was holding parallel to Iruma's
"We'll stop here for today!!" Clara then yanks back her hands away from us and sprints away
"haha... what was that...?" Nii-san faced me
"Fuu~ I wonder~" I shrugged and started walking
"?!!" Iruma put a jog on his feet to keep up
"This has been going on for a while now,...Clara..." I sweatdropped the moment we saw Clara wearing something that could be described as a yellow PomPom or... a Piñata...
"Dangling~ Rin~ Rin~~" She sang with pure innocence and glee-
"I take my eyes off you for a few seconds and now you're doing something strange again!!!" Azz-kun grabbed the living piñata and speedwalked away
"Its nice to see them getting along~!" Nii-san sighed happily
Everyone was waiting, chatting and playing around the classroom until...
"What is that offensive smell!!!" "There's a peripheral stimulation in my eyeballs!!!" "It pierces my nose, all the way to my head!!!" "Windows!! OPEN THE WINDOWS!!!"
Absolute Chaos Ensu-MFPHH??
"IRUMA-SAMA, (M/N)-SAMA MUSN'T INHALE SUCH TOXINS!!!" Azz-kun covered our faces with his handkerchiefs...yes...apparently he has two...
"Jeez...This is a bit much..." I mumbled as fixed my hair
*BAM* The door bursted open-
"Five. Makeup!". Clara mumbled as everyone can see the...heavy makeup applied on her face...
"opera make-up?" I put my chin on my hand
"This is the best!!!" Andro-kun held his stomach in pain
"This is catastrophic..." Sabnock-kun sighed
"No,...this may be..." Caim-kun mumbled softly
I sighed audibly and smiled
Narrator's POV
At the end of the day...the plan for seduction did not succeed...
"Seduction...is so tough..." The young green-haired demon sighed as she sadly walked home...
At her home...
"I'm home..." She slowly entered the house and slowly closed the door behind her
"Welcome home, Onee-chan!!" Two similar-looking young demons greets Clara as more other demons do the same
"Welcome!!" But the young girl didn't respond or move from her place
"...?" Her family was confused, normally she'd come home with a wide smile, with the same energy as them regardless of her tiredness from school.
"Ne~NE~!" The youngest siblings climbed up her legs, trying to reach up to Clara
"Onee-chan's an idiot!!!" Her younger brothers taunted and ran for their lives, fearing that she'll take the bait and chase after them
"...?" but when they turned back to her, she was completely unfazed. her youngest siblings have climbed up to her head and started to "kiss her worries away"
how cute...
"Welcome home, Clara" The last kiss was on her forehead...from her mother, was the last straw until sh snapped back to reality
Her eyes widened, her smiled started to appear, and her e-
"BRrrr- I'm restored!!!" She stretched her limbs "HEY HEY HEY!!! KILLER TECHNIQUE! RETURN KISS!!" Clara quickly gave her family the kisses that she received tenfold
The Valac Family quickly get into formation and sing along as they have a joyous supper
"Kiss Kiss Kiss~ The cutest in the world is~
That is Clara~!
Kiss Kiss Kiss~ The handsomest in the world is~
That's Keebow~! Konchie too!
Kiss Kiss Kiss~
Suddenly I'm full of energy!
Kiss Kiss Kiss~ The most mischievous in the world is~
Sin Sin~! Ran Ran~!
Kiss Kiss Kiss~ The prettiest in the world is~
Mommy, of course~~!
Summon the storm~ Summon a miracle~!
Throw the sadness away~!
The most invincible, strongest, perfect, wonderful, in the world is!
That is Kiss~ Kiss~ Kiss~
That is, Kiss~, Kiss~, Kiss~
That is~
K~I~S~S~" The song then comes to an end, and everyone has laid in bed
Clara sits back up, and looks at a plush that sits atop her lap.
"A kiss...that creates miracles..." She mumbles, and smiles with content
(M/N)'s POV
"Almost near our next class... this school's halls are huge..."
"Oh, its Clara" I spoke. Waving to said demon "Huh...?...She looks nervous"
"Morning, Clar-" Nii-san wasn't finished until Clara suddenly posed
"Alright!! Pose!" She put her arms over her head, making the same heart shape as she did last time
"eh?" Nii-san audibly spoke "what're yo-" that is...until conner and murphy started to MOVEE?????
"HUH?!!!" I took a small step back
"TOUCH!!" She took her arms off the pose and stretched it towards us
"Dangling Stuff!! Perfume!!" She wore the Piñata outfit and dumped an entire river of perfume over herself
"MAKEUP!!!" She sprinted faster towards us in an attempt to tackle us
"EH! EH?!!!" Nii-san clearly panicked, so I grabbed both his shoulders and pulled him towards me and-
"BUH!!!!" instead of hitting us...Clara...hit Kalego-sensei...on his stomach I think.....
"uh..." I quickly rushed to the two fallen demons
"Eggie-sensei!" Clara called
"uh oh...wait...why am i surprised that he's mad..."
"-You understand don't you" Sensei glared at Clara
Narrator's POV
In the classroom... numerous lines of the same sentence stacked atop each other on the chalkboard...
"Respect your teachers, and treat your classmates well. A devil for everyone. Everyone for a devil"
"Respect your teachers, and treat your classmates well. A devil for everyone. Everyone for a devil"
"Respect your teachers, and treat your classmates well. A devil for everyone. Everyone for a devil"
"You're not cut out for this...!" Raim-sensei was shaking when she saw the clips taken of Clara trying to 'seduce' the twins.
"Waa!!!" Clara was shooketh, she thought she was doing okay for her first 'mission'
"If you're like this from the beginner level, you won't be able to grow much..." The teacher places her chin on her palm
"Oh my Devil!!" The green-haired student dropped to her knees
"...but, if you want him to fall in love with you no matter what...-" Clara lifts her head to listen to the teacher
The teacher only winks and says "...It's my secret weapon, kay~" Suddenly, a pink cute bottle appears in her hands.
Raim-sensei smiled in pure delight "A Succubus Pheromones Perfume~!"
Clara stood up and stared blankly at the teacher and bottle in front of her
"With this, all the boys will go down if you use it~!- Since you did your best, I'll give it to you for free- Oh?" Raim-sensei was simply cut off with Clara turning around and walking away, only for her to look behind her shoulder to say-
"I don't need it..." And so the green-haired girl left her teacher in slight shock
"hmm" she only hummed in response
"W-where'd she go...?" Iruma started to loose his breath while running
"I don't know" (M/N) spoke calmly, faster than Iruma, (M/N) has more energy and strength to
"W-what's going on...?" Iruma almost tripped on a rock
"Hones- Oh- Over there, Nii-san!" (M/N) Pointed down to see a certain green-haired girl they were looking for
"Clara... Thank goodness we found you..." Iruma spoke...still trying to catch his breath
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"Сaйн сонс, усан толгойт минь. Өчигдөр чирч ирсэн хүүхэн чинь явж ч амжаагүй байхад яаж халтар найзуудаа гэрт авчрахыг бодож байна аа. Би чиний охидыг үсдэж чадах ч хөвгүүдийн зодоон мэдэхгүй тэнэг минь. Би чамд болон өнөөх халтруудад чинь хоол өгөхгүй бас ирж байгаа бол наад өгзгөө чирээд өөр нэг найзынхаа гэр лүү ЗАЙЛ."Хоёр секундын зайтай төрсөн ихэр эгч минь утсыг спикер дээр нь тавьсаныг ч мэдэлгүй хөөрхийлөлтэй найзуудыг минь орилон харааж байхад би найзуудыгаа шоолсоор машинаа грашиндаа тавьж байлаа.Started: 20.05.01Edited: 22.04.11Ended: Credits to Taemu-
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