《Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun x Male reader insert》[ Season 1 ; Episode 7 ]
Narrator's POV
"You! Tell me your name!" She asked Iruma
"I-it's Iruma..." He stuttered
"Iruma...?! So this is the guy who summoned a demon instead of a familiar, who's rank was indeterminable, the one who made a tree that does not exist to appear, and...Bumping into me, to try and make me fall in love with him!!! There's no doubt it, that this guy is...! Definitely...! A HUMAN!!! Her face turned red, as she squished Iruma's face
Present Time
*sigh* "Calm down...I need to calm down! I have to fulfil my duty!...There's going to be an uproar once the fact that humans are roaming in the netherworld." She calmed herself
"I first need to contact Father, the director of the Netherworld Police Department, and transport him, along with his brother, to the appropriate institution!" She thought
"As the student council president, anything that disturbs the order of this school shall be nipped to the bud and burned" She glared directly at Iruma, (M/N) was just there...standing
"Er..." He didn't know what to do, he thought she was having a mental breakdown or something
"As I thought, she must be angry about me bumping into her..." Iruma thought
"Ano-, Excuse me-..."He tried to remove her hands out of his face, but she quickly grabbed his hands
"He almost took the first move!...His actions right now were-" She remembered scenes from the "forbidden book" that she "read" once before
Incidentally...She is unable to read the foreign languages of the human world. Though, her heart flutters just by looking at the pictures.
"As I thought, he's dangerous! I shall keep an eye for his every move!!" She gritted her teeth
"She really is mad at me!!" Iruma looked at her in fear
Since (M/N) was at the sideline, he could not help it but to fine the scene quite amusing. Although he wants to burst out and laugh, he thinks that he should probably laugh later
"Er-" He tried to speak
"Ah...I-i'm sorry!" Iruma managed to choke out and bow...causing Ameri to bow as well as she was holding his arms
"W-what should I do..." They both froze
"...The hell do I do?..." (M/N) just felt like this was some sort of drama show so he decided to stay silent and watch from where he stood. He was just...there (😐)
"In the spur of the moment, I did the same as he did...but what is he doing now...?!He cant be thinking" Her heart raced
"Why is she lowering her head too??" Iruma questioned
As the two were stuck bowing at each other, all three present in the scene hears a small thud, they all turned to what caused the noise.
"?!!" Ameri forgot about the book she hid in her coat
Before she could take it back, Iruma swooped it from the ground.
"Ah...that's..." She stuttered
Iruma flipped through the book a few pages and-
"Oh!...Wah~ How nostalgic! It's ⌜Memory of My First Love⌟!" He remembered
"I love this book!...or rather, I worked as an assistant for it before..." He sighed
"Ah!...In the first volume the both of them met and did this and that..." He mumbled happily
""Memory...of my first love?" I don't really understand...but...he reacted to the forbidden book!" Ameri was confused
"As I thought you are-..." She was cut off by Iruma still rambling about the book
"-The confession under the sakura tree was especially great!" He smiled
"!!" (M/N) placed down the tools he held and rushed towards his brother
"Ahaha...sorry about that...my brother is so silly!" He nervously laughed as he patted (more like smacked) Iruma's back
"You can read it?..." Ameri asked Iruma
"Ah! Well- I" Iruma was cut off with (M/N) squeezing his arm
"He- errr..." (M/N) stopped when he saw Ameri's glowing face
"You.Can. Read. It. Right?!" Her voice was louder than earlier, still wearing a glowing face
"Y-ye-yeah!" Iruma panicked
"Th-then what does this mean?!" She pointed to a page
" I- "I'm the transfer student, Aozora Kakeru." " Iruma read as (M/N) sighed in defeat
"And this?" She flipped to another page
" "Ba-dump"" Iruma replied
" "Flutter flutter"..."
"You two are going with me." She took them by their collars
"T-t-this is bad!" Iruma panicked
"I'm guessing we're found out..." (M/N) softly mumbled under his breath, knowing the demon and his twin didn't hear him
"Hm?" The twins stood frozen
The scene where the Student Council President was sitting on her chair holding a teacup, with (M/N) holding a teapot and gently and carefully filling giving her tea. And Iruma standing in front of her holding a book showing the contents within.
"Err...t-this..." Iruma stuttered
"...it..." The red-haired girl mumbled
"Eh...?" Iruma leaned a bit for him to hear her clearly
"Please read this out for me..." She spoke loud enough for the people in the room to hear
"Read "Memory of My First Love"?" Iruma asked
"Hn!" She nodded with her "ears" (which are actually her hair) twitching in anticipation
"I see...so demons really can't understand the human language" (M/N) thought as he finished pouring out her tea, and went to give his brother some as well
"But..." He looks at Iruma's distressed expression "It seems he knows as well"
"If he/I read, she'll definitely know we're human" (M/N) and Iruma looked at each other in the eyes
"Th-this is only for confirmation! To know whether they are human or not!! It is most definitely not because I am curious of what the forbidden book says at all!!!" Ameri was very good "convincing" herself
"Nii-san..." (M/N) lowly whispers
"Hurry up..!" She lightly scolded
And with that...
"I- "I 'm not gonna make it! I'm late! I'm late!!"
"My name is Hoshino Rin, 16" "
"..."No way! Is this a date!?!"-" As Iruma was reading the book aloud, Ameri cut him off
"Hold on." She sat confused
"What is a "date"?" She asked. (M/N) saw her empty teacup and walked towards her to get it
"Er- ahm!..." As she asked Iruma became flustered and started to panic. (M/N) starts to return to the table to refill her cup
"It is when a couple goes out, like to spend time with each other. A time where they go out or stay in and do romantic stuff... I suppose" (M/N) casually said as he was pouring tea and serving it to Ameri along with some biscuits/cookies and some cake on his other hand
"Oh...!" Ameri lightly blushed and nodded for Iruma to continue
" "I hope you know that I really hate you!" " Iruma read
"What?! Does this woman not root for Rin and Kakeru's romance?!! What kind of demon is this woman?!!!" Ameri stood furiously
"I-it's not like that...! but...I guess you could say that- Anyways, I'll continue the story..." Iruma calmed the infuriated Ameri
The two got caught in the story, and has been hours when they started to read it...While we have (M/N) here, helping Iruma translate some things in simpler form and notifying Opera-san that they'll take some more time...
"...To be continued..." Iruma happily closed the book
He looked up to find the window behind Ameri to be dark "Wait, what?! It's already pitch black outside!!" He panicked and startled the two others in the room
"Whoa... so many missed calls from Oji-chan..." Iruma said as he scrolled through his phone
Ameri stood from her chair and walked to the twins
*pluck* she took Iruma's phone from his hands
*swish* Ameri held out her hand to the other twin
"Oh...here..." (M/N) gave her his phone
*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
"There. I've put my numbers to both your phones. Whenever I call, you must come immediately and do not bring anyone else. Got it!?"
"Ye-yes" "Yes" The twins were given their phones back
"Well then-" She was turning to leave but Iruma wanted to ask
"E-erm... " Iruma bit his tongue
"Your name is...?" (M/N) finished the sentence for him
"...it's... Ameri..." She responded
"M-my name's Iruma, and this is my brother, (M/N). Nice to meet you..." The twins bowed and went out to return home
Few Minutes later the twins stepped out of school grounds and start to head home
"I don't really understood what happened but......it was pretty fun" Iruma smiled as he looked at the shining stars in they sky
"...You do realise that she knows we're human by now, right?" (M/N) looked at his brother with the most blank expression
"E-ehhh!!!" Iruma jumped to the side, looking at his brother
"Y-you!" (M/N) (softly) hit Iruma's bottom with his bag
With Ameri
She stood, staring at the "forbidden" book...
"It's clear to me now... How he summoned a demon as a familiar,...that mysterious tree...How they can understand this forbidden book..." She flipped through the pages
She walks towards the wall of books to her side,
She tilts a book to the side and chants magic to a seal
*rumble* *rumble* The wall splits into two, and reveals a small room filled with more "forbidden" books
With the outstanding amount of time the 3 spent reading book, Ameri-
"As the Student Council President...I have to be careful when it comes to decisions!! It is still far too early to decide!!!" She exclaimed with a blush on her face
"At least, when we're finished with "Memory of My First Love"!!!" She placed the first volume beside the other books on the shelf
Half an hour later
The twins have finished bathing and changing for the night
"Hm?" (M/N) looks at the phones they placed on their bed
"My phone?" Iruma was about to get said phone but (M/N) snatched it first
"(M-M/N)!" Iruma sat on the bed, pouting
"What's this~?" (M/N) teased a bit
"Ooh~ a message from Azz-kun!" (M/N) lightly read the message as the towel on his head dropped onto his shoulders
*plump* (M/N) sat on the edge of their shared bed
"What does it say?" Iruma looked over (M/N)'s shoulder and noticed that his hair was still a little wet. Iruma then took the towel and lightly dry his little brother's hair
"Er- thanks...uh..."(M/N) lightly coughed and started to read
" "It seems that the student council president was searching for you and (M/N)-sama today."
"And I heard that she wants to speak to you"
Is what it says..." (M/N) reads the two texts
"A-are they mad...?" Iruma whined and dropped the towel on (M/N)'s lap
"*sigh...*" (M/N) sighed
In the morning
"Here's your bags" Opera held out two bags to the twins
"Th-thank you!" "Thank you" The twins took them out of Opera's hands
"A-ah! Y-you don't need to bring out t-the carriage!!" Iruma panicked
"...Yes" Opera nodded in response
"*sigh*...Well we'll be of then..." Iruma turned his back and (M/N) followed suit
"...Iruma-sama, (M/N)-sama" Opera called out
"?" The twins faced back to the demon
"...Do you not wish to return to the human world?" Opera suddenly asked
"Eh?...Urhm...No..."Iruma stutters
"Then, do you wish to return?"
"Well...we..."Iruma's voice begins to fade as he contemplates his choice to leave or to stay
"W-we want to go back right???" Iruma faced (M/N) who only shrugged his shoulders with a blank face, crossed his arms and looked into the garden.
"...If you want to return..."Opera took the attention of the twins
"It may be possible to return if you graduate with a high rank...Is what I've heard" Opera walked towards them
"Please do your best. You need to have resolve if you want to stay..." Opera leans to say
"And the chairman will be arriving with the carriage in a moment"
"Okay! We're going now!" Iruma grabbed (M/N)'s arm and started sprinting their way to school
"Have a good day..." Opera waved
"Nii-san...you can stop now" A sleepy (M/N) begged his older brother
"Iruma-sama! (M/N)-sama! Good morning" Asmodeus spotted the twins
"Mornin~!" Clara waved happily
"Azz-kun! Clara!!" Iruma sprinted faster, as (M/N) was dragged through the wind
*pant* *pant*
"Iruma-chi and (M/N)-chi are so early to play tag~!" Clara said as she happily poked the fallen (M/N) on the floor
"Training your bodies without using your wings! It's so amazing, as expected of you two!" Asmodeus stood amazed
"C'mon! Let's go~!" Clara sang as the four students head on to school
(M/N)'s POV
Loud ringing of the school bells shook the school and the soft cheers of students start to rise as they prepare for lunch time. The most notable was that of Clara's
"Lunch time!!!" She raised both hands to the sky
"And~! Climbing to the summit of Mount Sabnock!!" Clara leaned on the back of a sleeping Sabnock-kun
"Iruma-chi! (M/N)-chi!! Come do it too!! Let's climb Sabnock together" she called us
"Ah- No- I-..." Nii-san was lost in his confused thoughts
"Rival" Mount Sabnock started to move
"Do you have the resolve to climb over this mountain that is Sabnock Sabro!!" The mountain pointed towards himself
"Pftt-" i had to stifle my laughter
"m-maybe next time" Nii-san spoke
"I see!"
*plomp* Nii-san rests his chin on the desk
Narrator's POV
*nom* *nom*
The twins sat and ate their food, when suddenly (M/N) spoke
" "If I get a higher rank, I'll stand out more"...Is what you're thinking, isn't it, Nii-san?" (M/N) said after swallowing the food in his mouth
"H-how'd you-" Before Iruma could finish, (M/N) spoke once more
"Because I'm your brother." (M/N) wiped his mouth before drinking his water
"Is that not enough for you? Please, take some from my plate." Asmodeus offered
"Dig in~" Clara sang before shoving bread into the twins' mouths
"T-thank you!" Their muffled words reached Clara
"Iruma-sama, (M/N)-sama, is there something troubling you?" Asmodeus asked
"Please tell me if I could do anything to help-"
*ping* | *ding*
Both the phones of the twins cut the young demon's words
"sorry...excuse us..." (M/N) was quick to read the text and took Iruma out with him
"Thank you for the food" they spoke before taking their trays out with them
"We'll be going out now" Iruma spoke to Asmodeus and Clara
"I-I shall accompany you then" He suggested
"Me too~! Me too~!!" Clara raised her hand
"Sorry, but this is a matter we have to handle on our own." Iruma told down
"Don't worry, we'll be back" (M/N) begrudgingly waved his free hand before leaving with his brother
"Hm! What busy rivals!" Sabnock walked into the scene with his food
"What's up?" Sabnock asked the two
"It's weird! For the past few days, they've been eloping to who knows where! I'm so worried, I can barely sleep at night!!" Asmodeus frustratedly tugged his hair
"I wanna play with the twins!!" Clara pouted
"Then why don't you follow them?" Sabnock casually suggested
"How dare you suggest something with such insolence-"
"That's it!!" Clara cut the young flame-user before he could finish his sentence
"Charge! Charge!!" Clara jogged to where she last saw the twins
"Valac?!" Asmodeus turned to see her leaving
"I'll go too!" He sulked
"Is Azz-Azz lonely?" Clara teased
"No! I am only worried on the twins, so why would I let you see them alone?!"
"Azz-Azz is lonely~" She teased once more
"I said I'm not!!" And the two bickered for the rest of the search
With Ameri
"Then, the application from public morals division shall be rejected" One member spoke
"So, are there any objections to setting the budget to remain as last year, President" another spoke and asked. But she hadn't responded yet
"Yeah, that's fine." She answered
"That's all, dismissed!" Ameri dismissed the meeting and stood
" Erm, President, where are you going?" One member asked
"To patrol..." Ameri calmly spoke
Ameri's Flashback
"What is a "date"?" She asked. (M/N) saw her empty teacup and walked towards her to get it
As she asked Iruma became flustered and started to panic. (M/N) starts to return to the table to refill her cup
"It is when a couple goes out, like to spend time with each other. A time where they go out or stay in and do romantic stuff... I suppose" (M/N) casually said
Back to reality
"It's a date..." She spoke aloud without thought
"..."Date"?" The members stood, confused
"I-It means a very special patrol! Don't follow me!!" She exclaimed and ran out the doors
"Don't follow me!!!" She repeated
With Asmodeus and Clara
"Iruma-chi~" Clara searches the bushes
"(M/N)-chi~" Clara then searches in the trees
Clara pops here and there searching for the twins until
"Where~are~you~!" She pops on the roof of one of the school towers
"Stop it!!" Asmodeus scolded
"We're shadowing them! We are secretly following them!!" Asmodeus informs
"Like a wife looking for evidence of cheating?" Clara grins
"Don't you have a better example?" Asmodeus asked with a blank face
"Anyway...You're too conspicuous. If we continue on like this, we'll never be able to shadow them" He scolded
"I don't want to hear that from Azz-Azz!" Clara angrily pouted as his "fangirls" could be heard from a distance nearby
- In Serial19 Chapters
Be careful what you wish for. Jade has spent her life fighting boredom in the terminally ill ward by surfing the net and envying the ability and energy of others to go out and live. So when she wakes up with a weak, but healthy body in a magical world with blue game-like system notifications filling her vision, she'll have to adapt quickly in order to survive. Thankfully, she has a bit of luck and an ability that will let her reach for the stars. This is Andara, where her adventure finally truly begins. Author's Note: This is my raw, unedited text. In order to comply with my contract, book 1 has been taken down from RR except for the beginning, unedited preview chapters at this point. The edited book 1 is on Amazon! Thanks for your support!
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Reinventing the Struggle
The (sort of) original working title for this was "Reincarnated into a neo-feudal world of mecha knights, I will reinvent the panzerkampfwagen and mess up the social political order!" or something along those lines. And honestly that's a good enough synopsis given the nature of isekai titles. This story is unapologetic trash but at least it's the least cringe stuff I have written so far, so here it goes.
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Beyond The Game (Abandoned)
Kaine sighed as his foe advanced once more, never letting up, barely giving him time to breathe. He pressed forward as well, excited and ready, welcoming the bloodshed that was to come. His short blade, meeting the bestial warrior's bone-made longsword. Their weapons clattering sound into each of their ears when they clashed. Kaine pushed, as did his foe, beginning the contest of strength. A dance which Kaine controlled the steps of. As their eyes met, both of them weary, but Kaine's expression was resolved...maddened almost. Whilst his foe's was fear-struck, the creature was terrified down to its core. As were its comrades which surrounded them, watching, waiting for an opening to have at Kaine themselves. Seeing many...but they faltered, as the dead had seen the same openings before. Their battered, broken and still freshly bleeding bodies laying sprawled about their surroundings. It is just one... One of them thought in shaken disbelief. Just...Just one man but he kills so many...smiling even! Glancing from the dead, and back at Kaine as he slew another. No...this is no man... Was its panicked conclusion. This one's a monster! As Kaine turned to face it, weapon ready and grinning widely throughout his approach.
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"Everything at some point will meet the end. Death, death was a living creature tormented by his past. Death was once a mortal."Arthur, in pursuit of power, to uncover the truth behind his dreams and visions. Map: Link to imgur or it's displayed on chapter 3 Note:*This is my first time writing a novel; feel free to give me tips to improve as I go along. Cover Art: Harvest Moon by dblasphemy- Nima Tamizi
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The Grand Cultivator of Unusual Means Solves a Murder
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Welcome to Global Conflict
Welcome to Global conflict, the game where you may choose to start on the side of light, or darkness. As a beta tester you are one of 2000 who will shape the world for all the players to come. Good luck.from author. man I suck at writing.
8 187