《Inside Job (FNAF: SB Rewrite)》Chapter 19 - Mazercise
Freddy and I were back in the familiar security office. The pile of previous tapes were stacked beside the monitor, and Freddy was surprised by the amount there.
"I thought you said you found Chica's and Foxy's tapes. This is much more than two," he said. I shrugged, "There's some diary tapes too, but they're uneventful," I lied. I really didn't want him to see the personal tapes, specifically the brutal one where Michael almost killed himself. I'm not sure how he'd react to it. I just hoped this tape wasn't anything like that one.
I did my usual routine; I turned on the monitor and slid in the VHS tape. The static was cut short with the video beginning to play.
Michael adjusted the camera and then backed away, just like all the others. The animatronic with him was Monty, which I wasn't the least bit surprised about. His color palette was brighter, though that may be due to the lighting, and he didn't wear his signature star glasses. The one thing I did notice were his claws, or lack thereof. When I encountered him in Gator Golf, his sharp claws were something I couldn't help but notice. The poster in parts and service said that his claws were an upgrade, so he must've only gotten them recently. He had instead a pair of black, gloved hands, which looked much safer to be around.
Michael took a breath in and introduced the animatronic. "This is Montgomery Gator, a security animatronic meant to protect both kids and Fazbear property. He's the strongest of the bunch, able to lift just under one ton!"
"Security animatronic?" I repeated, more as to ask Freddy. He nodded. "Yes, he was originally built to be a protector. That changed once the S.T.A.F.F. bots were implemented," he said. A security robot, just like that puppet Freddy told me about this morning. Is that why Monty was concerned for me in the beginning?
"But aren't you all programmed to be good with kids?" I said. Freddy shrugged. "Yes and no," he said. "We all have our different ways of interacting with guests. Children like different personalities, so it gives them choices on who to come to. Monty was more... specific." I supposed that made sense. The way Chica and Roxy watched over me were different. My thoughts and questions about the animatronics sentience came back. Did they choose their personalities, or are they all pre-made? Roxy didn't like hers and she changed herself, but what if she was originally built for something else and they made her go against her programming? Is that why she hates her role so much? Because she was supposed to be something else? I can't bother asking about it now.
Michael sat down on the couch in the center of the garage. "If you could, Monty?" he said. Monty nodded and walked behind the couch. He lifted it with ease, testing his ability to carry heavy weights. Michael wasn't expecting him to pick it up so quickly, and he was close to falling onto his back. "Okay, put me down," Michael said, almost sounding afraid. Monty lightly placed the couch back onto the ground.
Michael stood up and shook his nerves off, continuing his prototype video.
"Monty can go through the correct protocols if he witnesses a child being hurt. I would demonstrate, but uhm, I don't want to traumatize my kid," Michael said, laughing nervously at the end. He doesn't wanna say it, but if I had to guess, he means that if Monty observed a child being abused, he'd probably contact authorities.
"He's able to jump high and take a bird's eye view of the room, and his leaping allows him to reach farther distances faster, so in the off chance someone steals something or there's an emergency, he's able to make it there quickly," Michael said. He was very excited about introducing Monty, and it wasn't really easy to tell why.
He opened the garage door, and Monty turned to look outside. There was a driveway and road, meaning that this was in a residential area. I supposed that was obvious though, considering that his son has walked in during these videos multiple times.
"Okay Monty, show us how far you can leap. Just don't hit my neighbor's house," Michael said. Monty walked out of the garage, and he crouched in preparation to jump, his tail balancing himself as he lowered down. He sprung himself forward and stumbled onto the other side of the road, right in front of the neighbor's yard. Michael wrote some notes on his clipboard and signaled Monty to come back.
As Monty walked back, the sound of the door opening played, and sure enough his kid walked in.
"Hey bud," Michael said, "can you come back later? We're in the middle of shooting the video." His kid was a little older now, he looked about seven or eight. "You said Monty would be here," he said. Monty approached the kid and lifted a gentle fist, and the two exchanged a fist bump. "Awesome," the kid whispered.
"You can play with him later, we've got work to do," Michael said. His kid was balancing left to right, watching as Monty kept eye contact with him as he moved. "Why isn't he saying anything?" he asked.
"I haven't put in a voice box yet. I'm not sure what kind of voice to give him," Michael confessed. The kid laughed, "Make him sound like Godzilla!"
"Won't that be too scary?" Michael said. He grabbed a black box from the desk to the side. I assumed it was an empty voice box, the one that was meant for Monty once his voice was figured out. I thought about Monty's voice now. It was low and gruff, and I guess Godzilla-like wouldn't be a bad way to describe it.
Michael's kid shook his head. "No, it'll be cool. Besides, he's my robot, I should choose his voice," he said. Michael looked at him. "You may have designed him, but I built him, and he belongs to Fazbear Entertainment," he said. I remembered the drawing of the alligator back in Chica's tape. The kid wouldn't have been much older than four when he drew that, but it must've stuck long enough for him to convince Michael to build the robot for him.
His kid pouted. "Yeah, well... I still think he should sound like Godzilla!" Michael groaned, "You've been watching too many old movies." He brought the box over to his kid and crouched down.
"Here, if you can figure out how to implement the voice into the box, I'll use it," he said, handing it over to him. His kid's eyes lit up in excitement. "Okay, sure!" He gleefully took the box from his father's hands and ran out of frame. I could faintly hear him yell, "Hey mom! Guess what?"
Michael stood back up and faced Monty. "Do you think he'll be able to do it?" Monty gave him a thumbs up. Michael chuckled, "I doubt it, but he is very smart. We'll see."
Monty pointed towards the camera, and Michael followed his hand to see where he was pointing. "Oh, shoot, that's still rolling. Thanks, Monty," Michael said. He walked over and turned the camera off. The monitor went back to static and I took out the VHS tape.
I looked up at Freddy and said, "That one was sweet." Even though the animatronic VHS tapes don't really help in my quest, they were still fun to watch and gave some insight on the mechanics and work put into them. "I wonder if your tape is around here somewhere," I said.
Freddy locked eyes with me and said, "I wonder if Bonnie has a tape anywhere."
"But aren't you interested in your own tape?" I asked.
"Yes, but, it'd be nice to see Bonnie like this again," he said, his face shifting from bittersweet memories. I thought for a moment.
Each of these tapes were found in areas that the animatronic is associated with. Chica's was in her corner's kitchen, Monty was in Gator Golf, and though there were two tapes when I found Roxy's, I'm assuming it was the one in Foxy's was in the backrooms of Roxy's Raceway. Sun was quite literally given his tape. Maybe they were all given their tapes and just don't remember? Though, I have no idea if Roxy has a tape or not.
"Does Bonnie have an area? Maybe we could find his tape there," I said.
"There's Bonnie's Bowling Alley," Freddy answered.
"Great, we'll check it out later. First, I wanna go to Mazercise." I wanted to try to get to the top of Gator Golf. Freddy nodded in agreement, and we left the security office together.
Mazercise was on the first floor by Glamrock Gifts and customer service. Like Gator Golf, it had an elevator that required the pass to use. It led up to the area, and the ride up was much shorter than the others. Mazercise itself had a counter for buying upgrades and food. The idea behind Mazercise was to promote exercise while also feeding customers junk food, allowing them to burn off the calories as they ate. Passing by the display cases, I realized how hungry I was, since I didn't get to eat breakfast this morning. While Freddy continued walking through the doors to the maze, I snuck behind the counter and stole a cookie. It's better than nothing, I told myself. I stuffed it in my mouth hoping to finish it before Freddy notices.
He stopped and waited before walking into the maze. I walked up behind him, and he turned around and spotted me chewing. "Gregory, what are you eating?" he asked.
"Nothing," I replied, covering my mouth with my hand so as to not let him see. Still, Freddy isn't an idiot, he probably knows exactly what I'm eating. He sighed. "I wish you would've told me you were hungry. I would've gotten you something," he said. I swallowed the last bite and shrugged. I thought he'd be angry at me for stealing, but I guess I've been stealing food for however long I've been here.
"You said there's a vent that connects to the top of Gator Golf," I said. "Where is it?" Freddy looked around the maze. It was hard to even call it a maze; it was just a bunch of colorful panels put together that formed confusing paths. "It's on that wall but..." he trailed off.
"But what?" I asked.
"There's a panel covering it, and there's no path towards it. We'll have to move the maze around," he said.
"You can do that?"
"There's a control panel that allows you to move the panels. It should be right over here," he said, walking towards one of the doors. He opened it and I peeked inside. Sure enough, there was a button system labeled with letters and arrows with a monitor displaying the maze from a high angle. "Perfect!" I said, walking inside. I tried to click some of the buttons, but nothing happened, other than a noise that sounded like disapproval.
"It's not doing anything," I said.
"That's because you're going to need a Mazercise Control Key," Freddy explained.
"But I have one!" I said, pulling out my card.
Freddy shook his head. "No, that's the Mazercise Pass. It only lets you inside the area. The control key is given to employees, and it grants access to move the maze around."
I groaned in annoyance. "Pass this, key that," I said. I shook it off and turned to him. "Where do I get one?"
"If I recall correctly, the daycare employees in the past kept some in the theater," he said.
"Theater?" I repeated. There's a theater now?
"In the daycare, there's a theater, and beneath that are dressing rooms for when employees would have to dress up for plays," Freddy explained.
"This is the first I'm hearing of this," I said. I remembered seeing a movie-style poster in the daycare, but not a whole damn theater!
Suddenly, we heard the elevator doors open. I couldn't see who it was due to being in the maintenance room, but Freddy can see through walls. "Who is it?" I whispered.
"It's Vanessa," Freddy said. "She's probably looking for me, I'm very late to my repairs."
"Freddy! I heard that," she yelled.
Vanessa reared around the corner and found the two of us by the control panel. I waved awkwardly at her.
"Sorry, Gregory, I need to borrow Freddy from you," she said.
"Uhm, sure," I said. I couldn't really argue. She had been kind enough to risk her job for me, the least I could do is let her try to keep it.
"I'll see you later, superstar," Freddy said. Vanessa took him by the hand. "Two more days," she warned before leaving with Freddy. He waved me goodbye as the two walked onto the elevator's platform.
Two more days until I have to leave. Or I could try to stay here and have Vanessa hunt for me again, but I'd rather be out of here by then as well.
Now that I'm by myself again, I really had to start coming up with a plan. First, find the Mazercise Control Key in the daycare's theater; second, use the maze to enter the vent up to Gator Golf; third, explore the top maintenance area. I wasn't really sure what I was going to do afterwards. I could go to Bonnie's Bowling Alley and look for clues and Bonnie's tape there. I haven't been up there at all. Then, somehow, I'll take down Vanny, and fix Chica and Roxy, all in two days.
Piece of cake.
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