《Tbh X Laff》30. Farmer's lover (3k)



-Extremely fluffy

-A little bit steamy


-Bit of angst

Almost 3k words!


Since his boyfriend left him, everything changed, he didn't feel like eating, sleeping, studying, on some days even living was a problem.

His grades fell and he cut everyone out of his life.

Tbh had always been the perfect son, with his fluffy, curly messy black hair, shinning emerald green eyes and beautifully flushed cheeks.

Smart, educated, patient, the list of the boy's qualities goes on and on. A lot of people wanted him; as their friend, boyfriend, classmate...

Football player, Tbh's eyes had landed onto a football player, a guy with average grades, he was handsome, but hard to deal with.

Memegod was his name and Tbh was head over heels for the other, he'd follow him blindly and do anything the other wanted him too. Sometimes he'd do his homework, other times he'd save him from trouble.

He never expected Meme to leave him. He was heartbroken and devastated, his life had no meaning without love in it, without Meme in it.

His parents became a problem really fast, they worried about their son and his grades, which have fallen off quite a lot. They tried comforting their son, but nothing worked.

His friends tried to help him too, but nothing worked. Tbh stopped going out, stopped all his hobbies, he ate rarely and always stayed in his room crying himself to sleep.

When summer came around Tbh's parents had enough of their son, his father, decided to sent him back to his grandparent's in the countryside.

"Maybe if he had some kind of a job, he wouldn't think of that supid boy so much."

The two of them argued for an hour, but Tbh could do nothing, sooner than he knew it he was on the way to the countryside.

The situation had pressured him to ask his friends for help and advice, but they weren't of any help. He was too much of a coward to run away, arguing already didn't work, being mean to his grandparents would be just an asshole move. He was really stuck now.


The car came to a stop, Tbh's head hitting the car window and waking the boy from his slumber. He ran a hand over his face groaning as he stretched in his seat, he looked out the window watching the beautiful fields and nature.

Tbh was a fan of the countryside, it was peaceful and slow, nature all over creating a calming aura. He exited the car, stretching his arms high in the air and straightening his clothes as his dad picked his bags from the trunk.

A minute after and an older white haired man and woman exited the house, big smiles plastered on their faces. Tbh smiled himself, his grandma approached him pulling him into a tight hug, her short arms wrapping themselves around his waist. Tbh hugged her back.

She pulled away looking up and cradling Tbh's cheek with her boney hand.

"Look how much you've grown, such a handsome young man." she mentioned and Tbh giggled.

His grandfather gave his grandmother a look, one that clearly said "don't embarrass him".

The old lady chuckled giving her husband another look.

"We better get going then," his grandfather interrupted, picking up his suitcase and carrying it into the house. With that the family moved in, Tbh following behind.

"You never know, if he really likes it here we might leave him for longer." His dad said to his grandfather as they chatted.

"Ohh he'll like it here trust me." The older man replied with a small smile. Tbh rolled his eyes huffing quietly.


'Yeah right, that's never gonna happen' he thought to himself as they continued walking up the stairs. When they finally came to the second floor Tbh's grandpa showed him the room he'll be staying in.

The room was beautiful yet simple, it was quite a long room, the bed which was about 4 feet from the door was in the middle of the room, above the bed was a big window displaying one of the most beautiful views of the flowers and fields.

Next to the bed was a small bedside table, there was a big wardrobe leaning on the wall not too far away and a clothing rack right as you enter the door, the wooden floor was covered by a long, patterned rug.

Tbh settled down, unpacking his stuff and getting comfortable in his new home. He'll be only here for a 6 weeks, but that's plenty when you're somewhere you don't really wanna be.

It's 7 in the morning and Tbh walked into the kitchen, yawning and annoyed.

"The damn rooster woke me up." he complained through a yawn.

"Oh dear! You're finally awake, come have breakfast with your granny." his grandma called, Tbh smiled heading over and sitting at the table.

They began to chat about his first night and how

it went so far while sipping hot tea. As Tbh was finishing his breakfast his grandfather walked into the room already fully dressed and sweating.

"Oh the sleeping beauty is finally awake, c'mon get dressed I want you to meet someone." he told Tbh.

"Granddad it's 7 am! You can't possibly expect me to work now." Tbh complains .

"Yes I can and yes i will, now go change into something that isn't jeans or some hoodie." The man insisted crossing his arms and glaring.

Tbh stood up, taking his plate and putting it in the sink before leaving.

Tbh comes down dressed in overalls and a black t-shirt, with a deep sigh he opened the door cautiously stepping outside. A quick glance at his surroundings and he saw his grandfather talking to an unknown man.

His granddad turned to him waving at him to come over, he walked over to the two.

"Tbh, this here is Mayor, the man you're gonna work with during your stay here." his granddad said with a smile.

The man stretched out his hand and Tbh took it shaking it.

"I'm Mayor you can call me Dave."

"Tbh nice to meet you sir." Tbh responded.

Suddenly his grandfather put a hand on his shoulder.

"Alright, I'll let yall work now." he said patting Tbh's back before he walked away and into the house, Tbh looked back at the man who shot him a soft smile.

"You're from the city, yeah?" Tbh nodded carefully and the other smiled wider.

"No worries, my sons will show you what to do!" Dave explained a grin forming on his face, Tbh just nodded along not really paying attention.


It's been a week since Tbh met Dave and today he was about to meet his oldest son. Now, as hard working and fun Dave is, he's not very good-looking, so Tbh expected the same from his son.

Tbh's jaw dropped when he saw the other's son from afar. Tall, well-build, light skin shinning under the sun with a few freckles here and there. His arms were muscular, legs lean.

Gods were the ones to build his face, Tbh can bet on it. Thin but round face with chubby blush kissed cheeks, his lips were pursed and beautifully pink.


He had short hair and a clean shaved face, Tbh wanted to run his finger through that fluffy, full dark brown hair.

Tbh had soon started working with him and Laff, that was the boy's name, was only 2 years older than him (Tbh's 20).

Laff never let Tbh do anything on his own, he always took part in things to make sure Tbh wasn't hurt or anything. It got a bit annoying at times though, especially when Laff would give him these little looks sometimes.

He'd smile everytime Tbh couldn't do anything alone and would immediately help the other.


Tbh woke up, it was 8 am and he hurriedly put on his clothing, not stopping to have breakfast as he ran out the door and towards the barn.

Laff was there already sweaty as he carried heavy stacks of hay into the barn. He stopped once he saw Tbh running the back of his hand over his forehead.

"Hey there, did you sleep well?" Laff asked, but Tbh ignored him insted going to pick up a stack of hay that was surely too heavy for him.

"Don't do that-" Laff started as Tbh still tried to lift the stack, Tbh let out a pained noise as he dropped the stack .

Laff rushed forward catching Tbh in time before he fell down. Laff helped Tbh up, wiping sweat off of his face and brushing off hay from his clothes.

"Are you okay?" Laff whispered softly still holding onto Tbh's hips as he examined the other's face.

"Yeah I'm sorry I'm so weak." Tbh mumbled embarrassed, looking at the ground avoiding eye contact. Slowly the other let go of him placing a hand behind his neck.

"You're not weak, your arms are pretty strong, you just don't lift sonething this heavy everyday. C'mon we can do it together!" Laff finished speaking happily getting back to the job.

What Laff had said was true, Tbh was strong and the boy worked out regularly, it wasn't smart to pick up something that heavy all at once.

Later, during the night Tbh lay awake, still overthinking about everything that had happened. Laff was so understanding and gentle, something his grandfather or Dave really weren't and it made Tbh feel weird.


A week later and Tbh's grandfather send him to Laff's house, he had to drop off some milk and some kind of fabric Tbh wasn't very familiar with.

When he knocked on the door an unknown man answered, he smiled at Tbh brightly and let him into the house. They talked and Tbh delivered the things he needed too, he was Laff's younger brother and he was a really interesting and intelligent person.

After some time the other invited Tbh outside, who, for a moment hesitated before the boy mentioned Laff being outside and doing yard work. Tbh followed after him mesmerised by the huge amount of animals they had.

In a pent not too far away Tbh saw a few horses, he was obsessed with the beautiful beasts and after a few minutes of convincing the other helped Tbh get on a horse.

Happy: Tbh felt happy riding the beast, but he also felt nervous and uneasy as the other man started acting a bit weird.

Soon Tbh had enough and he really wanted to get of the horse as it was becoming uncomfortable riding without a saddle. He asked the other for help, but he just laughed thinking Tbh was joking.

Ashamed the other didn't know what to do.

"Put him down brother! He's only little." Tbh turns his head into the direction of Laff's voice, the man's calling out to his brother, voice deep and demanding.

"Let him get off himself, it ain't a big of a deal." he chimed back and Laff groaned walking close to the animal and petting it's hair before he helped Tbh down.

Tbh gripped at the other's forearms, holding tightly before he whispered a soft. "Thank you."


3 weeks have passed and Tbh had spent every day with Laff. The two of them cleaned up barns, took care of animals, helped the elderly, maintained the gardens and fields.

They'd spent hours on end, talking and cleaning, they got to know each other really well.

Laff was such a great guy, he was funny and understanding, he'd quietly listen to Tbh talk and talk, he always helped the other went he asked or didn't ask for help.

Slowly they got really close together it was the simple gestures like sending each other small glances, smiling around each other constantly, holding hands a tad bit longer than it was needed...

But most importantly of all it was the little moments, when Tbh would wake up from a nap in Laff's room to see a sleepy Laff sitting by the window, watching the sun rise slowly.

They shared their feelings too and both of them understood exactly why the other felt sad, because the sadness was all too familiar.

Sometimes they'd get too tired during the day and would take naps randomly under the trees, in the barn or in the flowery fields, this would always end up with them cuddling.

Be it Laff who buries his face into Tbh's pale neck, Tbh who lays over Laff or Laff wrapping his arms around Tbh and holding him close.

Neither one wanted to admit how much they needed this, it was almost as if they could forget everything else in the world if only they allowed themselves to be vulnerable and love each other for a little while longer.

Tbh was afraid. Afraid that eventually the pain would come and break him and conquer him. But with Laff he somehow felt at ease, he trusted him and to be frank loved him with all of his being.


Tbh and Laff had just finished one of their hardest works yet, the two took showers in Tbh's grandparents house. Tbh invited Laff to stay and sleep over to which the other agreed.

Tbh slammed the door open running towards the bed and jumping on it, Laff entered soon after giggling softly before closing the door. Tbh buried his face into the pillows before turning onto his back and sitting up facing Laff who gave him one of his soft smiles.

Laff looked beautiful like this: moonlight emitting him, pale skin shinning under the natural light, dark eyes glowing with love and admiration and lips curled into that adorable smile of his.

Tbh's mouth was agape as he watched the other for a minute, Laff scratched the back of his neck before he made his way over to the bed and sat on the end of it.

"What are you looking at?" Laff asked leaning towards Tbh, the boy finally broke away from his thoughts blushing lightly.

"I- Laff" he tried to speak, he couldn't hide it anymore tho, he didn't care if he had his heart broken again he just wanted Laff to know how much he loves him.

"I love you Laff...I want to kiss you."

he confessed, staring into those dark brown eyes full of wonder and surprise.

"Me too..." Laff whispered, his face suddenly turned redder than ever.

Tbh quickly nodded before leaning forwards and pressing his lips against Laff's, it was soft and warm, delicate and addictive.

Tbh's arms wrapped themselves around Laff's shoulders, while Laff's found themselves slotted on Tbh's hips.

They continued to kiss each other, Tbh's tongue finally slipping into Laff's mouth and lapping over every nook and crevice it could find.

The kiss turned sloppy in matter of seconds and soon Laff found himself pulling at Tbh's bottom lip teeth dragging it forward as his tongue ran over it coating it in saliva.

With a gasp Tbh parted his lips for Laff, letting him slide his tongue inside and exploring his taste buds . Laff sucked and nibbled at the other's lip until he heard Tbh moan quietly in response.

He pulled away slowly leaving Tbh panting heavily as he stared into Laffs eyes, his lips swollen and slightly red and breathless. Tbh reached forward placing sloppy and wet kisses over Laff's jaw, licking over it before he bit down leaving a mark behind.

Laff moaned lowly at Tbh's actions his hands roaming along Tbh's chest trying to find somewhere he can touch. Tbh pulled away again to give Laff better access, kissing Laff's cheek before he placed soft pecks on his forehead and temple.

Eventually Tbh moved to place kisses on Laff's mouth this time, Laff kissed back eagerly, his hands moving to cup Tbh's cheeks.

Tbh pulled away again, resting his forehead against Laff's.

"I love you Laff." Tbh whispered, Laff smiled and pressed another kiss to Tbh's lips.

"I love you too Tbh." the other responded before kissing him again.


Tbh stayed the whole summer break over at his grandparents, he was heartbroken when he had to go home and cried the whole night before.

He kissed Laff one last time, pouring all his love and admiration in that one kiss.

As the new college year started Tbh was devastated, he could only see his love during the summer and it pained him so hard.

Truns out they had a new student join them, he was from the countryside and was in a need of a partner to help him settle down.

Tbh probably never smiled as wide as the time he saw Laff enter his classroom introducing himself as the new student.


Tbh was and still is so grateful for his boyfriend who fought so hard with his parents to let him attend college, because he's sure they wouldn't be husbands now if that didn't happen.

At the end of the day and after their marriage they moved to the countryside, Tbh working from home and Laff getting to own his own farm, life was great for the two.

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