《Alpha's Dirty Little Secret (ADLS Series #1)✔》| Chapter 10 |
I was standing in vast forest, surrounded by large graceful trees. The air was cool and the night sky was as beautiful as ever.
I stepped into a clearing. Just above my head rested the star filled sky and the large curved moon. Everything seemed beautiful. Too beautiful I would almost say. Everything seemed to glow tonight. Something resembling a scene from a fairytale movie.
I gripped the bottom of my gown. Its silk material was so delicate to the touch and so comforting against my naked flesh.
"Beautiful." A masculine voice had spoken to me. I turned. The gaze of his green eyes seems to leave me speechless.
"Y-yes it is." I broke our eye contact and turned away before I opted to take notice of his shirtless frame.
"I meant you." I held my breath however I could feel the warmth of his. I glanced over my shoulder. Standing just inches away from me was him.
"O-oh, uh thank you." I felt my hands go clammy and my breath shorten. I stared through the trees, struggling to overcome the weakness of my body.
Hs spun me around to face him. He lifted my head to look into his eyes. Lust swam in the window of his forest green orbs.
"Don't be shy." His arm hooked around my waist and rested on the top of my butt.
"I-I'm not." The words I had tried to cover with confidence had cracked.
He smiled. One of those smiles that informed me that he knew he had won me over. He lifted me off my feet and wrapped my legs around his torso. I clasped my legs around his waist and snaked my arms around his neck. He then kissed me. Such small kisses from him left me stunned and entrapped in blissful trance.
However, I could not allow this to continue.
"N-No stop." I pleaded with him to discontinue this. Despite my growing urge to allow him to take hold of me, I knew this would not be good for me.
I pushed his face away from me. Even if I enjoyed the intense pleasure of his kisses.
"You don't mean that." The sweet touch of his lips against my ear left me feeble in his hold.
I struggled to ease out of his hold but the grip he had on me was strong. He shot me a warning glare before his fingers pressed against my inner thigh to tease my aching clit.
"Do you want me to stop?" He questioned my request once he noticed my growing defeat. Oh no. The flesh of his fingers slipped across my moist nub.
"Um-" The statement I had swimming in my mind was now just a scramble of words. I could barely speak anymore.
Stupid of me to just give in. I will not give in. I will not give in. I will not. I was repeating to myself that I could not do this however my rotating hips and hungry core was disagreeing with my request.
"Alpha." His name left my lips in a helpless whimper. He dug his face into the curve of my neck before he mouthed a few unrecognizable words.
"Beautiful." His words were muffled by the flesh of my neck.
I pressed my throbbing wetness against his exploring fingers. I tilted my head back and relished in this moment. The feeling of small rain drops drizzled down on us, making the moment feel so intense.
"Wake up." His voice had loudened in my ear.
"What?" I questioned him however I never stopped the sexual encounter. I never ceased the very moment. Instead, I continued in my very actions. Grinding and rotating my hips until I was left weak and impotent from the release I have been craving for some time.
Sprinkles from the rain had beaded down the skin of my arm before I was cascaded by the heavy downpour...
"What the fuck!?" I raised myself from the mattress before I cleared my eyes of water.
I looked up. Just inches away from me was the devil himself. Alpha Xavier. He twisted the cap onto his water bottle.
"I said, wake up."
His jaw was tightened and his hand was bald in to a fist by his side. His eyes were a shade darker and his physical posture read discomfort. His troubled behavior left me bewildered yet curious of why he looked so disturbed.
His eyes shifted from my eyes for a moment. I followed them. Protruding through my wet T-shirt were my harden nipples that seem to scream for the attention of his wondering eyes. He looked away before I lifted my blanket to cover myself.
"Really? You wake me with water?" I ran my fingers through the damp strands of my hair.
"You're up."
Stating that I wanted to punch him in the face would be an understatement. I wanted to shove a blade into the base of his neck. No. I wanted to dig my very canines into the flesh of his neck.
I took in a deep breath. I had to calm myself. I had to stop my canines from lengthening to a point which he would see as a threat.
"Get up, you have patrol this morning."
"What?" I moved to slip from bed but the last thing I wanted to do was give him a show. With my swollen nipples and pink Victoria Secret underwear, I decided to stay in bed.
"You.Have.Patrol." He repeated as if I was some sort of fool. "You have twenty minutes to be up and outside."
He turned and exited the door. Not before he shook the windows when he slammed the door close. I leaned against the headboard.
"Ugh fucking dick." I whispered under my breath...
I took my time down the stairs and out the back door. I knew he would not approve of my tardiness but throwing water onto me was a hell of a dick move. I searched the large back yard before I noticed Xavier standing by the tree's entrance with a female close by.
I skipped down the back patio stairs and onto the open plains. I inhaled. The morning air was cool and blissful, leaving me with the feeling of relaxation and comfort.
Who is this?
I sighed as I walked across the moist grass. I took the time to take in the girl's appearance before I approached them. Her glasses were small, just the right size to fit her small yet pretty face however. She had long wavy brunette hair that seems to reach her slimming waist. I could see past the glasses and the shield of her hair to see that she was an attractive girl.
But who the hell is she?
I flagged away the nagging bugs that attacked me from left and right as I approached the pairs of eyes.
"This is Angela." Xavier's introduction seemed too dry and stale.
I gave a sheepish smile in hopes that she was not another one of Jazz's protégés.
"Hello?" I cut through the dense silence Alpha had left behind.
"Hi Amira?" Her voice was sweet and low, almost hidden behind her hair that took shape around her face. I was almost relieved.
"She will show you what you need to know. Territory boarders, restrictions, and other things you may need to know."
With those last words, he turned to leave us. However, not before I looked over the structure of this male specimen the goddess had seemed to form herself. Why did she gift this undeserving monster? Staring way too long, Angela cleared her throat to capture my attention once more.
What the hell was I just doing?
"So, shall we begin?" Angela suggested.
"Uh yes, definitely Angela."
"You can call me Ang if you like." I followed her into the mouth of the trees.
"Okay cool."
Angela had this warmth about her. This feeling that she was a sweet person. Maybe I was just getting a head of myself but she seemed so friendly to me......
Our patrol went by pretty smoothly. Angela had showed me around the area and how far they normally patrolled. The territory was quite large and it was miles before we would enter the territory of another pack.
Angela took the time to introduce me to other members who were on patrol as well. They seemed like pleasant people who had no problem involving me.
We spent the remainder of our time discussing minor things. What we like to do. Favorite foods? Drinks? We talked about anything that would pass agonizing time. Actually realize Angela was a very down to earth girl....
I slipped on my clothing and stepped out of the trees. Angela tossed me a water bottle and took a sip of her own. Our shift was over. Good. It was hot out here.
"How often do you patrol?" I took a huge gulp of the cool water that was placed in a cooler on the patio.
"Probably three times a week. Normally, most members do one since our pack is so large and everyone gets a turn."
"So why three?"
"Passes the time." She explained.
"Yes?" She turned to me.
"What are you doing tonight?" I asked curiously. I hope nothing in particular.
"Well nothing really, I may just hang around the house."
"Well today is my birthday..."
"Oh happy birthday." Her once cheerful smile then dropped to a frown. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Thanks. Not a fan of birthday's honestly. Once you get older, it just becomes the same old thing." I explained. "Well, tonight we are going out to a party by the beach and I was wondering if you would like to come?"
"Well, I don't know." I could see how she hesitated. She didn't seem too thrilled when I stated 'going out'.
"Please? Just to help me celebrate my birthday."
"I will take that as a yes." I toyed. "So do you have an outfit to wear?"
"Yeah. Well, no."
"It's okay, neither do I. But we are going to the mall a little later. Want to join?"
"Great, we will meet in the main entrance at around two?"
I followed her into the back doors before he parted ways toward our rooms.....
I ran my eyeliner pen across the crease of my eye lid. The black streak always compliments my bright brown eyes perfectly. My left hand steady and my eye were focused as I carefully took extreme caution when I handled something like this so close to my eye. It was like a game of operation.
"I like the way you do the-" My hand snapped as a reaction of me being startled. The liner pen trailed off toward my temple.
I looked into the reflection of the bathroom mirror. Her red hair was pulled into a mess ponytail which seem to show off her face more. A face that carried a smile that read amusement.
I growled out. She held her hands up defensively but her smile was still sprawled across her red lipstick polished lips.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"Shut up." I quickly quieted her from making another excuse as to why knocking is not a habit.
I pulled a makeup remover wipe from the package and erased the unwanted trail before I finished up my liner and mascara.
Brittany waited patiently for me to finish as she leaned against my bathroom door frame. I shoved passed her. Not before giving her a glare as a warning.
"Ready?" She stuffed her cellphone into her tight jean pocket.
"I guess." I snatched up my small cluttered purse before we exited the room...
"Ang, glad you decided to join our lovely field trip." Making to the bottom step, I spotted Angela standing by the main door.
"Thanks for um-the invite I guess." Her bright blue eyes shifted from Brittany and me to the marble tile flooring.
I looked at Brittany. Her wide emerald green eyes screamed uncertainty. She looked to me. She shot me a look that begged for answers.
"Shall we ladies?" I cut through the awkward silence.
"Uh, sure." Angela turned to exit the door. I nudged Brittany, urging her to erase the wide eyed look from her face before wleft the home together...
It could be a gift to most women who loved to do it. Then it could be a curse for the ones who hate it. Forever 21, Victoria's Secret, Pink, Bath and Body Works, and many more. I swear I have seen them all this afternoon.
"This is cute." Brittany ruffled through the dress rack before she held up a red mid-thigh strapless dress. I, on the other hand, was searching for the nearest exit. "Would any of you ladies take interest in it?"
"Ang?" I questioned the quiet girl who seemed so lost in the shadows throughout this mall trip. She was searching through the rack that carried long skirts and pants before she glanced up at us.
"Uummm I don't know." Her eyes widened as she analyzed the dress that Brittany held.
"It's cute." I could still see the doubt she had swimming in the pools of her eyes. "Look, you try on the red dress and I will try on a dress and we will walk out together, okay?"
I tussled through the wide variety rack and pulled a black spaghetti strap dress in my size as Brittany handed Angela the exquisite dress....
"Are you two ready yet?" I could hear Brittany's white and black converses tap impatiently against the floor.
"Ang are you ready?" I sucked in my stomach before I forced the zipper to a close.
"Okay ladies, show me what you got." The dressing room doors squeaked as we opened the doors.
"Sexy, sexy, sexy. You both look hot." Brittany clapped her hands as she looked over every detail of our dresses.
I looked to Angela. She tugged at the bottom of the dress to magically add some length as she looked over herself through the different-angle mirrors.
I had to admit, she looked pretty hot in the dress. The shaping dress showed off her many unknown curves and complemented her long legs.
"You are definitely getting that dress Angela and I'm NOT taking no for an answer." Brittany demanded as if she was her mother.
Trust me. If her mother saw this dress, she would definitely disagree with it.
"Sooo you like?" I questioned Angela who seemed to have eased into the idea of the dress the more she complimented her.
"Actually, I do." The far corners of her mouth seem to pull to form a smile.
We disappeared into the dressing room and changed into our attire before we purchased her outfits to finish the remainder of our shopping journey......
"Okay ladies, we should be ready at 10?" Brittany questioned Angela.
"Okay." Angela happily agreed.....
I toyed and twisted a lock of my flat hair. Tonight's event seemed to poison my mind with many thoughts and concerns.
I can't believe I even agreed to it in the first place. This was not me.
I'm not the social person. Actually, sometimes I hate interacting with people most of the time. Somehow, I always found a way to look like a fool. Or someone put me out to be the fool with the pity parties.
I had my share of members giving me pity invites or using me for their advantages as if I was their meal ticket.
After a full mental debate, I decided to attend the mall trip. I guess I was putting my faith into this...again.
I slipped on my tight leg jeans and plain white T-shirt with my Nike sneakers. I snatched up my bag and left my room....
"Ang, glad you decided to join our lovely field trip." Shifting from one foot to the other, I watched as Amira and Brittany enter the main door way.
"Thanks for um-the invite I guess." I could never find a way to make direct eye contact. Damn my self-consciousness.
I glanced up at Brittany once more. I never really got a chance to interact with her despite us living in the same home. As I know of, Brittany is the enthusiastic, lively girl. I was just the ghost who lived in the books that decorated the mini libraries walls.
"Shall we ladies?" Amira insisted.
"Uh, sure."
I shuffled through the dress rack however my mind seemed more interesting in other things. Him.
"This is cute." I heard Brittany's lively voice as it interfered with my thoughts. She held up a dress. "Would any of you ladies take interest in it?"
"Ang?" My presence seems to capture the attention of the two ladies who watched me intensively.
"Uummm I don't know." I swallowed as I looked over the dress.
"It's cute." Amira tried to assure me. Yeah, it was a cute dress. I doubt my body would complement the dress. "Look, you try on the red dress and I will try on a dress and we will walk out together, okay?"
"Sure." I gave in.
Brittany handed me the dress before I disappeared into a vacant dressing room....
"Are you two ready yet?" Brittany's voice screamed agitation as she waited for us.
"Ang are you ready?" I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.
"Okay ladies, show me what you got." Deciding to get it over with, I pulled open the dressing room door.
"Sexy, sexy, sexy. You both look hot." Brittany examined us carefully.
I pulled at the bottom of the dress that seems to be rising on its own.
"You are definitely getting that dress Angela and I'm NOT taking no for an answer." Brittany demanded of me.
I looked into the mirrors and check every angle of myself. I could admit that I did not look horrible on me. It was actually very complimenting.
"Sooo you like?"
"Actually, I do." I smiled. I don't know why but I had this cheesy smile written across my face....
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