《Primorial Demon》Protective Familiar


Something about the way he said it made me very angry. Someone of the same race that as he said was a very peaceful race attacked him on purpose. Not only that but it was also the fact that he just said he is different that made me ask that.

It made sense to me if he wasn't a pure angel but also part demon. That could be the anomaly that his race hated. Maybe they even refused to tell him what he is. If that was the case than that meant that I needed to protect him even more. A person capable of being that strong and yet this weak needed a protector.

I knew by his previous breakdown that he wasn't invincible. He just showed us one of his weak stages which a demon never showed but then again Iruma was different.

Sulliven: So, you have noticed it.

Me: So, my guess is correct.

Opera: We think so.

Iruma: Huh? What are you all talking about?

Sulliven: Iruma-kun~ We believe that you are only half angel and the other part demon.

Iruma: What? How is that even possible?

Me: Do you know both of your parents?

Iruma: I only meet my mother but I know my father's name.

Me: That would be?

Iruma: Cristelia is my mother's name and Derkila is my fathers.

Robin: Did he just say Derkila?

Iruma: Hm! Something wrong with that?

Momonoki: Who's gonna tell him?

Blushenko: Not me!

Stolas: Me neither.

Dali: Don't look at me like that!

Balam: Nope, I don't think it is my place to tell him!

Sulliven: Iruma-kun~ Do you know the last demon kings name?

Iruma: No.

Me: It's Derkila. Which means that our stupid lost demon king somehow managed to get to the realm of angels and you are his offspring.


Now that I said that things looked a lot different. He was the right heir to the demon king throne. His bloodline and power were proof enough. This meant that we needed to protect him even if he didn't need it that much but I knew it better. He was still a kid and even if he was always cheery the cruel display of what would happen if he was depressed wasn't a good option. This was why I swore to myself to protect him and stay his familiar. I might even form a pact with him that would make me like Opera, a demon serving another demon.

Balam: Did you just insult the late demon king?

Me: Did you just dismiss the fact that he is his kid?

Orias: That is quite the good news.

Me: Sure having demonic creatures that aren't even demons or could be killed by demons is a good new.

Opera: Stop being pessimistic and they meant Iruma-kun!

Me: I know but we can't just dismiss the fact that they destroyed an entire civilization. We could be next.

Iruma: Most likely. These creatures have a hunger for mana. They will consume any magic creatures until there isn't a single one left.

Me: Even better!

Sullivan: We can only prepare and hope for the best.

Iruma: I really hope they won't come to this world.

Me: We will be standing by your side.

Robin: Sure will. This will be one epic fight.

Me: NO! This will be just terrible!

We all were buffed seeing Iruma suddenly jump up and look down. He looked hurt and I knew why. We all knew why. He knew better than anyone else what these creatures looked like or how cruel they were. By what he said the war lasted really long and not only that but it took them everything and they still failed.


I only saw the reminds and if everyone could fight and still ended up like that than there was only one conclusion and that was that the battle was an extreme one. There were no shadow creatures or monsters just ashes and bones from the angels.

His reaction was pretty normal if not for the fact that he collapsed to the ground and started to wrap his arms around his stomach and his nails digging to the side of his torso.

I immediately run towards him but black flames began circling him and he began gasping for air.

His grandpa and Opera immediately reacted but they couldn't do anything like myself but watch. He released his wings and they were more covered in blood but this time there were more feathers on them.

After just 5 minutes the flames went out. Nothing in the room was burned an no one got harmed by them.

I immediately ran towards Iruma but he was already completely passed out and his wings were hidden back in his back.


No response.


Sullivan: *Sigh* I wish I could heal him and end his paint but there is nothing we can do. He is stayed here for the rest of the day.

Opera: Sullivan you need to get back to work. He is in good hands here.

Sullivan: I know.

Opera: If anything goes wrong or you need help inform me.

Robin: I am sure we can handle him!

Balam: Of course.

Me: Just get back already!

They both left the room and I put Iruma back on the couch.

Everything we just learned was quite a shock. First there was this matter with Iruma being basically blood related to the demon king. Then he is a primorial demon and to top that off we will probably need to deal. With an entity that no one knows how to defeat exactly.

That is what I call a great start in the week.

Balam: So what do we do?

Me: Nothing.

Robin: Huh?

Me: There is nothing we can do to help him or even do against what is about to happen.

Balam: I'll still see what there is to find out in the libraries. Maybe there is something written down on how the first demon king managed to defeat them.

Robin: Might as well ask the battra for demon king legends or whatever they call themselves.

Just like that nearly everyone exited the room either for research purposes or to their class.

I on the other hand just decided to take Iruma back home so that he could rest there and with home I meant my home and not Sullivan's.

There was no way I would let that old men handle a primorial demon. Opera might be able to handle Iruma but something told me that he would have a lot to deal with in the future and not only that but I also wanted to protect him since he was still in his wreak state though for some reason his magic starts to increase.

I was sure that he only suppressed his true magical power and mana flow until it powers up and overpowered him. This was just a way for him to deal with all the extra mana he had. After all he didn't use his magic quite for a while and first year students don't have much practical exercise where they use magic.

Me: If I only knew this from the start....

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